Capital Projects Updates
UPDATE 1/30/2025:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
San Francisco Dept Pubic Works - Turk Blvd project - courtesy notice
The San Francisco Department of Public Works has advised us that construction is set to start on Turk Blvd in February. The first segment of work will span from Arguello Blvd. to Masonic Ave. However, only two blocks can be worked on at a time. Contractors plan on starting around February 20th. This segment of work is anticipated to reach full completion around mid-August 2025. The scope of work will include grinding (removing) asphalt, concrete base work, bus pad installment, minor sewage repair work and ADA compliant curb ramps. After that, the roadway will be repaved. Traffic patterns for this segment may be affected. The public should be aware that lanes will shift as construction crews work on Turk Blvd.
This is a SF DPW project and not related to any USF projects. Please direct inquiries to the Department of Public Works.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Feb 3-7: No work at the site this week
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Feb 4 Lunar New Year celebration, Privet Plaza, 11:45am-12:45pm
- Feb 6 Men’s Basketball vs St Mary’s, Sobrato Center 6pm. TV truck
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
UPDATE 1/24/2025:
San Francisco Dept Pubic Works - Turk Blvd project - courtesy notice
The San Francisco Department of Public Works has advised us that construction is set to start on Turk Blvd in February. The first segment of work will span from Arguello Blvd. to Masonic Ave, however, only two blocks are permitted to be worked on at a time. Contractors plan on starting around February 20th. This segment of work is anticipated to reach full completion around Mid-August 2025. The scope of work will include grinding (removing) asphalt, concrete base work, bus pad installment, minor sewage repair work and ADA compliant curb ramps. After that, the roadway will be repaved. Traffic patterns for this segment may be affected. The public should be aware that lanes will shift as construction crews work on Turk Blvd.
This is a SF DPW project and not related to any USF projects. Please direct inquiries to the Department of Public Works.
Lower Campus Banners
- Jan 30: Campus contractor will remove vinyl marketing banners from 34 light poles on lower campus, using a truck with a cherry picker. Please use caution when in proximity of the work and follow any signage and worker instructions.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Jan 27-31: No work at the site this week
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
UPDATE 1/17/2025:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Harney Power Shut-off
- Jan 18-19: Harney and Lo Schiavo will close at 3pm Friday Jan 17
- Power to Harney will be shut down Saturday, 1/18 to complete the electrical conduit project underneath the pathway between Gleeson and Harney.
- Harney and Lo Schiavo will close at 3pm Friday Jan 17 to enable tech staff to prepare for the shutoff
- Harney will remained closed until noon Sunday, 1/19.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Jan 20-24: No work at the site this week
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
The Koret Health & Rec Center will observe limited hours for the upcoming winter & holiday break.
- Jan 6-19. Monday-Friday: 7am-7pm; pool closes at 7pm. Sat/Sun: 10am-5pm; pool closes at 4pm
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
UPDATE 1/10/2025:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Jan 10: concrete bench delivery between 10am - 2pm
- Jan 13 - 17: Continue stone installation (some noise when cutting stone pieces)
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Jan 2-17 Intersession classes
- Jan 6 Law school classes start
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
The Koret Health & Rec Center will observe limited hours for the upcoming winter & holiday break.
- Jan 6-19. Monday-Friday: 7am-7pm; pool closes at 7pm. Sat/Sun: 10am-5pm; pool closes at 4pm
UPDATE 1/03/2025:
All dates below are best estimates subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Dogs on campus:
- Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
- Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Continue stone installation around the statue plinth
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Jan 2-17 Intersession classes
- Jan 6 Law school classes start
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
The Koret Health & Rec Center will observe limited hours for the upcoming winter & holiday break.
- Dec 20-Jan 5 Closed for winter repairs and maintenance
- Jan 6-19. Monday-Friday: 7am-7pm; pool closes at 7pm. Sat/Sun: 10am-5pm; pool closes at 4pm
2024 in Review:
UPDATE 12/19/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
- Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
Transformer Cleaning, Lower Campus
For the Campus Community: the following building transformer cleaning
- Dec 23 Monday Toler Hall & McLaren
- Dec 23 Monday CSI
- Dec 27 Friday Kalmanovitz Hall
- Dec 27 Friday Cowell Hall
Power will be turned off at 0500 and restored by 0900
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Dec 20 & 23 - Continue stone installation around statue plinth
- Dec 27 & 30 - Continue stone installation around statue plinth
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Dec 4 Fall classes end
- Dec 6-12 Exam period
- Dec 30 MBB vs Santa Clara Sobrato Center 7pm
- Jan 2-17 Intersession classes
- Jan 6 Law school classes start
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
The Koret Health & Rec Center will observe limited hours for the upcoming winter & holiday break.
- Dec 16-19 Open 7am-7pm. Pool closed.
- Dec 20-Jan 5 Closed for winter repairs and maintenance
- Jan 6-19. Monday-Friday: 7am-7pm; pool closes at 7pm. Sat/Sun: 10am-5pm; pool closes at 4pm
UPDATE 12/13/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
- Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
Transformer Cleaning, Lower Campus
For the Campus Community: the following building transformer cleaning schedule is for Monday, 12/23, and Friday, 12/27. This work will require that the buildings be powered down for a four-hour duration, as listed below. Please remember to power down any computers, office equipment, or any other sensitive electronics in preparation for the building power shutdown.
- Dec 23 Monday Toler Hall & McLaren
- Dec 23 Monday CSI
- Dec 27 Friday Kalmanovitz Hall
- Dec 27 Friday Cowell Hall
Power will be turned off at 0500 and restored by 0900
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- January TBD: remaining stone to be delivered and installed.
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events/Academic Calendar
- Dec 4 Fall classes end
- Dec 6-12 Exam period
- Dec 30 MBB vs Santa Clara Sobrato Center 7pm
- Jan 2-17 Intersession classes
- Jan 6 Law school classes start
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
UPDATE 11/22/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Early December: The concrete bench is to be delivered; the remaining stone is to be delivered and installed.
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events
Academic Calendar
- Dec 4 Fall classes end
- Dec 6-12 Exam period
- Jan 2-17 Intersession classes
- Jan 6 Law school classes start
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
UPDATE 11/12/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Dogs on campus:
Disturbances from off-leash dogs and associated waste have increased recently, especially disrupting the community's quiet enjoyment of Welch Field.
Please keep your pooch leashed and clean up its waste when you visit the campus.
Thru November 15: Electrical conduit replacement
- at Central Walk between Gleeson Library Cogeneration plant and Harney Science Center.
- Walkway pavers to be removed for trench work needed to replace a compromised underground conduit.
- October 28: temporary fencing to be installed. Follow posted signs for rerouting access paths to Harney Science and Gleeson Library entries.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Nov 13-15: finish landscaping and light fixture installation
- Thru 11/18: Stone delivery, concrete bench delivery and installation delivery of remaining stone pavers
- Nov 17 Sisters of the Presentation private ceremony 2:00 -4:00pm
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events
Nov 21 Thursday, Passenger loading zone @ War Memorial Gym (WMG)
Student Life and Athletics sponsoring bus transportation for students to the USF Legacy basketball doubleheader at the Chase Center. Details and exact timing TBD. General plan:
- Staggered departures at WMG passenger zone, 1-2 buses at a time between approximately 3:15pm and 6:15 pm
- Return drop offs at Parker Ave loading zone will be between approximately 9:30-10:30 pm.
- USF Student Life staff will coordinate the departures to ensure quick loading with limited idling time and ensure that students disperse when they return
Academic Calendar
- Dec 4 Fall classes end
- Dec 6-12 Exam period
- Jan 2-17 Intersession classes
- Jan 6 Law school classes start
- Jan 21 Undergrad classes start
UPDATE 11/8/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Thru November 15: Electrical conduit replacement at Central Walk between Gleeson Library Cogeneration plant and Harney Science Center.
- Walkway pavers to be removed for trench work needed to replace a compromised underground conduit.
- October 28: temporary fencing to be installed. Follow posted signs for rerouting access paths to Harney Science and Gleeson Library entries.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Thru Nov 8: Continue painting railings, landscapers, and planting
- Thru 15: Stone delivery and installation. landscapers continue planting and mulching, light fixtures along path to be installed delivery of remaining stone pavers
- Date TBD; light fixture installation
- Nov 17 Sisters of the Presentation private ceremony 2:00 - 3:00pm
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Campus Events
- Nov 9 Saturday Student Pre-Game Tailgate 6-7:30p,
- In parking lot beneath Malloy Basketball Pavilion. Amplified music until 7:30
Nov 21 Thursday, Passenger loading zone @ War Memorial Gym (WMG)
Student Life and Athletics sponsoring bus transportation for students to the USF Legacy basketball doubleheader at the Chase Center. Details and exact timing TBD. General plan:
- Staggered departures at WMG passenger zone, 1-2 buses at a time between approximately 3:15pm and 6:15 pm
- Return drop offs at Parker Ave loading zone will be between approximately 9:30-10:30 pm.
- USF Student Life staff will coordinate the departures to ensure quick loading with limited idling time and ensure that students disperse when they return
UPDATE 11/1/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Thru November 15: Electrical conduit replacement at Central Walk between Gleeson Library Cogeneration plant and Harney Science Center.
- Walkway pavers to be removed for trench work needed to replace a compromised underground conduit.
- October 28: temporary fencing to be installed. Follow posted signs for rerouting access paths to Harney Science and Gleeson Library entries.

School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Nov 1: finish railing installation (some noise drilling into concrete), painting railing
- Nov 4 - 8: Continue painting railings, landscapers planting
- Nov 11 - 15: Stone delivery and installation
- Date TBD; light fixture installation
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
St Ignatius Church
- Project completed
- Watch this video to see the extent of the work:
Campus Events
- October 25th - CAB Fright Night Gleeson Plaza / Welch Field, 7pm - 10pm, Student only event; sound system with music, halloween games
- Music will be turned off promptly at 10pm
October 26th - Admissions Day, Sobrato Gym and Main Campus; 8am - 2pm
- Welcome in Sobrato Gym with breakout sessions throughout campus and a resource fair on Gleeson Plaza / Lawn / Welch Field
UPDATE 10/25/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
October 28 - November 15: Electrical conduit replacement at Central Walk between Gleeson Library Cogeneration plant and Harney Science Center.
- Walkway pavers to be removed for trench work needed to replace a compromised underground conduit.
- October 28: temporary fencing to be installed. Follow posted signs for rerouting access paths to Harney Science and Gleeson Library entries.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Oct 24 -25: landscaping and planting trees
- Oct 28 - Nov1: continue landscaping and planting (minimal noise)
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
St Ignatius Church
- Project completed
- Watch this video to see the extent of the work completed:
Campus Events
- October 25th - CAB Fright Night Gleeson Plaza / Welch Field, 7pm - 10pm, Student only event; sound system with music, halloween games
- Music will be turned off promptly at 10pm
- October 26th - Admissions Day, Sobrato Gym and Main Campus; 8am - 2pm
- Welcome in Sobrato Gym with breakout sessions throughout campus and a resource fair on Gleeson Plaza / Lawn / Welch Field
UPDATE 10/11/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Oct 17-18: soil and baserock deliveries
- Oct 21-25: landscaping crew continues to prep for planting trees (minimal noise)
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
St Ignatius Church
- Project completed
- Watch this video to see the extent of the work completed:
Campus Events
- Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni & Family Weekend
Oct 18 Family Welcome Reception
- Various events: McClaren, Lone Mtn, Koret Lodge 4-8pm
Oct 19
- Silk Speaker Series, St Ignatius Church
- Celebrate USF Food & Music Festival
- Food & Music Festival 1-3pm. Noisy at times
- Reunions (various campus location Lone Mountain & main campus) 3-9pm
Oct 20
- Fun Run - in and around main campus
- Reunions (Lone Mtn & main campus)
October 25th - CAB Fright Night Gleeson Plaza / Welch Field, 7pm - 10pm, Student only event; sound system with music, halloween games
- Music will be turned off promptly at 10pm
October 26th - Admissions Day, Sobrato Gym and Main Campus; 8am - 2pm
- Welcome in Sobrato Gym with breakout sessions throughout campus and a resource fair on Gleeson Plaza / Lawn / Welch Field
UPDATE 10/11/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Oct 10-11: landscaping crew will dig holes to prep for trees
- Oct 14-18: tree delivery and planting (minimal noise)
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
St Ignatius Church
- Project completed
- Watch this video to see the extent of the work completed:
Campus Events
- Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni & Family Weekend
- Oct 17 School of Nursing & Health Professions 70th Anniversary, Main Campus
- Oct 18 Family Welcome Reception
Various events: McClaren, Lone Mtn, Koret Lodge 4-8pm
Oct 19
- Silk Speaker Series, St Ignatius Church
- Celebrate USF Food & Music Festival
- Food & Music Festival 1-3pm. Noisy at times
- Reunions (various campus location Lone Mountain & main campus) 3-9pm
Oct 20
- Fun Run - in and around main campus
- Reunions (Lone Mtn & main campus)
UPDATE 10/05/2024:
All dates below are best estimate subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
School of Education, 2350 Turk
- Oct 7-11 Ongoing paver installation (some noise with minimal stone cutting)
Masonic East, 270 Masonic (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
Fromm Hall Residential Window Replacement
- Project completed
Malloy Hall Exterior Rehab
- Project completed
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym .
- Project completed
St Ignatius Church
- Project completed
Campus Events
Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni & Family Weekend
- Oct 17 School of Nursing & Health Professions 70th Anniversary, Main Campus
- Oct 18 Family Welcome Reception
- Various events: McClaren, Lone Mtn, Koret Lodge 4-8pm
- Oct 19
- Silk Speaker Series, St Ignatius Church
- Celebrate USF Food & Music Festival
- Food & Music Festival 1-3pm. Noisy at time
- Reunions (various campus location Lone Mountain & main campus) 3-9p
- Oct 20
- Fun Run - in and around main campus
- Reunions (Lone Mtn & main campus)
UPDATE 9/27/2024:
- Punch list
- June 12 -Sept 27 Project completed
- Sept 30-Oct 4 Ongoing irrigation installation. Paver delivery October 3; paver installation thereafter.
- Sept 30 - Oct 2 Water proofing complete. Car-stops installation Oct 1. Lot should re-open Oct 2.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Punch list
Campus Events
Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni & Family Weekend
- Oct 17 School of Nursing & Health Professions 70th Anniversary, Main Campus
- Oct 18 Family Welcome Reception
- Various events: McClaren, Lone Mtn, Koret Lodge 4-8pm
- Oct 19
- Silk Speaker Series, St Ignatius Church
- Celebrate USF Food & Music Festival
- Food & Music Festival 1-3pm. Noisy at time
- Reunions (various campus location Lone Mountain & main campus) 3-9p
- Oct 20
- Fun Run - in and around main campus
- Reunions (Lone Mtn & main campus)
UPDATE 9/13/2024:
- Punch list
- June 12 -Sept 27 Resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Surfacing work expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed. Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- Sept 16-20 Ongoing irrigation lines install.
- Sept 16-20 Scaffold installation at School of Ed chimney tower. Intermittent noise 8am-4pm
- Aug 23-Sept 30 Water proofing, upper parking deck. Street level parking deck will remain closed through completion of water proofing.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- St Ignatius Church exterior envelope restoration. This project is managed by St. Ignatius Church. which is independent of the University. Please exercise caution in areas near the Church.
Punch list
- Sept 23-25 PGE overhead work and underground wire pull
- Sept 26-27 Sidewalk repairs
- Sept 24 School of Management Centennial Celebration, Welch Field 11:30 am start. Some noise: music & speakers
- Oct 1 Bruce Mahoney Volleyball Game, Sobrato Center, 5:30pm
- Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni & Family Weekend
- Oct 17 School of Nursing & Health Professions 70th Anniversary, Main Campus
- Oct 18 Family Welcome Reception
- Oct 19
- Silk Speaker Series, Sobrato Center
- Celebrate USF Food & Music Festival
- Reunions (Lone Mountain & main campus)
- Oct 20
- Fun Run - in and around main campus
- Reunions (Lone Mtn & main campus)
UPDATE 9/6/2024:
- Punch list
- June 12 -Sept 27 Resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Surfacing work expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed. Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- Sept 9-16 Ongoing irrigation lines install.
- Scaffold installation at School of Ed chimney tower - dates TBD
- Aug 23-Sept 30 Water proofing, upper parking deck. Street level parking deck will remain closed through completion of water proofing.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Sept 9 PGE installs power pole on Mcallister.
- Sept 10-13 Street trench/patch street
- Sept 23-25 PGE overhead work and underground wire pull
- Sept 26-27 Sidewalk repairs
- Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni & Family Weekend
- Oct 17 School of Nursing & Health Professions 70th Anniversary, Main Campus
- Oct 18 Family Welcome Reception
- Oct 19
- Silk Speaker Series, Sobrato Center
- Celebrate USF Food & Music Festival
- Reunions (Lone Mountain & main campus
- Oct 20
- Fun Run - in and around main campus
- Reunions (Lone Mtn & main campus)
UPDATE 8/30/2024:
- Punch list
- June 12 -Sept 27 Resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Surfacing work expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed. Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
Aug 28-Sept 3 Railing installation. Some concrete drilling, noisy at times.Sept 3-6 Continue installing irrigation lines.
- Aug 23-Sept 30 Water proofing, upper parking deck. Street level parking deck will remain closed through completion of water proofing.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Punch list
- Sept 9 PGE install power pole on Mcallister.
- Sept 23-25 PGE overhead work and underground work
Campus Events
- Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni Weekend
- Oct 19 - Silk Series Lecture
UPDATE 8/23/2024:
- Punch list
- June 12 -Sept 27 Resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Surfacing work expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed. Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- Aug 28 Scaffolding removal, east side: 8:00 - 9:00am on 8/28. Noisy at times.
- Aug 28-29 Railing installation. Some concrete drilling, noisy at times.
- Aug 23-Sept 13 Water proofing, upper parking deck. Street level parking deck will remain closed through completion of water proofing.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Punch list
- Sept 9 PGE install power pole on Mcallister.
- Sept 23-25 PGE overhead work and underground work
Campus Events
- Oct 17-20 Celebrate USF Alumni Weekend
- Oct 19 - Silk Series Lecture
UPDATE 7/19/2024:
- July 24 Harney Science - Wednesday 7/24/24 - 4:30 AM to 6:30 AM
- July 24 Fromm Hall/SI Church - Wednesday 7/24/24 - 5AM to 7AM
- July 25 Hayes Healy - Thursday 7/25/24 - 5AM to 7AM
- July 25 Gillson Hall / Malloy Pavilion - Thursday 7/25/24 - 5AM to 7AM
- Aug 12-16 Turf maintenance & repair. Some parking stalls on south side of Golden Gate near Masonic will be reserved for equipment during this period.
- July 25-26 Desk delivery & install
- July 24-Aug 2 Window shades install
- Exterior painting prep & painting: scheduled completion by July 26
- July 22-26 Scaffold removal
- Faculty and students access to Xarts through the NW loading dock door - 6am and 2:30pm.
- June 12 -Aug 14 Locate and resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing.
- Surfacing work in preparation for painting which is expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed through the end of next week. Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- July 22 - Aug 2: paver install and concrete work for bollard bases; begin stone install
- July 23 delivery, ground cover.
- July 31 anticipated completion for landscaping
- Parking deck; restriping & overlay; concrete repairs. Rescheduled to mid August
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- July 22-23 Fire alarm testing. Noisy at times
- July 29-Aug 2 Remove trailer, specific date TBD
- Sept 9 PGE install power pole on Mcallister.
- Sept 23-25 PGE overhead work and underground work
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- July 10 Goats start on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
- Aug 22 Silk Lecture Series Sobrato Center 6-9pm
UPDATE 7/12/2024:
- Interior work ongoing: to be completed by 7/17
- Exterior painting prep & painting ongoing
- July 22-26 Scaffold removal
- July 29 estimated completion date
- Faculty and students access to Xarts through the NW loading dock door - 6am and 2:30pm.
- June 12 -Aug 14 Locate and resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing.
- Surfacing work in preparation for painting which is expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed through the end of next week.
- Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- July 12 concrete pour (some noise)
- July 15-19 remove form boards, clean site
- July 3 -17: Landscaping install at Golden Gate frontage; tree planting
- July 15 -16 deliveries green surface materials, planters, soils
- July 23 delivery, ground cover.
- July 8-24 Parking deck; restriping & overlay; concrete repairs
- July 31 anticipated completion
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- July 8-19 Replaster & re-stucco exterior planters on Fulton
- July 15-19 Remove perimeter fence except at transformer; that fence will stay in place until PG&E completes its work (Sept)
- July 22-23 Fire alarm testing. Noisy at times
- July 29-Aug 2 Remove trailer, specific date TBD
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- July 10 Goats start on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
- Aug 22 Silk Lecture Series Sobrato Center 6-9pm
UPDATE 7/2/2024:
- Interior work ongoing: caulking, skim coating, painting
- Exterior painting prep & painting: work on south elevation will resume July 1
- July 4-5 No work
- July 29 estimated completion date
- Faculty and students access to Xarts through the NW loading dock door - 6am and 2:30pm.
- June 12 -Aug 14 Locate and resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing.
- June 28 - July 7 surfacing work in preparation for painting which is expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed through the end of next week.
- Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- July 3: grading work. Some noise
- July 4-5 No work
- July 8-12 continue grading work and form rebar in preparation for concrete pour (noisy at times)
- July 12 concrete pour (some noise)
- July 3 -17: Landscaping install at Golden Gate frontage; tree planting
- July 8-24 Parking deck; restriping & overlay; concrete repairs
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Thru July 10 finishing interior and roof work
- June 3-29 Stain glass installation Delivery of portable work space to Plaza on June 29
- July 8-19 Replaster & re-stucco exterior planters on Fulton
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- July 10 Goats start on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 6/14/2024:
- June 28 Window installation to be completed 6/28
- Interior work ongoing: caulking, skim coating, painting
- Exterior painting prep & painting: work on south elevation will resume July 1
- July 4-5 No work
- July 29 estimated completion date
- Faculty and students access to Xarts through the NW loading dock door - 6am and 2:30pm.
- June 12 -Aug 14 Locate and resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing.
- Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- June 28 - July 7 additional surfacing work in preparation for painting which is expected to be dusty. We recommend that windows in the areas of work remain closed through the end of next week..
- June 27 - 28:
- install fountain wall embeds
- finish forms for retaining wall and curb (some noise)
- June 28: concrete pour for fountain walls, retaining wall, and curb (some noise)
- July 1-3: grading and prep for sub slab
- July 4 No work
- July 8-12: continue grading for sub slab and dig footings for screen wall with goal of next concrete pour towards end of the week
- July 1 -17: Landscaping install at Golden Gate frontage
- TBD restriping parking deck
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Thru July 10 finishing interior and roof work
- June 3-29 Stain glass installation Delivery of portable work space to Plaza on June 29
- July 8-19 Replaster & re-stucco exterior planters on Fulton
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- July 10 Goats start on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 6/28/2024:
- June 17 begin painting building exterior, about 2 weeks duration
- Scaffolding install & window demo complete.
- On going window installations. Saturday work as needed.
- Faculty and students access to Xarts through the NW loading dock door - 6am and 2:30pm.
- June 12 -Aug 14 Locate and resolve leaks on south side of Malloy Hall, Fulton frontage. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing.
- Work hours 7:30a to 3:30pm (noisy work starts after 8am)
- The work will be done is three sections, starting from the southwest corner, moving east along the south wall on Fulton. Each section is expected to take about 3 weeks. The workers will start each section by grinding & chipping away the exterior material & draining water bubbles. This work will be noisy, with interior vibrations. The second two weeks per section should be less disruptive as they clean out & replace joints, waterproof and paint the exterior wall.
- June 10-21 Continuing form & rebar work
- June 21 Concrete pour. Will be noisy at times
- TBD: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- May 30-June 21 install flashings, lights at vrs roof locations
- Thru June 28 ongoing interior work
- June 3-28 Stain glass installation
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- June 18 Goats on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 6/7/2024:
- Scaffolding install & millwork demo complete.
- On going window installations. Saturday work as needed.
- Faculty and students access to Xarts through the NW loading dock door - 6am and 2:30pm.
South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- May 28-31: Prep work for fountain installation in back garden area
- June 3-7: Build forms for concrete footings (some noise)
- June 10-14 Continue form work (possible concrete pour later in week, otherwise the following week)
- TBD early - mid June concrete pour
- TBD: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- May 30-June 21 install flashings, lights at vrs roof locations
- Thru June 28 ongoing interior work
- June 3-28 Stain glass installation
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- June 18 Goats on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 5/31/2024:
- Thru June 7- Scaffolding install, window demo.
- Saturday work as needed.
- South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- May 29 power washing begins
- May 28-31: Prep work for fountain installation
- June 3-7: Build forms for concrete footings (some noise)
- TBD early June concrete pour
- TBD: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- June 3 stair tower removal
- May 30-June 21 install flashings, lights at vrs roof locations
- Thru June 14 ongoing interior work
- June 3-28 Stain glass installation
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm: Load-out 1pm -9pm
- June 18 Goats on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10 New Student Move-in Day
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 5/24/2024:
- May 20-31- Scaffolding install. Noisy at times
- move furniture, deliver materiel, abate & demo
No work May 25 &28 - May 28-31: Deliveries for new windows and additional scaffolding at the XArts loading dock
- move furniture, deliver materiel, abate & demo
- South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint. Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- May 29 power washing begins
- May 24 & 28: Complete paving west section of pathway
- May 28-31: Fountain contractor to do minimal excavation and begin fountain installation (some noise)
- June 3-7: Fountain contractor to continue fountain installation (some noise)
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- May 28-31 Scaffold removal at Dome & mid-roof. Detail work at upper roof.
- June 3 stair tower removal
- May 30-June 7 install flashings, lights at vrs roof locations
- June 3-14 Stain glass installation
Campus Events
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm: Load-out 1pm -9pm
- June 18 Goats on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 5/17/2024:
- May 20 project start date, Mon - Sat, 8am start (9am Sat)
- May 20-31- Scaffolding install. Noisy at times
- move furniture, deliver materiel, abate & demo
- No work May 25 &28
- May 21 estimated start, work will continue through most of the summer
- South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint
- Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- May 6-17 ongoing paver install (some noise as trucks deliver sand and gravel)
- Workers will not do loud work on 5/10 and during Finals Week 5/11-16
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- May 23 - crane at NE corner of Church to help remove scaffolding
- Scaffold removal at Dome & mid-roof through 5/23
- May 20-24 install lighting & flashing
- June 3-14 Stain glass installation
Campus Events
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June 18 Goats on Lone Mountain.
- Aug 10-19 Orientation
- Aug 20 Classes begin
UPDATE 5/10/2024:
- May 20 estimated start date
- May 21 estimated start
- South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint
- Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- May 13-17 Finals week. No work will occur at the project site
- May 20-24 ongoing paver install (some noise as trucks deliver sand and gravel)
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- April 22 -29 concrete coring,
- Apr 22 - May 13 planter bed & retaining wall waterproofing
- May 16 - 29 landscaping
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Dome painting extended through May 15
- Roof: re-roof work, by section, through 6/3
- Stain glass restoration through 6/14
Campus Events
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16 Commencement Mass 3p St Ignatius Church
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 5/3/2024:
- May 20 estimated start date
- May 21 estimated start
- South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint
- Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- May 6-17 ongoing paver install (some noise as trucks deliver sand and gravel)
- Workers will not do loud work on 5/10 and during Finals Week 5/11-16
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- April 22 -29 concrete coring,
- Apr 22 - May 13 planter bed & retaining wall waterproofing
- May 16 - 29 landscaping
LoSchiavo Science
- May 20 -24 Date tentative. A large crane will be positioned in the Gleeson Plaza limiting pedestrian travel during work hours in that area as well as the west side of CSI and the CSI building itself. CSI building ventilation will be offline. CSI will be inaccessible during crane lift. Please exercise caution in the area.
- Crane delivery will be via truck from Parker entrance.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Scaffold removal, various frontages through 5/9
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- remove scaffold 4/15 - 4/29
- Painting - various elevations through 4/24
- Install upper roof through 4/26
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 4/26/2024:
- May 20 estimated start date
- South facade (on Fulton): locate and resolve leaks. Paint
- Scaffold install ongoing. Some noise during discovery work
- April 29-May 1 begin paver install (some noise as trucks deliver sand and gravel)
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- April 22 -29 concrete coring,
- Apr 22 - May 13 planter bed & retaining wall waterproofing May 16 - 29 landscaping
LoSchiavo Science
- May 20 -24 Date tentative. A large crane will be positioned in the Gleeson Plaza limiting pedestrian travel during work hours in that area as well as the west side of CSI and the CSI building itself. CSI building ventilation will be offline. CSI will be inaccessible during crane lift. Please exercise caution in the area.
- Crane delivery will be via truck from Parker entrance.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Scaffold removal, various frontages through 5/9
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- remove scaffold 4/15 - 4/29
- Painting - various elevations through 4/24
- Install upper roof through 4/26
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm. Buses will load and unload in front of War Memorial Gym
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 4/19/2024:
- April 15-26 Install electrical conduit and irrigation lines.
- April 29-May 1 begin paver install (some noise as trucks deliver sand and gravel)
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- April 22 -29 concrete coring,
- Apr 22 - May 13 planter bed & retaining wall waterproofing
- May 16 - 29 landscaping
LoSchiavo Science
- May 20 -24 Date tentative. Finalizing schedule for a crane lift to replace ventilation related equipment on the roof of CSI. Once time is set, the plaza area in front of Gleeson and CSI building will be cordoned off. CSI building ventilation will be offline. Access to CSI will be inaccessible during crane lift.
- Crane delivery will be via truck from Parker entrance.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Scaffold removal, various frontages through 5/9
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- remove scaffold 4/15 - 4/29
- Painting - various elevations through 4/24
- Install upper roof through 4/26
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- April 19 Donaroo Campus Concert. Sobrato Center. 4/19 9A -10:30pm: Production Team load-in, soundcheck. Doors open 6:30, Concert 7-9pm, 10:30 Lights off. 4/20: Production team load-out
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 4/15/2024:
- April 15-26 Install electrical conduit and irrigation lines.
- April 29-May 1 begin paver install (some noise as trucks deliver sand and gravel)
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal.
- Apr 22 - May 29: Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage
- April 22 -29 concrete coring,
- Apr 22 - May 13 planter bed & retaining wall waterproofing
- May 16 - 29 landscaping
LoSchiavo Science
- May 20 -24 Date tentative. Finalizing schedule for a crane lift to replace ventilation related equipment on the roof of CSI. Once time is set, the plaza area in front of Gleeson and CSI building will be cordoned off. CSI building ventilation will be offline. Access to CSI will be inaccessible during crane lift.
- Crane delivery will be via truck from Parker entrance.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Scaffold removal, various frontages through 5/9
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- remove scaffold 4/15 - 4/29
- Painting - various elevations through 4/24
- Install upper roof through 4/26
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- April 19 Donaroo Campus Concert. Sobrato Center. 4/19 9A -10:30pm: Production Team load-in, soundcheck. Doors open 6:30, Concert 7-9pm, 10:30 Lights off. 4/20: Production team load-out
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 CommencementsMay 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 4/15/2024:
- April 15-26 Trenching for irrigation and electrical. Begin installing electrical conduit and irrigation lines.
- Date TBD Concrete pour for footings & pedestal
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled for May, Details TBD
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- Scaffold removal, various frontages through 5/9
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- remove scaffold 4/15 - 4/29
- Painting - various elevations through 4/24
- Install upper roof through 4/26
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- April 19 Donaroo Campus Concert. Sobrato Center. 4/19 9A -10:30pm: Production Team load-in, soundcheck. Doors open 6:30, Concert 7-9pm, 10:30 Lights off. 4/20: Production team load-out
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 4/05/2024:
- April 8-12 Landscape work including grading, dirt removal, and drain pipe installation will continue in the outdoor areas behind and adjacent to 2350 Turk and 2340 Turk. 8:30am - 5:00pm. There will be some noise when trucks remove offhaul. No jackhammering or concrete cutting is expected.
- April 15-19 Trenching for irrigation and electrical.
- Concrete pour for footings & pedestal, date TBD
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- April 12 Crane will be placed on Parker frontage between Fulton and McAllister for loading materials onto church roof. Several trucks will deliver materials. Traffic controls will be in place.
- Scaffold removal, various frontages through 5/9
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Painting - various elevations through 4/24
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- April 13-14 Destination USF Campus wide event for students admitted Fall24. Multiple campus locations and events. Buses at various campus drop off zones
- April 19 Donaroo Campus Concert. Sobrato Center. 4/19 9A -10:30pm: Production Team load-in, soundcheck. Doors open 6:30, Concert 7-9pm, 10:30 Lights off. 4/20: Production team load-out
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- May 25 St Ignatius Prep graduation, War Memorial Gym, 10am-12pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 03/29/2024:
- March 25 - April 5 Landscape work including grading, dirt removal, and drain pipe installation will continue in the outdoor areas behind and adjacent to 2350 Turk and 2340 Turk. 8:30am - 5:00pm, no work 3/30-31. There will be some noise when trucks remove offhaul. No jackhammering or concrete cutting is expected.
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- April 1 Crane will be placed on Parker frontage between Fulton and McAllister for loading materials onto church roof. Several trucks will deliver materials. Traffic controls will be in place.
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - Paint Dome through 3/25
- Bell tower - remove scaffold complete
- Painting - north and west sides through 3/29
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- April 19 Donaroo Spring campus concert. Sobrato Center. Details TBD
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- May 9 Last day of Spring semester classes
- May 16-18 Commencements
- May 20 - Aug 9 Summer sessions
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 03/22/2024:
- March 25 - April 5 Landscape work including grading will continue in the outdoor areas behind and adjacent to 2350 Turk and 2340 Turk. 8:30am - 5:00pm.
- No work 3/30-31. There will be some noise when trucks remove offhaul. No jackhammering or concrete cutting is expected.
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- March 25-26 Complete installation of handrails in areas around parking lot and Hayes Healy courtyard.
- Dates for parking lot waterproofing and other improvements have not yet been scheduled.
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - Paint Dome through 3/25
- Bell tower - remove scaffold complete
- Painting - north and west sides through 3/29
- Stain glass restoration through 4/30/24
Campus Events
- March 25 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- April 19 Donaroo Spring campus concert. Sobrato Center. Details TBD
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 03/15/2024:
- March 18 - March 22. Grading work in landscaped area behind building, noisy at times.
- March 19 Concrete demo, jackhammering. Trucks will be onsite to remove debris.
- March 15 & 16: removal of 4 trees in front of Malloy BB Facility site.
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- Installation of handrails in areas around parking lot and Hayes Healy courtyard delayed due to manufacturer schedule.
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.\
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-4/24, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/15/34. Paint Dome through 3/25
- Bell tower - remove scaffold est. through 3/18-3/22
- Painting - north and west sides through 3/29
- Stain glass restoration through 4/1/24
- March 25 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- April 19 Donaroo Spring campus concert. Sobrato Center. Details TBD
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 03/08/2024:
- March 11 - 12 Plumbing contractor will replace plumbing clean outs at the Harney loading dock area. 8am starts. The work will be noisy at times.
- March 15 Lone Mtn Drive, center spur closure for tree removal.
- March 11 - March 20. Landscaping work in the area behind and to the east of 2350 Turk. The work will include the demolition of concrete pathways, the removal of some grass areas, and grading. This work is expected to last about 7 days (8:30am-4:30pm) , not including Saturday and Sunday and so should be completed by Wed March 20. The demolition work will be noisy for the first few days and will involve jackhammering to break up concrete. Trucks will be onsite to remove debris.
- March 8: removal of 4 trees in front of Malloy BB Facility site. Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-3/29, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/15/34
- Bell tower - remove scaffold est. through 3/12
- Painting - north and west sides through 3/29
- Stain glass restoration through 4/1/24
Campus Events
- March 1 - USF campus Post Office substation permanently closed
- March 11-15 Spring Break
- March 25 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- April 19 Donaroo Spring campus concert. Sobrato Center. Details TBD
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 03/01/2024:
- Installation of handrails in areas around parking lot and Hayes Healy courtyard delayed due to manufacturer schedule.
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- The University intends to prepare the building for teaching and research in nursing and life sciences which will maximize the use of the building’s existing labs and interior space. Before interior renovations can begin, a leaky basement underneath the parking lot at the Turk/Masonic corner must be repaired.
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.
- West Spire - scaffold removal 3/4-3/29, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-roof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/15/34
- Bell tower - remove scaffold est. 3/8, subject to weather
- Painting - north and west sides through 3/29
- Stain glass restoration through 4/1/24
Campus Events
- March 1 - USF campus Post Office substation permanently closed
- March 11-15 Spring Break
- March 11-15 Lone Mtn Drive, center spur closure for tree removal; dates TBD
- March 25 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- April 19 Donaroo Spring campus concert. Sobrato Center. Details TBD
- April 26 Admissions Tours, Sobrato Center 9am - 1pm
- June Goats on Lone Mountain. Details TBD
UPDATE 02/26/2024:
- Installation of handrails in areas around parking lot and Hayes Healy courtyard delayed due to manufacturer schedule.
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- Preparing for final inspection
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Jan 29- Feb22 No work scheduled on site
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.
- West Spire - paint dome by 2/22, scaffold removal 3/4-3/29, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/15/34
- Bell tower - remove scaffold est. 3/4.
- Stain glass restoration through 3/11/24
Campus Events
- February 26 Baseball vs Seattle 1pm
- February 29: USF plans to provide bus service for USF students to the USF vs Gonzaga MBB at the Chase Center.
- Buses for students will be staged at the passenger loading zone in front of War Memorial Gym, departures at about 6:15 and 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:15pm. Return buses drop off on Parker, near McAllister. The USF team bus will return to the WMG location at about 11:30-midnight. USF is working to minimize idling & noise.
UPDATE 02/16/2024:
- Preparing for final inspection
- The University intends to prepare the building for teaching and research in nursing and life sciences which will maximize the use of the building’s existing labs and interior space. Before interior renovations can begin, a leaky basement underneath the parking lot at the Turk/Masonic corner must be repaired.
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Jan 29- Feb22 No work scheduled on site
- Week of Feb 19- Concrete pour, north interior of church. One truck and one pump trailer via Parker entrance. Specific date TBD due to weather
- East Spire - scaffold removal of spire complete.
- West Spire - paint dome by 2/22, scaffold removal 3/4-3/29, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/15/34
- Bell tower - remove scaffold est. 3/4.
- Stain glass restoration through 3/11/24
- Presentation Theater refurbishment: project complete
Campus Events
- February 23-25 Baseball vs Nevada: 2/23 2pm; 2/24 1pm; 2/25 12pm
- February 26 Baseball vs Seattle 1pm
- February 29: USF plans to provide bus service for USF students to the USF vs Gonzaga MBB at the Chase Center.
- Buses will be staged at the passenger loading zone in front of WMG, departures at about 6:15 and 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:15 Return buses time and location TBD. USF is developing plans to minimize idling & noise.
UPDATE 02/02/2024:
- Feb 13 Complete water proofing in patio areas (subject to rain delay)
- Feb 14 Complete rebar install
- Feb 15 Concrete pour for HH plaza between Malloy BB Facility and Hayes Healy. 8am start.
- Landscaping at Golden Gate frontage to be scheduled.
- Finishing fencing install below roadway
- Preparing for final inspection
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Jan 29- Feb22 No work scheduled on site
- Feb 13 & 14- debris box delivered at Parker entrance, to place near trailer, remove morning of 2/14
- East Spire - scaffold removal by 2/19, subject to weather.
- West Spire - paint dome by 2/22, scaffold removal 3/4-3/29, subject to weather
- Fulton frontage- painting 1st & 2nd coats
- Mid-rooof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/15/34
- Bell tower - remove scaffold est. 3/4.
- Stain glass restoration through 3/11/24
- Presentation Theater:
- Final inspection to be scheduled.
Campus Events
- February 16 3-7pm Black History Month Cookout, Welch Field
- February 16-17 USF Baseball vs Fairleigh Dickinson 2pm Friday; 10a & 2p Saturday
- February 29: USF plans to provide bus service for USF students to the USF vs Gonzaga MBB at the Chase Center.
- 5 buses will be staged at the passenger loading zone in front of WMG, departures at 6:15 and 6:30pm and returns at 10:15 and 10:30pm. USF is developing plans to minimize idling & noise.
UPDATE 02/02/2024:
- Feb 5 Finish paver installation underneath Malloy BB facility and HH patio area, including delivery of pavers and base rock via Golden Gate entry drive. 8am start
- Feb 13 Complete water proofing in patio areas (subject to rain delay)
- Feb 14 Complete rebar install
- Feb 15 Concrete pour for HH plaza between Malloy BB Facility and Hayes Healy. 8am start.
- Building punch list walk TBD
- Finishing fencing install below roadway
- Preparing for final inspection
- The University intends to prepare the building for teaching and research in nursing and life sciences which will maximize the use of the building’s existing labs and interior space. Before interior renovations can begin, a leaky basement underneath the parking lot at the Turk/Masonic corner must be repaired.
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Jan 29- Feb22 No work scheduled on site
- East Spire - finish coat complete, reinstall glass.
- West Spire - sheet metal restoration complete; finish coat through 2/13, subject to rain delays remove scaffold on west spire through 2/26
- Fulton frontage sheet metal restoration through Feb 9
- Mid-rooof and Dome - sheet metal repair through 3/1/34
- Bell tower - finish coat thru 2/16, remove scaffold est. 2/22
- Feb 6- install new light poles, east side.
- Stain glass restoration through 3/11/24
- Final inspection to be scheduled.
Campus Events
- February 2, 5:30pm Presentation Theater, Goodbye Mr. Chips, A Gordon Getty Opera
- February 6, 7-8pm Silk Series Speaker in Sobrato Center, Clarence B. Jones & Sterling K. Brown
UPDATE 01/26/2024:
- Jan 29 Sawcutting in area underneath Malloy BB facility and HH patio area. 8am start
- Jan 30 Concrete pour for HH plaza between Malloy BB Facility and Hayes Healy. 8am start.
- Jan 31 Light pole installation, sections of the perimeter
- Building punch list walk TBD
- Finishing fencing install below roadway
- Preparing for final inspection
- The University intends to prepare the building for teaching and research in nursing and life sciences which will maximize the use of the building’s existing labs and interior space. Before interior renovations can begin, a leaky basement underneath the parking lot at the Turk/Masonic corner must be repaired.
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Jan 29- Feb22 No work scheduled on site
- Delivery of new lights poles for east side TBD
- Feb 2 - install new light poles, east side.
- West spire: sheet metal restoration complete; Paint 2 coats through 1/30
- Fulton frontage: sheet metal restoration through 2/14/24
- MidRoof and Dome: sheet metal repair through 3/1/24
- Stain glass restoration through 3/11/24
- Final inspection to be scheduled.
Campus Events
- February 6, 7-8pm Silk Series Speaker in Sobrato Center, Clarence B. Jones & Sterling K. Brown
UPDATE 01/19/2024:
- Repair work complete. Fence to be removed by 1/22
- Jan 23. Concrete pour for HH plaza between Malloy BB Facility and Hayes Healy. 8am start.
- Jan 29. Waterproofing patio and ramp areas
- Jan 25: Paving activity in area beneath building.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Finishing fencing install below roadway
- Preparing for final inspection
- The University intends to prepare the building for teaching and research in nursing and life sciences which will maximize the use of the building’s existing labs and interior space. Before interior renovations can begin, a leaky basement underneath the parking lot at the Turk/Masonic corner must be repaired
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Jan 22-29 No work scheduled on site
- Week of Jan 22: delivery of new lights poles for east side. Specific day TBD
- Jan 24-25: debris container delivery, fill, and removal
- Feb 2 - install new light poles, east side.
- West spire: sheet metal restoration thru 1/15/24; Exterior lighting through 1/
12/24 - Fulton frontage: sheet metal restoration through 2/14/24
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
- Final inspection to be scheduled.
- Jan 19-23 - cleaning space
Campus Events
- January 20 - 7pm Men’s BB vs St Mary’s. CBS TV trucks arrive at UC lot about 9am
- January 22 - First day of Spring Semester
- February 6, 7-8pm Silk Series Speaker in Sobrato Center, Clarence B. Jones & Sterling K. Brown
2023 - Year In Review:
UPDATE 12/20/2023:
- Dec 26 6AM to 8AM - Sobrato Gym & University Center
- Dec 27 6AM to 8AM - Gleeson Library & Koret Rec
- 12/22 Update: Concrete work will continue through 12/29, weather permitting. Area fenced off for safety; please heed safety instructions.
- Dec 25, 26, Jan 1: Site closed
- Dec 27 - 29. 8am starts. Demo, layout, and installation of ADA pathways and pavers outside Hayes Healy and Gillson forecourts; removal of retaining wall.
- Demo will involve saw cutting and jack hammering. It will be loud and disruptive.
- No work Dec 25.
- Dec 25, 26, Jan 1: Site closed
- Dec 26 - 29: install fiberglass tubing on north facade. Leveling work beneath building to prepare for pavers may be moderately noisy.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing: install fencing below roadway; preparing for final inspection
- Start dates for the parking lot waterproofing and for the interior renovation work have not yet been scheduled.
- Dec 21-31 No work scheduled on site
- Dec 18 - 23 delivery of light poles for east side, turf removal at light sites, excavation for footings
- Dec 26-29 conduit installation at Welch Field for light poles
- East spire; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: sheet metal restoration thru 1/15/24; Exterior lighting through 1/
12/24 - Fulton frontage: sheet metal restoration through 2/14/24
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
- No work scheduled
Campus Events
- January 2 - Intersession classes begin
- January 18 - Move-In Day, new and returning students
- January 22 - First day of Spring Semester
- February 6, 7-8pm Silk Series Speaker in Sobrato Center
Happy Holidays to all
UPDATE 12/15/2023:
- Dec 20 5AM to 7AM: Kendrick Hall & Zief Library
- Dec 26 6AM to 8AM - Sobrato Gym & University Center
- Dec 27 6AM to 8AM- Gleeson Library & Koret Rec
- Dec 1- Dec 8
- Leak in connection between Harney Science Center and the City storm sewer line at the loading dock driveway (Golden Gate & Chabot).
- 12/15 Update: Backfill complete; inspection complete. Concrete work will begin Thursday 12/21, weather permitting. Area fenced off for safety; please heed safety instructions.
- Dec 18 - 29. 8am starts. Demo, layout, and installation of ADA pathways and pavers outside Hayes Healy and Gillson forecourts; removal of retaining wall.
- Demo will involve saw cutting and jack hammering. It will be loud and disruptive.
- Pausing outdoor work for end of semester & Finals: no work Nov 23-Dec 15 and Dec 25.
- Dec 20-22: Fiberglass tubing delivery and painting. Punchlist
- Dec 26 - 29: install fiberglass tubing on north facade. Leveling work beneath building to prepare for pavers may be moderately noisy.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing: install fencing below roadway; preparing for final inspection
- Dec 18-22 No work scheduled on site
- No work scheduled
- Dec 18 - 23 delivery of light poles for east side, turf removal at light sites, excavation for footings
- East spire; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: sheet metal restoration thru 1/15/24; Exterior lighting through 1/12/24
- Fulton frontage: sheet metal restoration through 2/14/24
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
Campus Events
- December 15 - Mid Year Commencement
- January 2 - Intersession classes begin
- January 18 - Move-In Day, new and returning students
- January 22 - First day of Spring Semester
- February 6, 7-8pm Silk Series Speaker in Sobrato Center
UPDATE 12/08/2023:
- Presentation Theater: Dec 11-13 - Complete lift installation
- Dec 18 - 23 delivery of light poles for east side, turf removal at light sites, excavation for footings
- East spire: prep & paint windows through 11/3; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: window restoration through 11/10; sheet metal restoration to start 10/23-1/15/23
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
Campus Events
- December 15 - Mid Year Commencement
- January 2 - Intersession classes begin
- January 18 - Move-In Day, new and returning students
- January 22 - First day of Spring Semester
UPDATE 12/01/2023:
- Dec 1- Dec 8 USF has found a leak in a pipe drain connection between Harney Science Center and the City stormsewer line at the loading dock driveway (Golden Gate & Chabot). The leak requires immediate repair. Contractors will remove a section of the sidewalk and expose the pipe. The work will require heavy equipment and may also initially involve saw-cutting and jack hammering. Once excavation is complete, quieter repair work will continue through next week.
- 12/1 Update: The excavation work is done for today 12/1. Because of underground utilities near this location, some of the excavation work will require hand digging which will slow things down.
- Nov 13 - 22; Dec 18 - 29. 8am starts. Demo, layout, and installation of ADA pathways and pavers outside Hayes Healy and Gillson forecourts; removal of retaining wall.
- Demo will involve saw cutting and jack hammering. It will be loud and disruptive.
- Pausing outdoor work for end of semester & Finals: no work Nov 23-Dec 15 and Dec 25.
Dec 1 - 11am - 5pm concrete demo at stairs landing near HH garage, needed to complete waterproofing and form new pathway.Completing remaining installation tasks, inspections underway. Installation of outdoor pavers.Dec 18- 22 install fiberglass tubing on north facadeOngoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing: seal joints, minor concrete repairs, install fencing below roadway
- Dec 3-8 No work scheduled on site
- Presentation Theater: Completing lift installation
- Dec 15 No work at site
- East spire: prep & paint windows through 11/3; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: window restoration through 11/10; sheet metal restoration to start 10/23-1/15/23
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
Campus Events
- December 15 - Mid Year Commencement
- January 2 - Intersession classes begin
- January 18 - Move-In Day, new and returning students
- January 22 - First day of Spring Semester
UPDATE 11/17/2023:
- Nov 13 - 22; Dec 18 - 29. 8am starts. Demo, layout, and installation of ADA pathways and pavers outside Hayes Healy and Gillson forecourts; removal of retaining wall.
- Demo will involve saw cutting and jack hammering. It will be loud and disruptive.
- Pausing outdoor work for end of semester/final: no work Nov 23-Dec 15 and Dec 25.
- Completing remaining installation tasks, inspections underway. Installation of outdoor pavers.
- Dec 18- 22 install fiberglass tubing on north facade
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing: seal joints, minor concrete repairs, install fencing below roadway
- Nov 14-21 guardrail work
- Nov 13-17 No work scheduled on site
- 11/17 & 11/20 - 22: install lift (3-5 days; if needed, work will continue 11/27)
- East spire: prep & paint windows through 11/3; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: window restoration through 11/10; sheet metal restoration to start 10/23-1/15/23
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
Campus Events
- December 15 - Mid Year Commencement
UPDATE 11/10/2023:
- Nov 13 - 29. 8am starts. Demo, layout, and installation of ADA pathways and pavers outside Hayes Healy and Gillson forecourts; removal of retaining wall. Demo will involve saw cutting and jack hammering. It will be loud and disruptive. No work on Nov 23 & 24.
- Ongoing: Completing remaining installation tasks, installing graphics, wall pads, inspections underway. Installation of outdoor pavers.
- Nov 13: ADA work on west side of Hayes Healy. Details TBD
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing: seal joints, minor concrete repairs, install fencing below roadway
- Nov 14: demobilize access road
- Nov 14-21 guardrail work
- Nov 13-17 No work scheduled on site
- 11/13 - 14 - install door stops for exit doors
- Mid to late next week - begin lift installation (work will last about 1 week)
- East spire: prep & paint windows through 11/3; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: window restoration through 11/10; sheet metal restoration to start 10/23-1/15/23
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
- Coils in the AC units on the McLaren Complex roof have been replaced. Technicians will return to continue work on minor parts.
- 10/23 8am Technicians will be on site to replace some additional parts for the AC units located on McLaren Complex roof. Student residents living in Toler on the side that faces the McLaren Complex should be aware that technicians will be working on the roof top units.
Campus Events
- Nov 16, 11-1pm Student event, Library Plaza
- December 15 - Mid Year Commencement
UPDATE 11/03/2023:
- Nov 8 11pm San Francisco Water Department completing a city water line replacement which will result in water shutdown in Kendrick Hall. The disruption of water service will last approximately three hours.
- This is a SFWater project and not initiated or managed by USF. This shutdown may affect nearby buildings.
- Ongoing: seal joints, minor concrete repairs, install fencing below roadway
- Nov 14: demobilize access road
- Nov 14-21 guardrail work
- Nov 6-10 No work scheduled on site
- Presentation Theater:
- 11/2 - 3: plaster work by lift
- 11/6 - 8: paint lift area
- Nov 7 - Delivery of new lighting fixtures, Parker Entrance
- Nov 10 - work on interior improvements begins
- East spire: prep & paint windows through 11/3; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: window restoration through 11/10; sheet metal restoration to start 10/23-1/15/23
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting.
- Ongoing: Completing remaining installation tasks, installing graphics, wall pads, inspections underway. Installation of outdoor pavers.
- Nov 3-4 power wash drive aisle between WMG and Malloy BB facility; paint on Saturday.
- Nov 13: ADA work on west side of Hayes Healy. Details TBD
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Coils in the AC units on the McLaren Complex roof have been replaced. Technicians will return to continue work on minor parts.
- 10/23 8am Technicians will be on site to replace some additional parts for the AC units located on McLaren Complex roof. Student residents living in Toler on the side that faces the McLaren Complex should be aware that technicians will be working on the roof top units.
- November 3, 4-6pm USF Rising Mentorship Program at Gleeson Plaza - permit for amplified sound
- December 15 - Mid Year Commencement
UPDATE 10/27/2023:
- The Hayes Healy Garage will be closed for mandated driveway repairs from 8am Monday Oct 30 to 8am Thursday November 2.
- There will be no egress nor entry to the garage during that time.
- All vehicles must be removed from the garage by 8am Monday 10/30. Vehicles remaining in the garage after Monday morning will not be available for use until 8am Thursday.
- Continued shut down road for paving and overlay work, expected completion on Monday Oct 23. The work will be noisy and disruptive at times. Please follow flag person directions and signage.
- Oct 30-Nov 3 No work scheduled on site
- 10/30 - 11/3: dense drywall and plaster work (minimal noise)
- East spire: prep & paint windows through 11/3; sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: window restoration through 11/10; sheet metal restoration to start 10/23-1/15/23
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
- Masonry restoration ongoing through 10/31
- Ongoing: Completing remaining installation tasks, installing graphics, wall pads, inspections underway. Installation of outdoor pavers.
- Oct 30-Nov2 mandatory repair to Hayes Healy garage entry. HH garage will be closed. All vehicles must be removed from Hayes Healy garage by Monday 8am Oct 30
- Oct 31 Remove construction trailer
- Nov 2 Remove stair tower
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Coils in the AC units on the McLaren Complex roof have been replaced. Technicians will return to continue work on minor parts.
- 10/23 8am Technicians will be on site to replace some additional parts for the AC units located on McLaren Complex roof. Student residents living in Toler on the side that faces the McLaren Complex should be aware that technicians will be working on the roof top units.
- Large attendance expected. USF lots will be ’no cite’ and open to guests
- Workshop,seminars and tours for prospective students
- USF Rising Mentorship Program at Gleeson Plaza - permit for amplified sound
UPDATE 10/13/2023:
- Monday Oct 16 Water shut off in LMM and Pac Wing for approximately 4 hours (8am - noon).
- Oct 16 - 17 Plumbing repair and pipe replacement in ROTC spaces, LMM
- Oct 6 -20. Shut down west half of viaduct for road overlay work. The work will be noisy and disruptive at times.
- Once the west section is complete, the work will move to the eastern section. Final stage will be to install overlay layer to roadway surface. Please follow flag person directions and signage.
- Please do not park on the Viaduct between the Parker entrance and the Anza St exit during this period. Such vehicles will be subject to towing.
- Oct 15 -17: Installation postponed. Date TBD
- Before interior renovations can begin, a leaky basement underneath the parking lot at the Turk/Masonic corner must be repaired. Work has yet to be scheduled.
- Oct 16-20 No work scheduled on site
- 10/13 & 10/16: removal of scaffolding from stage (some noise)
- 10/13: install steel by lift (minimal noise)
- 10/16 - 20: framing by lift (some noise)
- 10/17 - 20: remove exterior scaffolding (some noise)
- 10/18: begin refinishing stage
- East spire: sheet metal restoration through 12/23
- West spire: sheet metal restoration to start 10/16, duration TBD
- MidRoof and Dome: prepping sheet metal and windows for painting
- Masonry restoration ongoing through 10/31
- Oct 14-16 Driveway btw Malloy BB facility and WMG closed until Oct 16 pm; sidewalk will be open to pedestrians Oct 16 am
- Ongoing: Flooring installation in lobbies, ongoing plastering, panel work on building’s south side (will be noisy during work hours at times), installation of outdoor pavers.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Coils in the AC units on the McLaren Complex roof have been replaced. Technicians will return to continue work on minor parts.
- Student residents living in Toler on the side that faces the McLaren Complex should be aware that technicians will be working on the roof top units.
Campus Events
- October 14. Student Leadership Conference at Koret. Parker btw Fulton and Golden Gate blocked off for buses.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
- Oct 20, Welch Field outdoor concert 12-3pm
- Oct 21 Silk Speaker Series at War Memorial Gym 11am - 12 pm
UPDATE 10/06/2023:
- Oct 6 -20. Shut down west half of viaduct for road overlay work. The work will be noisy and disruptive at times.
- Once the west section is complete, the work will move to the eastern section. Final stage will be to install overlay layer to roadway surface. Please follow flag person directions and signage.
- Please do not park on the Viaduct between the Parker entrance and the Anza St exit during this period. Such vehicles will be subject to towing.
- Oct 15 Sunday: Crane delivery and placement
- Oct 16 -17: Installation
- Oct 9-11 Engineering will be replace coils in the AC units on the McLaren Complex roof starting 8AM Monday 10/9/2023 through 10/11/2023. The coils will be delivered via truck at the Fulton St loading dock behind McLaren.
- Student residents living in Toler on the side that faces the McLaren Complex should be aware that technicians will be working on the roof top units.
- 10/9 - Geotech work on site (minimal noise, start time 9:00am)
- 10/6: Demo exterior roof ladder
- 10/9 - 13: scaffolding removal from stage (some noise)
- 10/9: Install new exterior roof ladder (some noise)
- Located on outer south wall of theater loft
- 10/13: Steel installation for lift
- Through 9/29 -Ground level: strip west elevation, masonry restoration.
- MidRoof & Dome - sheet metal restoration, masonry
restoration - 10/2-17 Install east balustrades
- Thru Feb 2024 - stain glass restoration
- Oct 9-13 Flooring installation in lobbies, ongoing plastering, panel work on building’s south side (will be noisy at times).
- Oct 11-13 Driveway between WMG and Malloy BB: Oct 11: demo and saw cut existing drive (noisy work), Oct 12: install forms; Oct 13: concrete pour.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
Campus Events
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 9/15/2023:
- Oct 2 -4. Shut down west half of viaduct for road overlay work. The work will be noisy and disruptive at times. Once the west section is complete, it will be opened and the work will move to the eastern section.
- Oct 9-12 tentative: install overlay layer to roadway surface, partial road closures
- Complete; minor cleanup work through 9/29.
- 9/26: boring 1 hole in parking lot (some noise)
- 9/25 - 26: finish painting loft above stage; install emergency exit door; install handrails by emergency exit doors
- 9/27 - 29: install stage lights
- Through 9/29 -Ground level: strip west elevation, masonry restoration.
- MidRoof & Dome - sheet metal restoration, masonry restoration
- 10/2-17 Install east balustrades
- Thru Feb 2024 - stain glass restoration
- Sept 22 Complete/ close up street utility tie-in work near driveway between WMGym and Malloy site
- Sept 26-29 Installation of new driveway path at drive between WMG & Malloy BB site.
- Sept 5-26 Installation of new walkway and stairs between Malloy Pavilion and Gillson. Will involve concrete demo which will be loud at times. Please follow directions and signage.
- Ongoing - Removal of scaffolding, interior glazing, paint, hardware install, elevator, railings, exterior plastering etc.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
Campus Events
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 9/15/2023:
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
University Community, please note:
- The garage will close end of the business day on Tuesday Sept 12.
- The garage will reopen in the morning on Tuesday Sept 19.
Ulrich Baseball Field
Lone Mountain Main & Lone Mountain North
Masonic East (formerly the Blood Bank)
School of Education Projects, 2350 Turk
- 9/15 & 9/18: set up scaffolding on stage
- 9/16 - 17: cut concrete on east side of stage (classes and seminars have been notified/relocated)
- 9/18 - 22: paint loft, paint smoke hatches, install stage lights
St Ignatius Church
- Through 9/22 -Ground level: strip west elevation, masonry restoration.
- Through 9/15 - East and West Spires: continue stripping paint, masonry restoration, repair balustrades
- Sept 18: work on interior to start; electrical infrastructure
- Thru Feb 2024 - stain glass restoration
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Sept 8 - 15 Street Utility Tie-in Work near driveway between WMGym and Malloy site Work will take place during normal hours 8am-3:30pm (not Saturday).There will be some saw cutting at beginning of work, then they will move on to the utility install. Flaggers in the street to assist with traffic. On off-hours, trench plates will be placed over work area per SFDPW requirements.
- Sept 5-26 Installation of new walkway and stairs between Malloy Pavilion and Gillson. Will involve concrete demo which will be loud at times. Please follow directions and signage.
- Sept 12-19 Rebuild the sidewalk and driveway in front of the Malloy worksite. The garage driveway entrance so the driveway will be closed 9/6-11 After that they will pour the sidewalk to the west and will mark a path allow for ped traffic. The HH garage will be closed during this time.
- Ongoing - Removal of scaffolding, interior glazing, paint, hardware install, elevator, railings, etc.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
Campus Events
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 9/1/2023:
University Community, please note:
The lower floor at Hayes Healy Parking lot is locked at 3pm. Please do not park on the lower level. Please obey signage.
Masonic East (formerly the Blood Bank)
- Sept 4 job site closed
School of Education Projects, 2350 Turk
- Sept 4 job site closed
- Sept 7-8: Install emergency exit door
St Ignatius Church
- Sept 4 job site closed
- Through 9/8 -Ground level: strip north elevation, masonry restoration.
- Through 9/15 - East and West Spires: continue stripping paint, masonry restoration, repair balustrades
- Sept 18: work on interior to start; electrical infrastructure
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Sept 4 job site closed]
- Sept 5-26 Installation of new walkway and stairs between Malloy Pavilion and Gillson. Will involve concrete demo which will be loud at times. Please follow directions and signage.
- Sept 6-11 Rebuild the sidewalk and driveway in front of the Malloy worksite. The garage driveway entrance so the driveway will be closed 9/6-11 After that they will pour the sidewalk to the west and will mark a path allow for ped traffic.
- Ongoing - Removal of scaffolding, interior glazing, paint, hardware install, elevator, railings, etc.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community except for the lower level which is reserved for construction vehicles and materiel. The lower Hayes Healy lot is locked at 3pm. Please do not park on the lower level. Please obey signage.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Campus Events
September 12, 7:30pm - Bruce Mahoney Volleyball Game, War Memorial Gym, Sacred Hearth Prep
October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 8/14/2023:
- 8/18 - 8/25 repair and paint handrails at west entrance
- 8/14 - 18: install seat cushions
- 8/14 - 15: demo exterior roof ladder
- Crane pick (4 hrs) sometime in the next 10 days; back of SOE parking lot will be closed off during that time
School of Education:
- Cutover pushed to Christmas break; no more work will be done until then
St Ignatius Church
- Ongoing work on masonry, paint, window restoration, etc
- Through 9/15 - West Spire, continue stripping paint.
- Through 8/11 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, masonry restoration.
- Flooring Delivery
- Interior work ongoing - glazing, paint, hardware install, elevator, railings, etc.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community except for the lower level which is reserved for construction vehicles and materiel.
- The lower Hayes Healy lot is locked at 3pm. Please do not park on the lower level. Please obey signage.
Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- From Aug 21: Closure of small sections of the Viaduct, progressively section by section, to repair and fill road surface cracks. Starting at Parker entrance, ending at Loyola Village. Each of the six sections will take about a week. When a section is undergoing repair, traffic will be limited to one lane. Please follow flag person directions and signage.
- Move-In Day August 19 Lone Mountain Residence halls and Loyola Village; approx 9am-4pm
- August 12 - 21 Student Orientation. Various events on campus.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 8/14/2023:
School of Education Projects, 2350 Turk
Presentation Theater:8/14 - 18: install seat cushions8/14 - 15: demo exterior roof ladderCrane pick (4 hrs) sometime in the next 10 days; back of SOE parking lot will be closed off during that timeSchool of Education:Cutover pushed to Christmas break; no more work will be done until then
St Ignatius Church
St Ignatius Church exterior envelope restoration project.
Scaffolding will be erected around the perimeter of the building. Vehicles and equipment will access the site from Parker Ave, near McAllister. This project is managed by St. Ignatius Church. which is independent of the University. Please exercise caution in areas near the Church.
- Ongoing work on masonry, paint, window restoration, etc
- Through 9/15 - West Spire, continue stripping paint.
- Through 8/11 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, masonry restoration.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Interior work ongoing - glazing, paint, hardware install, elevator, railings, etc.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community except for the lower level which is reserved for construction vehicles and materiel.
- The lower Hayes Healy lot is locked at 3pm. Please do not park on the lower level. Please obey signage.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Pacific Wing, Lone Mountain Main
- Move-In Day August 19 Lone Mountain Residence halls and Loyola Village
- August 12 - 21 Student Orientation. Various events on campus.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 8/4/2023:
Pacific Wing, Lone Mountain Main
Refresh & upgrade dorm rooms in Pacific Wing through Aug 14.
- Ongoing, plumbing upgrades, paint dorm rooms and clean carpets on 2nd & 3rd floor, carpet hallway on 3rd floor.
School of Education Projects, 2350 Turk
- Final cutover work will occur over Christmas break; no more work will occur until then.
Presentation Theater
- 8/7-11: cut concrete, chip beam, building temporary support wall beneath stage, install cushions for seats (work will be louder all week)
St Ignatius Church
- Ongoing work on masonry, paint, window restoration, etc
- Through 9/15 - West Spire, continue stripping paint.
- Through 8/11 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, masonry restoration.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
Gillson Hall Power Shut Down August 11, 7-9am
- Monday 8/7: Crane pick for air handlers - secure crane placement & fencing, crane moves materiel, crane removal, fence removal
- Interior work ongoing - glazing, paint, hardware install, elevator, railings, etc.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community except for the lower level which is reserved for construction vehicles and materiel.
- The lower lot is locked at 3pm. Please do not park on the lower level. Please obey signage.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Viaduct Closure: Monday Aug 7 at 7am through Friday Aug 11 at 7am, 24 hours/day.
- There will be no through traffic from Parker to Anza nor access to Lone Mtn North.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Campus Events
- Move-In Days August 12-13 Residence hall Upper & Lower campus, all dorms.
- The Loyola Terrace Gate will be used for move-in to Gillson Hall on August 12
- August 12 - 21 Student Orientation. Various events on campus.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 8/3/2023:
Please note:
Work next week on the Lone Mountain viaduct next week will require its shutdown. There will be no through traffic from Parker to Anza nor access to Lone Mtn North.
The closure will start Monday Aug 7 at 7am through Friday Aug 11 at 7am, 24 hours/day.
UPDATE 8/2/2023:
Lone Mountain Main Drive west entrance will be closed Wednesday 8/2 - Thursday 8/3.
Landscaping has a crane up there for tree removals.
Middle spur & School of Ed entrances will be opened up for two-way traffic.
UPDATE 7/30/2023:
Pacific Wing, Lone Mountain Main
- Ongoing, plumbing upgrades, paint dorm rooms and clean carpets on 2nd & 3rd floor, carpet hallway on 3rd floor.
School of Education Projects, 2350 Turk
SOE Fire Alarm Upgrade
Final cutover pending permit.
Presentation Theater
- 7/31 - 8/4 - continue painting and refinishing seats, work on roof smoke hatches, remove steel beam near east side of stage
St Ignatius Church
- Ongoing work on masonry, paint, window restoration, etc
- Through 9/15 - West Spire, continue stripping paint.
- Through 8/11 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, masonry restoration.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community except for the lower level which is reserved for construction vehicles and materiel. The lower lot is locked at 3pm. Please do not park on the lower level. Please obey signage.
- 7/31 - 8/2: Crane pick for air handlers - secure crane placement & fencing, crane moves materiel, crane removal, fence removal
- Glazing installation ongoing.
- Plaster & lathing ongoing, Sheetrock main walls in gym
- MEP install ongoing
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Campus Events
- July 29-31 Student early arrivals (Residence Hall Advisors, Student-AthletesOrientation. Deliveries at University Center lot will ramp up.
- August 12 - 21 Student Orientation. Various events on campus.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 7/21/2023:
Ongoing, plumbing upgrades, paint dorm rooms and clean carpets on 2nd & 3rd floor, carpet hallway on 3rd floor.
- Final cutover pending permit.
Presentation Theater
- 7/20 - 28: removal of grid structure, ropes, sandbags and curtain
- 7/24 - 28: setting forms and pouring concrete for exit door landings and stairs
- Ongoing work on masonry, paint, window restoration, etc
- Through 7/28 - West Spire, continue stripping paint.
- Through Aug 4 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, masonry restoration.
- 7/31 - 8/2: Crane pick for air handlers - secure crane placement & fencing, crane moves materiel, crane removal, fence removal
- Glazing installation ongoing.
- Plaster & lathing ongoing, Sheetrock main walls in gym
- MEP install ongoing
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- July 27-28 - Concrete pour between Malloy BB and Gillson Hall. Concrete pump truck and concrete truck will set up and operate at Loyola Terrace Gate, south side of Gillson Hall.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Campus Events
- July 29-31 Student early arrivals (Residence Hall Advisors, Student-AthletesOrientation. Deliveries at University Center lot will ramp up.
- August 12 - 21 Student Orientation. Various events on campus.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 7/14/2023:
- 7/12 W – 7/18 Tu Ground floor (basement) of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 4th floor connections, which may have result in disruptions to wifi/phone)
- 7/19 W – 7/24 Mon Testing will occur on the ground floor (basement) connections, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
- Ongoing, plumbing upgrades, paint dorm rooms and clean carpets on 2nd & 3rd floor, carpet hallway on 3rd floor.
- 7/17 - 28: replace old devices; install the new panel
- 7/31 - 8/4: tentative test schedule
Presentation Theater:
- 7/14 - 18: install scaffolding on stage for sand bag, ropes and grid removal. USF Public Safety fire watch will be in effect.
- 7/17 - 18: saw cut concrete
- 7/19 - 21: install stage front trim
- 7/17 - 21: continue refinishing seats if painters' strike ends
- July 16, Sunday, Crane lift for removal of equipment. Start 8am.
- Through July 14 - remove paint, window restoration, demo exterior lighting, window repair (7/17)
- July 17: crane pick. NW corner of church.
- Through 7/21 - Fulton frontage, complete scaffolding
- Through July 28 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, start masonry restoration.
- 7/21 - crane pick for air handlers
- Aug 24 Main roof target competition date
- Glazing installation ongoing.
- Plaster & lathing ongoing, Sheetrock main walls in gym
- MEP install ongoing
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Campus Events
- August 12 - 21 Student Orientation. Various events on campus.
- October 20 - 22 CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
UPDATE 7/7/2023:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
- 7/10-13 Exterior window washes, northside exterior.
Lower Campus WiFi Outages
USF is initiating WIFI recabling in SONHP and Kalmanovitz and will involve replacement of outdated connectors and cables in all of the ITS closets. Internet (wired and wireless; internet/wifi) and phone services (including elevator and emergency phones) will be unavailable during the work period.
USF will prioritize the analog phone services to minimize outage to the elevator and emergency phone.
- 7/5 W – 7/11 Tu 4th floor of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 3rd floor connections, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
- 7/12 W – 7/18 Tu Ground floor (basement) of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 4th floor connections, which may have result in disruptions to wifi/phone)
- 7/19 W – 7/24 Mon Testing will occur on the ground floor (basement) connections, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
Pacific Wing, Lone Mountain Main
Refresh & upgrade dorm rooms in Pacific Wing through Aug 14.
- Ongoing, plumbing upgrades, paint dorm rooms and clean carpets on 2nd & 3rd floor, carpet hallway on 3rd floor.
School of Education Projects, 2350 Turk
- School of Education Fire Alarm Upgrade
- Continue work on all floors
- Presentation Theater
- Pour concrete for exit landing/stairs
- Work on smoke hatches
- Continue refinishing seats
School of Ed Cell Tower Decommission:
- July 10: 8-5:00pm
- July 12: 8-5:00pm
- July 13: 8-5:00pm
- July 16, Sunday, Crane lift for removal of equipment. Start 9am
St Ignatius Church
St Ignatius Church exterior envelope restoration project. Scaffolding will be erected around the perimeter of the building. Vehicles and equipment will access the site from Parker Ave, near McAllister. This project is managed by St. Ignatius Church. which is independent of the University. Please exercise caution in areas near the Church.
- Through July 14 - remove paint, window restoration, demo exterior lighting, window repair (7/17)
- Through 7/21 - Fulton frontage, complete scaffolding
- Through July 28 - East spire: strip paint, restore windows, start masonry restoration.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community except for the lower level which is reserved for construction vehicles and materiel. The lower lot is locked at 3pm.
- Please do not park on the lower level; please obey signage.
- 7/13 -14 - crane pick for air handlers
- Aug 1 Main roof target competition date
- Glazing installation ongoing.
- Plaster & lathing ongoing, Sheetrock main walls in gym
- MEP install ongoing
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Campus Events
CelebrateUSF - alumni and family weekend
- Oct 20 Friday,
- Family Welcome Reception (main campus)
- Oct 21 Saturday
- Faculty Talks and Info Sessions (Main Campus)
- Silk Speaker Series (St. Ignatius Church)
- CelebrateUSF Festival (Welch Field)
- Reunions (Main Campus)
- Oct 22 Sunday
- Fun Run (in and around campus)
- Reunions (Lone Mountain and Main Campus)
UPDATE 6/19/2023:
- 6/20 Tu – 6/26 Mon 2nd floor of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 1st floor connectors, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
- 6/27 Tu – 7/3 Mon 3rd floor of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 2nd floor connections, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
- 7/5 W – 7/11 Tu 4th floor of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 3rd floor connections, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
- 7/12 W – 7/18 Tu Ground floor (basement) of both Kalmanovitz & Cowell. Testing will occur on the 4th floor connections, which may have result in disruptions to wifi/phone)
- 7/19 W – 7/24 Mon Testing will occur on the ground floor (basement) connections, which may result in disruptions to wifi/phone
- Swap plumbing in adjoining rooms on 2nd & 3rd floor
- Paint dorm rooms and clean carpets on 2nd & 3rd floor
- Carpet the hallway on 3rd floor
- Demo main communal bathrooms and rough in plumbing on all floors.
- 6/19: Coring exit stairs
- 6/21 - 23: Concrete excavation in SOE basement storage area behind cafe. Build forms for new exit stairs and landings
- 6/23 - 26: Build forms and rebar for lift
SOE Fire Alarm Upgrade:
- 6/19 - 23: Begin project (installing conduits, pulling wire)
School of Ed Fire Alarm Upgrade:
- 6/12 - 16: mobilization of tools and materials on site (staged in basement by cafe)
- 6/19: work to begin (project to last all summer)
School of Ed Cell Tower Decommission:
- July 3: 8-5:00pm
- July 5: 8-5:00pm
- July 6: 8-5:00pm
- July 10: 8-5:00pm
- July 12: 8-5:00pm
- July 13: 8-5:00pm
- Through July 14 - remove paint, window restoration, demo exterior lighting, window repair (7/17)
- Through July 24 - erect scaffolding, west spire & Fulton
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Hayes Healy Parking lot is open to campus community however please note the gates lock at 3pm each day
- Aug 1 Main roof target competition date
- Ongoing MEP rough-in, metal framing, fireproofing
- Plaster & lathing ongoing, Sheetrock & plywood installation, skylight installation underway
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
UPDATE 6/14/2023:
- June 12-16 Troubleshoot and prep plumbing work
- On-going painting
- 6/12 - 16: continuing demo work in theater
- 6/14 - 16: set up scaffolding outside on east side of theater for roof access
School of Ed Fire Alarm Upgrade:
- 6/12 - 16: mobilization of tools and materials on site (staged in basement by cafe)
- 6/19: work to begin (project to last all summer)
School of Ed Cell Tower Decommission:
- July 3: 8-5:00pm
- July 5: 8-5:00pm
- July 6: 8-5:00pm
- July 10: 8-5:00pm
- July 12: 8-5:00pm
- July 13: 8-5:00pm
- Thru July 12 erect west spire scaffold
- Thru July 19 strip paint east spire
- No work May 29, Memorial Day
- Aug 1 Main roof target competition date
- Ongoing MEP rough-in, metal framing, fireproofing
- Glazing installation, Sheetrock & plywood installation, skylight installation underway
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Work complete 6/14
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
UPDATE 5/26/2023:
- Refinish seats and wood floors, install new carpet
- Paint interior
- Upgrade side exit doors and stage access to be ADA compliant
- Thru May 26 strip paint west elevation
- Thru May 31 Install Dome scaffold
- Thru June 7 erect scaffold at Bell Tower
- Thru June 5 erect scaffold north elevation
- Thru June 7 erect scaffold at Bell Tower
- Thru July 12 strip paint east spire
- Thru June 12 erect scaffold on east side
- No work May 29, Memorial Day
- Ongoing MEP rough-in, metal framing, fireproofing
- Glazing installation, plywood installation, skylight installation underway
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- No work May 29, Memorial Day
- May 27 - May 30 Work paused
- June 1. Drilling for piers continues
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- May 27. St Ignatius High School graduation, St Ignatius Church
UPDATE 5/23/2023:
- Refinish seats and wood floors, install new carpet
- Paint interior
- Upgrade side exit doors and stage access to be ADA compliant
- Thru May 26 strip paint west elevation
- Thru May 26 Install Dome scaffold
- Thru June 7 erect scaffold at Bell Tower
- Thru June 9 erect scaffold north elevation
- Thru June 7 erect scaffold at Bell Tower
- Thru July 12 strip paint east spire
- No work May 29, Memorial Day
- Ongoing MEP rough-in, metal framing, fireproofing
- Glazing installation, plywood installation, skylight installation underway
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- No work May 29, Memorial Day
- May 22. Mobilization
- May 30. Start drilling for piers
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
UPDATE 5/12/2023:
- May 12-26 Install dome scaffold
- May 15 Strip paint, east spire
- May 15-June 7 install bell tower scaffold
- May 26 Install ground level scaffold, north and west sides of Church. Approx 2 weeks.
- May 15 Turf installation will be complete
- May 16 Fence will be removed
- Ongoing MEP rough-in, metal framing, fireproofing
- Glazing installation, plywood installation, skylight installation underway
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- May 22. Mobilization. Project duration approximately 5 weeks. 8am - 4pm
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- May 12 Goodwill donation collection at LME Res Hall and Gillson/Hayes Healy forecourt
- May 17 Goodwill donation collection at LME Res Hall and Gillson/Hayes Healy forecourt
- May 18 - 20 USF Graduation, St Ignatius Church
- May 20 - 21 Move-out period for campus residence halls
UPDATE 5/5/2023:
St Ignatius Church
- May 11. Crane pick, one day.
- May 8 Install scaffold, east side+ interior east elevation, then north and west sides. Approx 4 weeks
- May 8 start stripping paint, mid roof
- May 15 strip paint, east spire
Welch Field Project
- May 1 - 10: Base rock delivery
- May 4 - 15: Pad and turf installation
- May 16: Fence removal
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Roofing installation 98% complete
- Interior work continues (plumbers, electricians, etc)
- Early May - Hayes Healy Parking Lot - Expected partial re-opening (two floors only)
Ulrich Field/Benedetti Diamond
- May 22. Mobilization. Project duration approximately 5 weeks. 8am - 4pm
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Events & Other Activities
- May 18 - 20 USF Graduation
UPDATE 4/28/2023:
St Ignatius Church
- Crane setup - timing TBD
- Apr 20 - 28 Install scaffold, east side + interior east elevation
- May 5 start stripping paint, west elevation mid roof
- May 15 strip paint, east spire
Welch Field Project
- Apr 27 - 28: Nail board work
- May 1 - turf and pad delivery (4 trucks)
- May 1 - 5: Base rock delivery (5 trucks)
- May 1-12: Turf installation
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Roofing installation nearing completion
- Interior work continues (plumbers, electricians, etc)
- Early May - Hayes Healy Parking Lot - Expected partial re-opening (two floors only)
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Events & Other Activities
- May 18 - 20 USF Graduation
UPDATE 4/21/2023:
Welch Field Project
Apr 26 - May 2 Base rock delivery and installation 4/26 - 5/2
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Apr 25 9am Small concrete pour, 1-2 trucks
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Roofing installation nearing completion
- Interior work continues (plumbers, electricians, etc)
- May 1 Hayes Healy Parking Lot - Expected partial re-opening (two floors only)
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up device.
Events & Other Activities
- Apr 21 Movie Night at Benedetti Diamond 7:45 - 9:45pm, USF students only
UPDATE 4/14/2023:
UPDATE 4/10/2023:
St Ignatius Church
- April 10. Work begins onsite
- Apr 13 A crane will be positioned on Parker to hoist material to the mid roof. The process will be take most of the day. Additional spaces required for the scaffold truck unloading. Please adhere to traffic and pedestrian controls on the sidewalk as needed for each overhead pick.
Welch Field Project
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Ongoing: Exterior framing, facade placement.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Roofing installation continues, progress subject to weather. Approximate 4 weeks’ duration.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Events & Other Activities
- Apr 14. Silk Series at Sobrato Center/WMG: Kal Penn. 6:30 - 8:00 pm
- Apr 15. Admissions Event at Sobrato Center 8:00am - 3:00pm
- Apr 18 Admitted Student Reception 4:30 - 6:30pm
UPDATE 3/31/2023:
Fallen trees on and around campus
The recent storms have compromised several trees on and around campus. Please follow all Public Safety and work-site personnel directions and pay attention to signage, tape, barricades, and cones.
St Ignatius Church
Lower Campus Steamline & Welch Field Project
3/31 - Concrete pour completed. Concrete needs time to cure therefore the fence around Welch Field will remain in place. Please use caution in the area.
Turf Installation Welch Field:
*awaiting start date to remove soil (delayed due to rain)
- Apr 3 & 4. Sawcutting openings in exterior wall (east side WMG). This work will be noisy at times.
- Miscellaneous delays due to rain
- Ongoing: Exterior framing, facade placement.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Roofing installation continues, progress subject to weather. Approximate 4 weeks’ duration.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up device
UPDATE 3/24/2023:
St Ignatius Church
Lower Campus Streamline & Welch Field Project
- Streamline:
- 3/24 - forms and rebar work being done by Church
- 3/30 - tentative concrete pour depending on rain
- Turf Installation Welch Field:
- Awaiting the start date to remove soil (delayed due to rain)
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Miscellaneous delays due to rain
- Mar 28 Concrete pour, 4-5 trucks
- Ongoing: Exterior framing, facade placement.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- March - roofing installation begins; progress subject to weather
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
UPDATE 3/17/2023:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Periodic rain delays may affect work schedule and other activities.
St. Ignatius Church
St Ignatius Church plans an exterior envelope restoration project. The work is planned to begin in early April and will extend through 2024. Scaffolding will be erected around the perimeter of the building. Vehicles and equipment will access the site from Parker Ave, near McAllister.
Lower campus steamline & welch field project
- form work and concrete pour by Church delayed due to rain
Welch Turf Installation:
- soil removal delayed due to rain; possibly to begin 3/22 depending on rain
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Miscellaneous delays due to rain
- Mar 24 Concrete pour, 4-5 trucks
- Ongoing: Exterior framing, facade placement.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- March - roofing installation
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically, which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
UTA/USF Traffic Calming Installation
Completion by SFMTA of traffic calming installation along Golden Gate. University Terrace Association and USF worked together for several years to develop traffic calming initiatives in the UTA/USF area. Once agreed upon, USF and UTA worked with SFMTA to finalize design. After a lengthy approval process through the City, SFMTA will install the following traffic calming measures:
March 13-17:
- Reorient existing parking to back-in angle parking on the south side of Golden Gate Avenue, between Masonic and Temescal Terrace, to back-in angle parking. Striping work schedule is weather dependent.
- SFMTA will install pedestrian safety zones at Chabot and Tamalpais Terraces.
- SFMTA will restripe the existing crosswalks at Chabot, Tamalpais and Kittredge Terraces. A new crosswalk will be installed at Tamalpais Terrace.
March & beyond
- At Roselyn/Golden Gate SFMTA will remove existing painted islands, construct concrete island on west side, and establish three-way stop control.
- Widen westbound bike lane on Golden Gate from 5’ to 6’.
- Construct median island and curb extensions at Chabot Terrace intersection to provide traffic calming and shorten pedestrian crossing distances (median island will initially be painted; concrete will be installed at a later date).
- Construct median islands and curb extensions, and raised crosswalk at Tamalpais Terrace intersection to provide traffic calming and shorten pedestrian crossing distances (median island will initially be painted; concrete will be installed at a later date).
Completed Traffic Calming measures
- At Turk/Roselyn: consolidate crosswalks at Roselyn Terrace to the west leg of the intersection and install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon to improve pedestrian visibility to motorists.
- At Turk/Kittridge: consolidate crosswalks at Kittredge Terrace to the east side of the intersection.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c, April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing.
UPDATE 3/10/2023:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Periodic rain delays may affect work schedules and other activities.
Fallen tree near St Ignatius Church
A tree fell behind the church affecting another nearby tree which therefore must be removed. Professional arborists will be onsite today 3/10 and tomorrow 3/11 to remove hazards. Please follow all Public Safety and work-site personnel directions and pay attention to signage, barricades, and cones.
- Form and rebar work 3/15
- Pour concrete by church 3/16 - 17 (pending rain)
Turf Installation:
- Soil removal 3/13 - 17 (dump trucks will exit Welch Field and leave via Parker)
loud work not to begin until 7:30am
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Miscellaneous delays due to rain
- Ongoing: Scaffolding placement, exterior framing, facade placement.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- March - roofing installation
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
University Terrace Association and USF worked together for several years to develop traffic calming initiatives in the UTA/USF area. Once agreed upon, USF and UTA worked with SFMTA to finalize design. After a lengthy approval process through the City, SFMTA will install the following traffic calming measures:
March 13-17:
- Reorient existing parking to back-in angle parking on the south side of Golden Gate Avenue, between Masonic and Temescal Terrace, to back-in angle parking. Striping work schedule is weather dependent.
- SFMTA will install pedestrian safety zones at Chabot and Tamalpais Terraces.
- SFMTA will restripe the existing crosswalks at Chabot, Tamalpais and Kittredge Terraces. A new crosswalk will be installed at Tamalpais Terrace
March & beyond
- At Roselyn/Golden Gate SFMTA will remove existing painted islands, construct concrete island on west side, and establish three-way stop control.
- Widen westbound bike lane on Golden Gate from 5’ to 6’.
- Construct median island and curb extensions at Chabot Terrace intersection to provide traffic calming and shorten pedestrian crossing distances (median island will initially be painted; concrete will be installed at a later date).
- Construct median islands and curb extensions, and raised crosswalk at Tamalpais Terrace intersection to provide traffic calming and shorten pedestrian crossing distances (median island will initially be painted; concrete will be installed at a later date).
Completed Traffic Calming measures
- At Turk/Roselyn: consolidate crosswalks at Roselyn Terrace to the west leg of the intersection and install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon to improve pedestrian visibility to motorists.
- At Turk/Kittridge: consolidate crosswalks at Kittredge Terrace to the east side of the intersection.
Events, Academic Calendar, etc.:
- March 13 - 17 Spring Break
- March 11, 12 Baseball vs Yale @ Benedetti Diamond Sat 10:30am, 1pm; Sunday noon
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c, April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing.
UPDATE 2/17/2023:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Periodic rain delays may affect work schedule and other activities.
Week of Feb 21-24:
- No work on site Monday Feb 20
- Prep for concrete and pour near Church
- General contractor demobilization
- Removal of excess soil at Welch Field
- Extension of fence surrounding Welch Field to include south section of grass along Fulton. The walkway from Kalmanovitz Hall to Church will be closed.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Work complete
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Work complete
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work to be scheduled later in the year
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Work complete
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- No work on site Monday Feb 20
- Ongoing: Scaffolding placement and exterior framing and facade placement.
- Feb 22: Concrete pour, Annex floor. 3-4 trucks.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- March - roofing installation, dates TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone mountain viaduct, 330 Parker ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- February 17, 18, 19, 20 Baseball vs Utah @ Bendetti Diamond 1pm (noon Sunday)
- February 23 Men’s Basketball vs Portland 8pm
- March 3, 4, 5 Baseball vs Villanova @ Benedetti Diamond 1pm (noon Sunday)
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c, April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing.
UPDATE 2/10/2023:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Periodic rain delays may affect work schedule and other activities.
Rooftop repairs 95% complete.
Lower campus steamline project
Concrete pour on the east side path of St Ignatius Church will occur between February 13-17.
Steam heat scheduled to be turned on Tuesday 2/14.
Restoration of Welch Field: preparation of site and then installation of new turf, through March 31.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door - Work complete
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn - Work complete
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work to be scheduled later in the year.
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Work complete
- Feb 13: Scaffolding placement for exterior framing and facade pladement.
- Feb 13: Remove shoring towers in HH garage.
- Feb 15: Steel and deck work anticipated finish
- Feb 16: Major concrete pour forming gym floor. 17-20 trucks. 5-6 hours to pour concrete in place, 4-6 hours to finish concrete surface. The work must be done continuously therefore this will require approximately 12 hours of work on site, starting at 8am. Lights will be in place on site for evening work.
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Late February - roofing installation
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone mountain viaduct, 330 parker ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
Events, academic calendar, etc.:
- February 11 Men’s Basketball vs Pepperdine 7pm
- February 23 Men’s Basketball vs Portland 8pm
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c, April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing.
UPDATE 2/3/2023:
** Amendment: Please note the Lone Mtn Viaduct (Lo Schiavo Drive) will be closed to vehicle traffic on February 7, 10am-2pm.
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Periodic rain delays may affect work schedule and other activities.
Leak Repair
- Rooftop repairs underway, though February 10. Three parking spots at SE corner of Golden Gate and Parker blocked off for contractor parking.
lower campus steamline project
Steamline work is anticipated to be completed by the end of February
Restoration of Welch Field: preparation of site and then installation of new turf, through March 31.
Concrete pour on the east side path of St Ignatius Church will occur between February 6-9.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Early Feb - Backfill & install pavers
- Path has been rerouted for pedestrians
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- The main path is now open.
- Fence surrounding Gleeson Lawn has been removed.
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Walkway between Library and Harney is open
- February 15: Anticipated finish for steel and deck work
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Jan 24 - Feb 5: concrete decking preparation; framing & rebar
- February 6: Concrete pour; approximately 2-3 concrete pours
- Late February - roofing installation
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
lone mountain viaduct, 330 parker ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
events, academic calendar, etc.:
- February 4 Double Header: Women’s BB vs Gonzaga 2pm. Men’s BBl vs Santa Clara 7pm. TV trucks will be in place for both games.
- Two networks will broadcast the games, back to back.
- TV trucks will set up in UC lot. ESPN truck will arrive on site Friday 2/3 at 6pm.
- February 4: NBC TV van and generator will arrive 6am
- After broadcasts, TV trucks will depart: NBC truck leaves 5:30pm; ESPN truck leaves about 11:30pm
- Two networks will broadcast the games, back to back.
- February 11 Men’s Basketball vs Pepperdine 7pm
- February 23 Men’s Basketball vs Portland 8pm
- Jan 23 - May 19 Spring Semester
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c, April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing.
UPDATE 1/27/2023:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts and may change without notice.
Periodic rain delays may affect work schedule and other activities.
Leak repair
- Rooftop repairs underway, though February 10. Three parking spots at SE corner of Golden Gate and Parker blocked off for contractor parking.
Steamline work is scheduled to be completed by first week of February.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall doors
- Early Feb - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Jan 23 - Feb 1 - Backfill & install pavers
- Path will be reopen Feb 2
- Fence surrounding Gleeson Lawn will be removed 2/2
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Walkway between Library and Harney is open
- January 28: Decking installation continues, starting after 8am
- January 27: Steel and deck work anticipated finish
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Jan 24 - Feb 5: concrete decking preparation; framing & rebar
- February 6: Concrete pour; approximately 2-3 concrete pours
- Late February - roofing installation
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- February 4 Double Header: Women’s BB vs Gonzaga 2pm. Men’s BBl vs Santa Clara 7pm. TV trucks will be in place for both games
- February 11 Men’s Basketball vs Pepperdine 7pm
- February 23 Men’s Basketball vs Portland 8pm
- Jan 23 - May 19 Spring Semester
- January 28 ROTC team building activities 9am - 5pm
UPDATE 1/20/2023:
- Monday January 23 - Crane truck will be parked at SE corner of Golden Gate and Parker to offload roofing supplies to roof. 3-4 parking spaces will be marked off.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Mid January - Test seams
- Late January - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Mid - Late January - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Walkway between Library and Harney will be open 1/23/23
- Saturday Jan 21. Deck installation
- January 27: Steel and deck work anticipated finish
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Early- mid February - roofing installation
- Early - mid Feb concrete decking installation. Approximately 2-3 concrete pours, Details TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- January 21 Men’s Basketball vs BYU 5pm TV trucks on site
- February 4 Men’s Basketball vs Santa Clara 7pm
- February 11 Men’s Basketball vs Pepperdine 7pm
- February 23 Men’s Basketball vs Portland 8pm
- Jan 23 - May 19 Spring Semester
- January 28 ROTC team building activities 9am - 5pm
UPDATE 1/13/2023:
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Mid -Late January - Test seams
- Mid -Late January - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Mid January - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Mid - January - Install pavers
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Periodic rain delays will affect deliveries, work schedule, and other activities
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing - welding, framing, install decking
- Early- mid February - roofing installation
- Early - mid Feb concrete decking installation. Approximately 2-3 concrete pours, Details TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy. Periodic rain delays will affect deliveries, work schedule, and other activities
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- January 14 Men’s Basketball vs St Mary’s 8pm
- January 19 Men’s Basketball vs Pacific 8pm
- January 21 Men’s Basketball vs BYU 8pm TV trucks on site
- January 3 - 20 Intersession
- Jan 23 - May 19 Spring Semester
- January 28 ROTC team building activities 9am - 5pm
UPDATE 1/6/2023:
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Early-Mid January - Test seams
- Early January - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Early January - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Mid - Late December - Install pavers
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Rain delays - periodic rain delays will affect deliveries, steel work, and other activities
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing - welding, framing, install decking
- Jan 9 (approx.) Exterior framing
- Early- mid February - roofing installation
- Early - mid Feb concrete decking installation. Approximately 2-3 concrete pours, Details TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- January 10 Bruce Mahoney High School Basketball Tournament 6pm - 10pm
- January 14 Men’s Basketball vs St Mary’s 8pm
- January 19 Men’s Basketball vs Pacific 8pm
- January 21 Men’s Basketball vs BYU 8pm TV trucks on site
- January 3 - 20 Intersession
- Jan 23 - May 19 Spring Semester
- January 28 ROTC team building activities 9am - 5pm
2022 - Year In Review:
UPDATE 12/23/2022:
No work at site 12/23-26, 12/31, 1/1.*Dec 27 -29 Dirt removal from Welch Field*12/27 - place metal plates to protect pavers*12/28 & 29 - truck dirt off campus (about 100 trucks)
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late December - Test seams
- Early January - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Early January - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Mid - Late December - Install pavers
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- No work at site 12/24-26, 12/31-1/2
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Ongoing - welding, framing, install decking
- Jan 9 (approx.) Exterior framing comments
- Early- mid February - roofing installation
- Early - mid Feb concrete decking installation. Approximately 2-3 concrete pours, Details TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- No work at site 12/23-25, 12/30-1/1.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Dec 31 Men’s Basketball 4:00pm vs University of San Diego
- January 5 Men’s Basketball vs Gonzaga 8pm. TV trucks on site
- January 14 Men’s Basketball vs St Mary’s 8pm
- January 19 Men’s Basketball vs Pacific 8pm
- January 21 Men’s Basketball vs BYU 8pm TV trucks on site
- January 3 - 20 Intersession
- Jan 23 - May 19 Spring Semester
UPDATE 12/16/2022:
- Dec 12-16 Backfill
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Mid December (2-3)days - Install pipe
- Mid December - Test seams
- Late December - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Late December - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Mid - Late December - Install pavers
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- No work at site 12/24-26, 12/31-1/2
- Ongoing deliveries - 2-3/week
- Dec 16 (estimate) Decommission and remove crane
- Ongoing - welding
- Jan 9 (approx.) Exterior framing comments
- Early- mid February - roofing installation
- Early - mid Feb concrete decking installation. Approximately 2-3 concrete pours, Details TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- No work at site 12/23-25, 12/30-1/1.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Dec 19. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs UT Arlington
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Dec 31 Men’s Basketball 4:00pm vs University of San Diego
UPDATE 12/13/2022:
- Dec 12-14 Backfill
Saturday work begins on 10/29 through December. Workers may arrive on site early; noisy work may begin after 9am.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Mid December (2-3)days - Install pipe
- Mid December - Test seams
- Late December - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Mid December - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Underway - Backfill
- Mid December - Install pavers
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- Ongoing delivery of steel, 3-4 trucks/day , structural steel installation using crane.
- Ongoing installation of decking and roofing follows steel framing in sequence.
- Dec 15-16 (estimate) Decommission and remove crane
- Jan 9 (approx.) roofing installation commences
- Early Feb concrete decking installation. Approximately 2-3 concrete pours, Details TBD
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Dec 19. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs UT Arlington
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Jan 2. Electrical Shutdown - all buildings on the Lower Campus. 7am - 3pm
UPDATE 12/2/2022:
- Dec 5 - 7 Begin underground digging, piping
- Dec 7 - Testing
- Dec 8-10 Insulate
- Dec 12-14 Backfill
Saturday work begins on 10/29 through December. Workers may arrive on site early; noisy work may begin after 9am.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Early December (2-3)days - Install pipe
- Mid-December - Test seams
- Late December - Backfill & install pavers
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Mid-December - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Underway - Backfill
- Mid-December - Install pavers
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- Late October - December: Ongoing delivery of steel, 3-4 trucks/day , structural steel installation using crane.
- Installation of decking and roofing follows steel framing in sequence.
- Dec 15-16 (estimate) Decommission and remove crane
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Dec 7. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs Merrimack
- Dec 19. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs UT Arlington
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Jan 2. Electrical Shutdown - all buildings on the Lower Campus. 7am - 3pm
UPDATE 11/23/2022:
- Nov 28- Dec 2 Install piping Toler wall
- Dec 5 - 8 Begin underground digging
No work on site Thursday 11/24/22Saturday work begins on 10/29 through December. Workers may arrive on site early; noisy work may begin after 8am; work stops 1:30pm.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late November (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Late November - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Late November - Backfill
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
No work on site Thursday - Friday 11/24, 11/25
- Late October - December: Ongoing delivery of steel, 3-4 trucks/day , structural steel installation using crane.
- Installation of decking and roofing follows steel framing in sequence.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
No work on site Thursday - Friday 11/24, 11/25
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Nov 30: Basketball 7pm: 2pm Men vs Little Rock
- Dec 7. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs Merrimack
- Dec 19. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs UT Arlington
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Jan 2. Electrical Shutdown - all buildings on the Lower Campus. 7am - 3pm
UPDATE 11/17/2022:
Saturday work begins on 10/29 through December. Workers may arrive on site early; noisy work may begin after 8am; work stops 1:30pm.Week of November 21 (estimate) Saw cutting at walkway near NE corner of St Ignatius Church. Loud noise at times.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late November (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Late November - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Late November - Backfill
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- Late October - December: Ongoing delivery of steel, 3-4 trucks/day , structural steel installation using crane.
- Installation of decking and roofing follows steel framing in sequence.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Nov 30: Basketball 7pm: 2pm Men vs Little Rock
- Dec 7. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs Merrimack
- Dec 19. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs UT Arlington
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Jan 2. Electrical Shutdown - all buildings on the Lower Campus. 7am - 3pm
UPDATE 11/11/2022:
Saturday work begins on 10/29 through December. Workers may arrive on site early; noisy work may begin after 8am; work stops 1:30pm.November 16 or 17 (estimate) Saw cutting at walkway near NE corner of St Ignatius Church. Loud noise at times.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late November (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Late November - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Late November - Backfill
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- Late October - December: Ongoing delivery of steel, 3-4 trucks/day , structural steel installation using crane.
- Installation of decking and roofing follows steel framing in sequence
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Nov 13: Basketball 4pm: 2pm Men vs UC Merced
- Nov 30: Basketball 7pm: 2pm Men vs Little Rock
- Dec 7. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs Merrimack
- Dec 19. Men’s Basketball 7:30 pm,vs UT Arlington
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball 7:00 pm vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Jan 2. Electrical Shutdown - all buildings on the Lower Campus. 7am - 3pm
UPDATE 11/04/2022:
Saturday work begins on 10/29 through December. Workers may arrive on site early; noisy work may begin after 8am; work stops 1:30pm.
November 10-11 (estimate) Saw cutting at walkway near NE corner of St Ignatius Church. Loud noise at times.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late November (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Late Nov - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Early November - Test Seams
- Late November - Backfill
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- Late October - December: Delivery of steel, structural steel installation using crane.
- Thru Nov 30 (estimate) Steel deliveries up to 4 per day.
- Installation of decking and roofing follows steel framing in sequence
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Nov 7: Basketball Double Header. 4pm: WM vs CSU East Bay; 7pm Men vs TX Southern
- Dec 21. Men’s Basketball vs Arizona State, TV trucks will be on site
- Jan 2. Electrical Shutdown - all buildings on the Lower Campus. 7am - 3pm
UPDATE 10/28/2022:
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late November (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Late Nov - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Early November - Test Seams
- Mid November - Backfill
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- Late October - December: Delivery of steel, crane places steel onto site
- Thru Nov 30 (estimate) Steel deliveries up to 4 per day.
- Foundation work complete
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
UPDATE 10/17/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Late Oct or early Nov (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Early Nov - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- 11/1-11/15 - Test Seams
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: mid November
- October 17. Concrete pour 8-10 trucks;
- Oct 24 - Crane delivery to site
- Oct 25 - Concrete pour 2-3 trucks
- Oct 26 - Crane starts moving steel
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Piers: bearing repairs, prep hydraulic hoists, installation of structural lock-up devices
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event
- Friday October 21. Family campus tours
- Saturday Oct 22 12-3pm - Food & Music Festival, Ulrich Field. This event will generate noise.
UPDATE 10/7/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- 10/17 - 10/21 - Pipe layout/prep
- late Oct or early Nov (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- early Nov - Backfill
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- 8/31 - 9/2 - Cut and demo existing pipe
- 9/6 - 10/7 - Install pipe
- 10/10 - 10/14 - Test Seams
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: Late October/early November
- Saturdays Oct 8 & 15: limited work on-site 9am-5pm
- October 14 & 17. Concrete pour 4-5 trucks each
- Oct 24 - Crane delivery to site
- Oct 25 - Concrete pour 2-3 trucks
- Oct 26 - Crane starts moving steel
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of the HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Ongoing- Clearing & grubbing work; selected tree removal
- Ongoing- installation of structural lock-up devices
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event - Details TBD
UPDATE 9/23/2022:
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- 10/17 - 10/21 - Pipe layout/prep
- late Oct or early Nov (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: Main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- 9/26 - 9/30 - Pipe layout/prep
- early - mid October (2-3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- 8/31 - 9/2 - Cut and demo existing pipe
- 9/6 - 9/30 - Install pipe
- 10/3 - 10/7 - Cut concrete vault for tie-in
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: Late October/early November
- Micro piles drilling restarted
- Pouring foundation piers onion. Small pours (1 truck each) on Monday, 9/26 & Wednesday, 9/28
- Oct 24 Crane delivery to site.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Sept 27 - Equipment Delivery about 8a: large truck will park on LoSchiavo drive at the Parker entrance for off-loading. The drive entrance will be closed from 8am-12pm except in case of emergency.
- Ongoing- Clearing & grubbing work; selected tree removal (estimate 4-6 weeks)
- Starts Monday 9/26
- Should last 2-3 weeks; M-F; Hours 7:30am-5pm
- Access to both levels of Kendrick's garage will remain, although expect delays.
- No access to the garage from Grove -- access from Fulton only
- Work will be noisy
- The street will be re-paved in October. This will take 2 days - access will be similar (can still use the garage, Muni line still operating)
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event - Details TB
UPDATE 9/16/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Sept 26, 8 am Pipe delivery by truck via Parker St entrance
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- 10/17 - 10/21 - Pipe layout/prep
- Late Oct/early Nov (2,3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- 9/26 -9/30 - Pipe layout/prep
- Early - mid-Oct (2,3 days) - Install pipe
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- 9/6 - 9/30 - Install pipe
- 10/3 - 10/7 - Cut concrete vault for ti-in
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Expected completion: Late October/early November
- Drilling certain micro piles paused. Restart TBD
- Pour foundation piers. Rebar work continues
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Sept 26 - Equipment Delivery 8a, -12pm: large truck will park on LoSchiavo drive at the Parker entrance for off-loading. The drive entrance will be closed from 8 am-12 pm except in case of emergency.
- Ongoing- Clearing & grubbing work; selected tree removal (estimate 4-6 weeks)
- Sept 21 - Demobilize
- Construction activities complete.
- Resurfacing is complete.
- SFPUC will conduct street work to implement a sewer upgrade on Schrader between Grove and Fulton. Estimated start Sept 26.
- Traffic lanes will be re-routed and sometimes closed.
- This is an SFPUC project and not related to USF.
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event - Details TBD
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c, April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing.
UPDATE 9/10/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
- Saturday, Sept 10 - Crane to offload materials from roof. 8am-12pm. Please use caution in the area. One day only.
- Sept 12 - Crane returns to allow off-load. Crane will be placed on Parker, just south of Golden Gate intersection, to lift materiel from the Fromm roof. Crane in place one day
- Sept 16 - Demobilize
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Saturday 9/10 8:30am - 6pm: Possible concrete demo at KHall stairs. If so, this work will be noisy.
- 9/17 - 10/1 - Install pipe
- Mid-September (2 days TBD) - Pipe layout/prep
- Mid-late September (4 days TBD) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Mid-September (2 days TBD) - Pipe layout/prep -
- Mid-late September (2 days TBD) - Install pipe -
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- 8/31 - 9/6 - Cut and demo existing pipe -
- 9/6 - 9/23 - Install pipe
- Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. Impact areas on the lower campus include Welch Field, the lower portion of the Gleason lawn, the north-south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren.
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Drilling micro piles paused. Restart TBD
- Sept 5 - Sept 23 - Pour foundation piers. Rebar work continues.
- Sept 13 Fire Alarm Testing 9am - audible alarms will last about 5 minutes
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Sept 6-15 - Delivery & install of door, previously delayed
- Sept 16 - Estimated completion date
- Sept 12-14 - Erosion control setup.
- Sept 12 (estimate) - Clearing & grubbing work; selected tree removal (estimate 4-6 weeks)
- Sept 10 - Student Concert at Ulrich Field 1p-4 pm. Golden Gate gate will be used due to construction.
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event - Details TBD
UPDATE 9/2/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to weather and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
- Saturday, Sept 10 - Crane to place roof exhaust fans will be placed on Golden Gate near NE corner of Harney. Sidewalks in front of Harney between Kittridge & Chabot will be temporarily barricaded during the pick process. Please use caution in the area. One day only.
- Aug 29 - Sept 2 - Demo rooftop materials
- Aug 30 - Sept 13 - Install roof
- Sept 7 - Crane returns to allow off-load. Crane will be placed on Parker, just south of Golden Gate intersection, to lift materiel from the Fromm roof. Crane in place one day
- Sept 14 - Demobilize
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- 9/17 - 10/1 - Install pipe
- Mid-September (2 days TBD) - Pipe layout/prep
- Mid-late September (4 days TBD) - Install pipe
- Area 2: The main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Mid-September (2 days TBD) - Pipe layout/prep -
- Mid-late September (2 days TBD) - Install pipe -
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- 8/31 - 9/6 - Cut and demo existing pipe -
- 9/6 - 9/23 - Install pipe
- 9/23 - 9/30 - Test and backfill
- Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. Impact areas on the lower campus include Welch Field, the lower portion of the Gleason lawn, the north-south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren.
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will sometimes be noisy.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Please use caution in the area. Please respect all signs and instructions.
- Aug 30 - Concrete pour at lower levels of HH parking lot. Trucks will stage (3-4) on the upper deck of HH garage within fenced.
- Sept 3 - Drilling micro piles paused. Restart TBD
- Sept 5 - Sept 23 - Pour foundation piers. Rebar work continues.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed - All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Sept 6-15 - Delivery & installation of door, previously delayed
- Sept 16 - Estimated completion date
- Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Thru Aug 31 - Goats clearing hillside brush
- Sept 6 - Demo of small
- Sept 12 (estimate) - Site clearing and selected tree removal
Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically, which will be noisy.
- Sept 10 - Student Concert at Ulrich Field 1p-4 pm. Golden Gate gate will be used due to construction.
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event - Details TBD
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020.
USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 8/25/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Saturday, Aug 28 - Crane at UC lot for the day to assist roof repair on UC 3rd floor roof. Please use caution in the area.
Saturday Sept 10 Crane to place roof exhaust fans will be placed on Golden Gate near NE corner of Harney. Sidewalk in front of Harney between Kittridge & Chabot will be temporarily barricaded during the pick process. Please use caution in the area. One day only.
Fromm Hall roof repair
- Aug 29, Monday: Crane will be placed on Parker, just south of Golden Gate intersection, to lift materiel onto the Fromm roof. Crane in place one day
- Aug 29 - Sept 2: Demo roof top materials
- Aug 30- Sept 13: Install roofSept 7: Crane returns to allow off-load from roof
- Sept 14: Demobilize
Resurface and retread the stairs leading from the upper deck of the Koret garage to the lower deck. The stairs will remain closed to foot traffic for the project's duration. A work crew will be on-site for about a month. Please use caution in the area.
Lower Campus Steamline Project
Friday 8/26 - Crane delivery. The crane will be staged inside a fenced area between Library and Harney
Monday 8/29 - Pipe delivery will be Monday 8/29, 7 am ( 1 truck)
- truck will enter from Parker Ave and will stage pipe inside fenced area on Gleeson lawn
Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Install pipe - 9/17 - 10/1
Area 2: Main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Install pipe - mid-late September
Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Remove pavers and excavate - 8/22 - 8/29
- Cut and demo existing pipe - 8/29 - 8/31
- Install pipe - 8/31 - 9/14
- Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north-south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas intersecting foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Please use caution in the area. Please respect the signs and instructions.
- Aug 30: Concrete pour at lower levels of HH parking lot. Trucks will stage (3-4) on the upper deck of HH garage within fenced site, off the street.
- Aug 1 - Sept 2: Ongoing: drilling micro piles and placing rebar. Estimated duration 5 weeks
- Sept 5 - Sept 23: Pour foundation piers
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed: All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Aug 26 - Delivery of compactors.
Aug 29 - Minor concrete pour
Sept 2 - Estimated completion date
- Aug 26 - Touch up painting, finish awnings installation
- Aug 26 - Completion date
- Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Thru Aug 31: Goats clearing hillside brush
- Sept 6 (estimate): Demo of small part of the wall along the north side of viaduct which will involve saw-cutting and will sometimes be loud.
- Sept 12 (estimate): Site clearing and selected tree removal
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Sept 10 - Student Concert at Ulrich Field 2p-4pm
- Oct 21-23 - Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event Details TBD
Construction at USF’s project sites continue in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 8/19/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
August 20 Saturday
- 9am - 6pm Orientation Desk opens
- 10am- 5pm New Student Check in and Residence Hall Move In
- New students & families will have received an assigned check-in/move-in time before arrival.
- Student "Go Team” reps will help guide arrivals through process
The following city street no-parking areas will be in effect :.
- Friday, Aug. 19 to Tuesday, Aug. 23 – The following city street no parking areas will be in effect from Friday, Aug. 19 at 7 a.m.
- Golden Gate Ave. (South side of Golden Gate Ave., 2325 to 2381 Golden Gate Ave.
- Turk Blvd. (South side of Turk Blvd., 2930 to 2975 Turk, from the top of the bus stop going East to the entrance of the Koret parking lot.)
- Saturday, Aug. 20 – The following city street no parking areas will be in effect on Saturday, Aug. 20 from 7 a.m.–4 p.m
- Anza St. (south side of Anza St. in front of Loyola Village, 305 to 341 Anza St.)
- Anza St. (north side of Anza St. adjacent to Pedro Arrupe Residence Hall, 1400 to 1448 Anza St. between 6th and 5th Avenues)
- Aug 22, Monday: Crane will be placed on Parker, just south of Golden Gate intersection, to lift materiel onto the Fromm Roof.
- Aug 22 - Aug 26: Demo roof top materials'
- Aug 23- Sept 6: Install roof
- Aug 31: Crane returns to allow off-load from roof
- Sept 7: Demobilize
Resurface and retread the stairs leading from the upper deck of the Koret garage garage to the lower deck. The stairs will remain closed to foot traffic for the duration of the project. A work crew will be on-site for about a month. Please use caution in the area.
Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field.
- Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jack hammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Install pipe - 9/17 - 10/1
- Area 2: Main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- Install pipe - mid-late September
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Remove pavers and excavate 8/22 - 8/29
- Cut and demo existing pipe 8/29 - 8/31
- Install pipe 8/31 - 9/14
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Aug 22, Monday: Off-haul drilling spoils. 8-10 trucks
- Aug 1 - Sept 2: Ongoing: drilling micro piles and placing rebar. Estimated duration 5 weeks
- Sept 5 - Sept 23: Pour foundation piers
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed: All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Thru Aug 23 - finish paint, install downspouts, finish concrete drains.
- Aug 23 Minor concrete pour
- Sept 2 Estimated completion date
- Aug 23 install awnings
- Aug 24: finish new planters at Anza entrance
- Aug 26 : Estimated completion date
- Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Thru Aug 31 Goats, clearing hillside brush
- Sept 6 (estimate): Demo of small part of the wall along the north side of viaduct which will involve saw-cutting and will sometimes be loud.
- Sept 12 (estimate): Site clearing and selected tree removal
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Sept 9 Wms Volleyball match Sobrato Center/WMG
- Sept 10 Student Concert at Ulrich Field 2p-4pm
- Oct 21-23 Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event Details TBD
Construction at USF’s project sites continue in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 8/12/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
- August 20 Saturday
- 9am - 6pm Orientation Desk opens
- 10am- 5pm New Student Check in and Residence Hall Move In
- New students & families will have received an assigned check-in/move-in time before arrival.
- Student "Go Team” reps will help guide arrivals through process
The following city street no-parking areas will be in effect :.
- Friday, Aug. 19 to Tuesday, Aug. 23 – The following city street no parking areas will be in effect from Friday, Aug. 19 at 7 a.m.
- Golden Gate Ave. (South side of Golden Gate Ave., 2325 to 2381 Golden Gate Ave.
- Turk Blvd. (South side of Turk Blvd., 2930 to 2975 Turk, from the top of the bus stop going East to the entrance of the Koret parking lot.)
- Saturday, Aug. 20 – The following city street no parking areas will be in effect on Saturday, Aug. 20 from 7 a.m.–4 p.m
- Anza St. (south side of Anza St. in front of Loyola Village, 305 to 341 Anza St.)
- Anza St. (north side of Anza St. adjacent to Pedro Arrupe Residence Hall, 1400 to 1448 Anza St. between 6th and 5th Avenues)
- Aug 22, Monday: Crane will be placed on Parker, just south of Golden Gate intersection, to lift materiel onto the Fromm Roof.
- Aug 22 - Aug 26: Demo roof top materials
- Aug 23- Sept 6: Install roof
- Aug 31: Crane returns to allow off-load from roof
- Sept 7: Demobilize
Resurface and retread the stairs leading from the upper deck of the Koret garage garage to the lower deck. The stairs will remain closed to foot traffic for the duration of the project. A work crew will be on-site for about a month. Please use caution in the area.
- Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field.
- Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jack hammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Area 1: Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- Install pipe - 9/17 - 10/1
- Area 2: Main path between Welch Field and Gleeson La
- Install pipe - mid-late Septenber
- Area 3: Main east/west path in front of McLaren steps
- Work delayed until Christmas break
- Area 4: Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
- Remove pavers and excavate 8/22 - 8/29
- Cut and demo existing pipe 8/29 - 8/31
- Install pipe 8/31 - 9/14
Aug 22, Monday:
- Off-haul drilling spoils. 8-10 trucks
- Aug 1 - Sept 2: Ongoing: drilling micro piles and placing rebar. Estimated duration 5 weeks
- Sept 5 - Sept 23: Pour foundation piers
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed: All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- Thru Aug 23 - finish paint, install downspouts, finish concrete drains.
- Aug 23 Minor concrete pour
- Sept 2 Estimated completion date
- Aug 23 install awnings
- Aug 24: finish new planters at Anza entrance
- Aug 26 : Estimated completion date
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Thru Aug 31 Goats, clearing hillside brush
- Sept 6 (estimate): Demo of small part of the wall along the north side of viaduct which will involve saw-cutting and will sometimes be loud.
- Sept 12 (estimate): Site clearing and selected tree removal
Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- Sept 9 Wms Volleyball match Sobrato Center/WMG
- Sept 10 Student Concert at Ulrich Field 2p-4pm
- Oct 21-23 Celebrate USF, Alumni & USF Community event Details TBD
Construction at USF’s project sites continue in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 8/5/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Campus Maintenance Project
Tuesday 8/9/22 7:30AM - 4PM. Back flow valve replacement near Gleeson Library loading dock. The north/south pathway between Gleeson Library and Fromm Hall will be closed. The Fromm Hall student entrance will remain accessible from the south end of the path.
Disability Services will be accessible from the loading dock.
Please use caution when traveling in this area, watch for large equipment, and follow instructions from the construction crew.
Infrastructure project to refurbish the sidewalk, ramps, and driveways on the USF (north) side of Turk Boulevard, roughly between Tamalpais and Roselyn Terraces. The project is expected to be completed by mid-to-late August.
Work crews will arrive approximately 7:30 a.m. with work commencing at 8am. Framing molds and concrete pours of sidewalks, driveway entrances and ramps. Please follow traffic control directions and use caution in the area.
Resurface and retreading the stairs leading from the upper deck of the garage to the lower deck. Loud work will continue through next week. The stairs will remain closed to foot traffic for the duration of the project. Placement of treads in late August. Please use caution in the area.
Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. The project has an estimated 2-3 month duration. To meet that schedule, the contractor will work 2 weekday shifts (8am - 8:30pm) and a single shift on Saturdays starting at 9am (possible earlier starts depending on events scheduled at St Ignatius Church)
General scope:
- impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jack hammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Week of Aug 8: Drilling micro piles in garage structure through Tues Aug 9; Aug 10 drilling begins outside at south end of site. This work will be noisy.
- Saturday Aug 6, Saturday August 13: Drilling micro piles. Work start @ 9am. Some of this work will be noisy.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed: All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
- August 8: Delivery of compactor rails on site. Noisy
- August 9: Delivery and placement of compactors
- Aug 15: Delivery of garage door system
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall; visitors may park at Koret Lot.
Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
Continued progression through the Complex with painting of the center walkway and scaffolding of the courtyards.
- Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Date TBD: Demo of small part of the wall along the north side of viaduct which will involve saw-cutting and will sometimes be loud.
- Aug 15(estimate): Site clearing and selected tree removal
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
- August 13 - Saturday - Student Move-In Day.
- 9am - 6pm - Orientation Desk opens
- 10am- 5pm - New Student Check in and Residence Hall Move In
- New students & families will have received an assigned check-in/move-in time before arrival.
- Student "Go Team” reps will help guide arrivals through process.
- USF Public Safety will work with SFMTA to create queuing lanes and to block off parking spots in select areas.
- September 10 Saturday - Back to School Concert 2-4 pm Ulrich Field (this event was postponed, now back to original date)
Construction at USF’s project sites continue in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
DATE 7/29/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Turk Boulevard Street Improvement project
Infrastructure project to refurbish the sidewalk, ramps, and driveways on the USF (north) side of Turk Boulevard,roughly between Tamalpais and Roselyn Terraces. The project is expected to be completed by mid-to-late August
Week of August 1:work crews will begin arrivingapproximately 7:30 a.m. with work commencing at 8am. Framing molds and concrete pours of sidewalks, driveway entrances and ramps
Please follow traffic control directionsand use caution in the area.
Koret Garage Stair resurfacing
August 1 (estimate): work will begin work to resurface and retread the stairs leading from the upper deck of the garage to the lower deck. The stairs will remain closed to foot traffic for theduration of the project. A work crew will be on-site for about a month. Most of the noisy/disruptive work will happen in the first two weeks of August. Please use caution in the area.
Lower Campus Steamline Project
Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. The project has an estimated 2-3 month duration. To meet that schedule, the contractor will work 2 weekday shifts(8am - 8:30pm) and a single shift on Saturdays starting at 9am (possible earlier starts depending on events scheduled at St Ignatius Church)
Closure dates for paver removal and excavation.
Please use caution in the area and follow directional signage.
- 8/4 - 8/5 - Path by SW Kalmanovitz Hall door
- 8/8 - 8/10- Main path between Welch Field and Gleeson Lawn
- 8/15 - 8/26 - Main path going north/south between Gleeson Library and Harney
General scope:
- Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC andMcLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jack hammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench platesrated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Aug 1:Drilling micro piles commences. Estimated duration 5 weeks
- Aug 5:Power shutdown:Gillson/Memorial only.Estimate timeframe: 8am - 5:30pm.
Underground electrical work ongoing.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed: All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Aug 1 & 2:Prep and delivery of new compactors
- Aug 15:Delivery of garage door system
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garagesbeneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall; visitors may park at Koret Lot.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
Continued progression through the Complex with painting of the center walkway and scaffolding of the courtyards.
Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Aug 8 (estimate):Demo of small part of the wall along the north side of viaduct which will involve saw-cutting and will sometimes be loud.
- Aug 15(estimate):Site clearing and selected tree removal
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy
Campus Events
- August 13 - Saturday - Student Move-In Day.
- 9am - 6pm - Orientation Desk opens
- 10am- 5pm - New Student Check in and Residence Hall Move In
- New students & families will have received an assigned check-in/move-in time before arrival.
- Student "Go Team” reps will help guide arrivals through process.
- USF Public Safety will work with SFMTA to create queuing lanes and to block off parking spots in select areas.
Construction at USF’s project sites continue in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents ateach site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 7/22/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Turk Boulevard Street Improvement project
infrastructure project to refurbish the sidewalk, ramps, and driveways on the USF (north) side of Turk Boulevard, roughly between Tamalpais and Roselyn Terraces. The project is expected to be completed by mid-to-late August.
Monday, July 25:work crews will begin arriving approximately 7:30 a.m. with work commencing at 8am. Demolition activities will occur first, including jack hammering and saw cutting.
Please follow traffic control directions and use caution in the area.
Koret Garage Stair resurfacing
August 1 (estimate): work will begin work to resurface and retread the stairs leading from the upper deck of the garage to the lower deck. The stairs will remain closed to foot traffic for the duration of the project. A work crew will be on-site for about a month. Most of the noisy/disruptive work will happen in the first two weeks of August. Please use caution in the area.
Lower Campus Steamline Project
Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. The project has an estimated 2-3 month duration. To meet that schedule, the contractor will work 2 weekday shifts(8am - 8:30pm) and a single shift on Saturdays starting at 9am (possible earlier starts depending on events scheduled at St Ignatius Church)
July schedule (estimate
- 7/21 - 22 -- mobilization of excavation equipment on site. Concrete saw-cutting (Welch Field)
- 7/25 -- begin excavation of Welch Field (~7-10 days)
- Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jackhammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- Aug 1:Estimated start date for drilling micro piles. Estimated duration 3 weeks
- Power shutdown: Gillson/Memorial only. Date TBD
- Underground electrical work ongoing.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed: All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- July 25:Electrical tie-in. Power will remain on.
- July 25:Interior painting begins
- July 27:Exterior painting begins
Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall; visitors may park at Koret Lot.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
- Continued progression through the Complex with painting of the center walkway and scaffolding of the courtyards.
- Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise
- July 25 week: remove and transplant palm trees at Anza entrance.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Aug 8 (estimate):Demo of small part of the wall along the north side of viaduct which will involve saw-cutting and will sometimes be loud.
- Aug 15(estimate): Site clearing and selected tree removal
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
Campus Events
- August 13 - Saturday - Move-In Day. Details to follow
- September 10 - Saturday - Back to School concert To be rescheduled/probably re-located
Construction at USF’s project sites continue in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents ateach site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 7/15/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lower Campus SteamlineProject
Steamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field. The project has an estimated 2-3 month duration. To meet that schedule, the contractor will work 2 weekday shifts (8am - 8:30pm) and a single shift on Saturdays starting at 9am (possible earlier starts depending on events scheduled at St Ignatius Church)
July schedule (estimate)
- 7/15 -- Fence delivery and installation around Welch Field
- 7/19 - 20 -- site prep
- 7/21 - 22 -- mobilization of excavation equipment on site (Welch Field)
- 7/25 -- begin excavation of Welch Field (~7-10 days)
- Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jack hammering, which will at times be noisy
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered with metal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- July 25:Estimated start date for drilling micro piles. Estimated duration 3 weeks
- July 25(estimate) Power shutdown: Gillson/Memorial. Details TBD
- Underground electrical work ongoing.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed:All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- July 11 - 19 Finish interior taping
- July 18:Painting begins
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall; visitors may park at Koret Lot.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
- Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
- Continued progression through the Complex with painting of the center walkway and scaffolding of the courtyards.
- Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
- July 25 week: remove and transplant palm trees at Anza entrance.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Structural remedial workof the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Estimated to start August 2022. Details TBD
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
Campus Events
- August 13 - Saturday - Move-In Day. Details to follow
- September 10- Saturday- Back to School concert To be rescheduled/probably re-located
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents ateach site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 7/8/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lower Campus SteamlineProject
Facilities Mgt will initiate a streamline maintenance/replacement project that will involve closing off Welch Field (See the map below) as well as require excavation and a fair amount of noise (jackhammering).
The project is scheduled to start on July 11, estimated 2-3 month duration. To meet that schedule, the contractor will work 2 weekday shifts (8am - 8:30pm) and possibly on a Saturday start time 9am.
July schedule (estimate)
- 7/11 - 7/12: site preparation
- 7/13 - 7/15: trucks deliver fencing and equipment; set up fencing around Welch Field
- 7/18 - 7/26 (~7-10 days): excavation begins at Welch field
- Impact areas on lower campus include: Welch Field, lower portion of Gleason lawn, north south footpath between Gleason and CSI, and one vault in the paver section of the drive between UC and McLaren
- Excavation activities will involve trenching and jack hammering.
- Fence placement for the steamline project is scheduled to begin on Monday and Tuesday, July 11th and 12th.
- All areas within the work zone will be fenced off and covered when work is not in progress. Trenched areas that intersect foot or vehicle traffic in paved areas will be covered withmetal trench plates rated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Malloy Basketball Practice Facility/War Memorial Gym
- July 11:3:30pm - 7:30pmPower shutdown: Gillson Hall & War Memorial Gym only
- July 18:Estimated start date for drilling micro piles. Estimated duration 3 weeks
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed:All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the Koret Lot.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- July 11 - 19 - Drywall installation
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall; visitors may park at Koret Lot.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
- Exterior Painting & Refresh Project:painting, landscaping, planter box rebuild, repair exterior lighting, gutter replacement, clay roof tile removal/reinstallation.
- Contractors will move scaffolding as needed to work through exterior sections of the buildings. Some aspects of erecting scaffolding will be noisy at times.
- Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
- Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Estimated to start August 2022. Details TBD
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy.
Campus Events
- August 13 - Saturday - Move-In Day. Details to follow
- September 10 - Saturday - Back to School concert, Ulrich Field, 2-4pm
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents ateach site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
Update 06/17/2022
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, and other external impacts, and may change without notice.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- WMG North Lobby -Please note the area remains a construction site and is closed. Please do not enter the area.
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- June:ongoing site preparation: soil removal, site fence install, equipment deployment
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed:All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the two garages underneath Lone Mountain East Residence Hall.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Week of June 20 -Complete erection of roof trusses. Installation of exterior sheathing.
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LM North. No expected interruption of power.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
- Exterior Painting & Refresh Project:painting, landscaping, planter box rebuild, repair exterior lighting, gutter replacement, clay roof tile removal/reinstallation.
- Contractors will move scaffolding as needed to work through exterior sections of the buildings. Some aspects of erecting scaffolding will be noisy at times.
- Some sheet metal work will be fabricated (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage to contain noise.
- Schedule:
- May 31 - August 19 approximately.
- Saturday June 18: Scaffolding installation. Central and south sides of the building Saturday work starts at 9am.
- Saturday June 25: On the 25th, a crane will be placed on Anza Street to hoist scaffolding in to the courtyards. Parking in front of the buildings along Anza street will be blocked off.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Start date changed: estimated to start August 2022. Details TBD
- Most work will take place under the roadbed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically, which will be noisy.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 06/2/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- WMG North Lobby -Punch walk completed. Please note the area remains a construction site and is closed. Please do not enter the area.
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- June:ongoing site preparation: soil removal, site fence install, equipment deployment
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed:All levels of HH parking garage are closed. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the two garages underneath Lone Mountain East Residence Hall.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Thru June 8 (estimate) - erection of steel frame. Aspects of this work will be noisy.
- June 6 -17Erection of roof trusses
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LM North. No expected interruption of power.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
Exterior Painting & Refresh Project:painting, landscaping, planter box rebuild, repair exterior lighting, gutter replacement, clay roof tile removal/reinstallation.
- Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
- May 31Begin installation of scaffolding. Scaffolding will start on the south side of the building Contractors will move scaffolding as needed to work through exterior sections of the buildings. Some aspects of erecting scaffolding will be noisy at times. Some sheet metal work will be a fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023.
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy. Details will follow.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c on April 29, 2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distancing
UPDATE 05/27/2022
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- WMG North Lobby-Punch walk completed. Please note the area remains a construction site and is closed. Please do not enter the area.
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- May 31 Begin concrete demo & drilling for micropiles in lower levels of HH garage
- May 31 Power Shut down to test aspects of the electrical system that serves Gillson and War Memorial. Power to Gillson and WMG will be shut down for 8 hours starting at 7am.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed:All levels of HH parking garage will close for the duration of the project starting May 23, 2022. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the two garages underneath Lone Mountain East Residence Hall.
- May 30 Memorial Day - No work at site. Light work on Friday May 27.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- May 31-Delivery of roof trusses
- May 23-June 8 (estimate) - erection of steel frame. Aspects of this work will be noisy.
- June 1-3. Delivery and erection of scaffolding.
- June 2. Tie-in for the fire pump reroute. Power Outage in LMN and LMM estimated 2hours.
- June 6-17Delivery & errection of roof trusses
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LM North. Consideration underway of re-routing the original planned path to avoid excessive noise. No expected interruption of power.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
- May 30 Memorial Day - No work at site. Light work on Friday May 27.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
- Exterior Painting & Refresh Project:painting, landscaping, planter box rebuild, repair exterior lighting, gutter replacement, clay roof tile removal/reinstallation.
- Schedule: May 31 - August 19 approximately.
- May 31Begin installation of scaffolding. Scaffolding will start on the south side of the building Contractors will move scaffolding as needed to work through exterior sections of the buildings. Some aspects of erecting scaffolding will be noisy at times. Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Structural remedial work of the Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus).
- Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023.
- Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically which will be noisy. Details will follow.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 05/23/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- WMG North Lobby
- Punch walk completed. Please note the area remains a construction site and is closed. Please do not enter the area.
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- May 20 - 26Installation of site's perimeter fencing
- May 23 Surface excavation activities south end of site near Gillson & Cardiac Hill
- May 31 Begin concrete demo & drilling for micropiles in lower levels of HH garage
- May 31 Power Shut down to test aspects of the electrical system that serves Gillson and War Memorial. Power to Gillson and WMG will be shut down for 8 hours starting at 7am.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot Closed:All levels of HH parking garage will close for the duration of the project starting May 23, 2022. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the two garages underneath Lone Mountain East Residence Hall.
- May 30 Memorial Day - No work at site. Light work on Friday May 27.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- May 24-Debris off-haul, one truck
- May 31-Delivery of roof trusses
- May 23-June 8 (estimate) - erection of steel frame. Aspects of this work will be noisy.
- June 1-3.Delivery and erection of scaffolding.
- June 6-17Erection of roof trusses
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LM North. Consideration underway of re-routing the original planned path to avoid excessive noise. No expected interruption of power.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
- May 30 Memorial Day - No work at site. Light work on Friday May 27.
Loyola Village, Anza Street
- Exterior Painting & Refresh Project
- Scope: painting, landscaping, planter box rebuild, repair exterior lighting, gutter replacement, clay roof tile removal/reinstallation. May 31 - August 19 approximately.
- May 31Begin installation of scaffolding. Scaffolding will start on the south side of the building Contractors will move scaffolding as needed to work through exterior sections of the buildings. Some aspects of erecting scaffolding will be noisy at times. Some sheet metal work will be fabrication (cutting & soldering) to be located in the LV garage in an effort to contain noise.
Campus Events
- May 26- Thursday - St Ignatius Preparatory Baccalaureate Reception 8:30pm-10pm
- May 28- Saturday. St Ignatius Preparatory War Memorial Gym 8am set up. 8:30pm-10pm
Upcoming Projects
- Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Seismic retrofit of Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023. Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically. Details will follow.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 05/13/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
Noisy work including drilling & saw cutting will not occur May 13-19 in recognition of Final Exams.
- WMG North Lobby -The construction of the USF Athletics Hall of Fame is nearing completion. Final painting through May 16; punch walk May 20.Please note the area remains a construction site and is closed. Please do not enter the area.
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- May 15 - 20Site preparation activities continue
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot:May 9th: lowest level of the garage will be closed. All levels of HH parking garage will close for the duration of the project starting May 23, 2022. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the two garages underneath Lone Mountain East Residence Hall. No drilling or saw cutting will occur May 13-19 for Finals.
- May 30 -Begin concrete demo & drilling for micropiles in lower levels of HH garage
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
Noisy work including drilling, saw cutting, & framing will not occur May 13-19 in recognition of Final Exams.
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LM North. Consideration underway of re-routing the original planned path to avoid excessive noise. No expected interruption of power.
- May 20-Delivery, structural steel. One large truck, flagmen on site. Please use caution along the viaduct at that time.
- May 23-June 8 (estimate) - erection of steel frame. Aspects of this work will be noisy.
- Project competition estimated mid August.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
Campus Events
- May 19 -Thursday - USF Commencement family & student reception, Sobrato Center 8p - 10pm
- May 19-21 Thursday - Saturday. USF Spring Commencement ceremonies at various campus venues
- May 26- Thursday - St Ignatius Preparatory Baccalaureate Reception 8:30pm-10pm
- May 28 -Saturday. St Ignatius Preparatory War Memorial Gym 8am set up starts. 8:30pm-10pm
Upcoming Projects
- Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Seismic retrofit of Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023. Most work will take place under the road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo work periodically. Details will follow.
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 05/06/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
Noisy work including drilling & saw cutting will not occur May 13-19 inrecognitionof Final Exams.
- WMG North Lobby -The construction of the USF Athletics Hall of Fame is nearing completion. Final painting and punch list walks start May 9.Please note the area remains a construction site and is closed. Please do not enter the area.
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility -USF will construct an elevated one-story basketball practice facility(approximately 15,500 square feet) adjacent to the existing War Memorial Gymnasium (WMG) building. The new addition,to be built over an existing surface parking lot, would contain a new basketball practice facility and a newmezzanine level with restrooms, coaches’ offices, andathletic conference rooms. (PlanningCommission Motion 20942, July 22,2021). The work will be sometimes be noisy and disruptive over the next 12 or 14 months, particularly fo offices on the east side of WMG.
- May 9Site preparation activities continue: soil removal, tree/stump removal, installation of site perimeter fencing, installation of temporary pedestrian paths. Please pay attention.
- May 9-12Demo pony wall at pathway stair, will involve saw cutting and be noisy.
- Reconfigure power: cutover & splicing: Date to be determined. Will involve an approximately 8 hour power shut down in area east of WMG.
- Hayes Healy Parking Lot:May 9th: lowest level of the garage will be closed.All levels ofHH parking garage will close for the duration of the project starting May 23, 2022. Faculty, Staff, and visitors are encouraged to park at the two garages underneath Lone Mountain East Residence Hall. No drilling or saw cutting will occur May 13-19 for Finals. May 30 Drilling for micropiles in lower levels of HH garage
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
Noisy work including drilling, saw cutting, & framing will not occur May 13-19 inrecognitionof Final Exams.
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LMNorth. Consideration underway of re-routing the original planned path to avoid excessive noise. No expected interruption of power.
- May 10-shot crete building walls. Date is contingent upon completion of foundation concrete pour, above.
- May 23-Delivery, structural steel. One large truck, flagmen on site. Please use caution along the viaduct at that time.
- May 23-June 8 (estimate) - erection of steel frame. Aspects of this work will be noisy.
- Project competition estimated mid August.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
Campus Events
- May 19 - Thursday - USFCommencement family & student reception, Sobrato Center 8p - 10pm
- May 19-21 - Thursday - Saturday. USFSpring Commencement ceremonies at various campus venues
- May 26- Thursday - St Ignatius PreparatoryBaccalaureate Reception 8:30pm-10pm
- May 28- Saturday -St Ignatius PreparatoryWar Memorial Gym 8am set up starts. 8:30pm-10pm
Upcoming Projects
- Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave -
- Seismic retrofit of Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023. Most work will take place underthe road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo workperiodically. Details will follow.
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 05/02/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- May 2-concrete pour for building foundation Approx 10-15 trucks. Trucks will be staged remotely and managed by flagmen and radio control. Please use caution near the construction area and on the viaduct.
- Electrical tie-in - date TBD: install electrical conduit inside LMNorth. Consideration underway of re-routing the original planned path to avoid excessive noise. No expected interruption of power.
- May 10-shot crete building walls. Date is contingent upon completion of foundation concrete pour, above.
- May 11-Delivery, structural steel. One large truck, flagmen on site. Please use caution along the viaduct at that time.
- May 13-27 (estimate) -framing activities. Work that will be noisy will begin after 9am during Exam Week.
- Project competition estimated mid August.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility preliminary work
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- USF will construct an elevated one-story basketball practice facility(approximately 15,500 square feet) adjacent to the existing War Memorial Gymnasium (WMG) building. The new addition,to be built over an existing surface parking lot, would contain a new basketball practice facility and a newmezzanine level with restrooms, coaches’ offices, andathletic conference rooms. (PlanningCommission Motion 20942, July 22,2021). The work will be sometimes be noisy and disruptive over the next 12 or 14 months, particularly fo offices on the east side of WMG.
- May 2 Site preparation activities begin: soil removal etc.
- Reconfigure power: cutover & splicing: Date to be determined. Will involve an approximately 8 hour power shut down in area east of WMG.
- Parking:Upper deck of Hayes Healy lot will remain closed.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hall
- planting replacement trees is continuing, depending upon supply chain. Planting scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the birm. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
Campus Events
- May 7 - Saturday - Student EventSchool of Education Parking10am - 2pm. Live music 12 - 1.
- May 19 -Thursday USFCommencement family & student reception, Sobrato Center 8p - 10pm
- May 19-21 - Thursday - Saturday. USFSpring Commencement ceremonies
- May 26- Thursday - St Ignatius PreparatoryBaccalaureate Reception 8:30pm-10pm
- May 28- Saturday. St Ignatius PreparatoryWar Memorial Gym 8am set up starts. 8:30pm-10pm
Upcoming Projects
- Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Seismic retrofit of Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023. Most work will take place underthe road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo workperiodically. Details will follow.
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 04/22/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Harney Science Center
- SaturdayApril 23; Saturday April 28-Interior work on installing ventilation ducts from 1st floor to roof will require saw cutting through floor slabs on two Saturdays noted. Workers will arrive around 7:30 for set up. Saw cutting will start after 9am.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- April 28(date estimate)-concrete pour for building foundation Approx 10-15 trucks. Trucks will be staged remotely and managed by flagmen and radio control. Please use caution near the construction area and on the viaduct. (Note: the date for this pour has changed over the last few weeks due to supply line and other external contingencies.)
- April 28 - 29(date estimate)-Electrical tie-in: install electrical conduit inside LMNorth. Electricians will run a line from LMN 2nd floor (near IST Help Desk entrance) to laundry room below and Conf room 116. Work on 2nd floor requires drilling a core through floor to lower level which will be noisy for a short time. No expected interruption of power.
- May 2(date estimate)-shot crete building walls. Date is contingent upon completion of foundation concrete pour, above.
- Project competition estimated early August.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility preliminary work
- Hall of Fame/WMG:Tuesday 4/26: paint interior walls and ceiling. Work on interior space by general contractor expected to be completed by May 2.
- Reconfigure power: cutover & splicing: Date to be determined. Will involve an approximately 8 hour power shut down in area east of WMG.
- Site preparation activities: soil removal etc. Estimated start in about 1 week.
- Parking:Upper deck of Hayes Healy lot will remain closed.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized. The planting birm scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the Z. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
Campus Events
- April 29 Gleeson Plaza 11am -3pm Student Event with amplified sound (SF permit acquired)
- April 29 School of Education parking lot. 3pm-7pmGleeson Plaza 3pm -7pm.Student Event with music and amplified sound (SF permit acquired)
- May 19-21 Thursday - Saturday. Spring Commencement ceremonies
Upcoming Projects
- Malloy Basketball Practice Facility
- USF will construct an elevated one-story basketball practice facility(approximately 15,500 square feet) adjacent to the existing War Memorial Gymnasium (WMG) building. The new addition,to be built over an existing surface parking lot, would contain a new basketball practice facility and a newmezzanine level with restrooms, coaches’ offices, andathletic conference rooms. (PlanningCommission Motion 20942, July 22,2021).Project start date estimated May 2, 2022. Details will follow.
- Lone Mountain Viaduct, 330 Parker Ave
- Seismic retrofit of Lone Mountain viaduct (north side of Lone Mountain campus). Estimated schedule June 1, 2022 - May 2023. Most work will take place underthe road bed. There will be substantial concrete demo workperiodically. Details will follow.
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 04/15/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- April 20 or 21(date estimate)-concrete pour for building foundation Approx 10-15 trucks. Trucks will be staged remotely and managed by flagmen and radio control. Please use caution near the construction area and on the viaduct.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility preliminary work
- April 19:Micropile strength test. Moderate percussive noise.
- Reconfigure power: cutover & splicing: Date to be determined. Will involve an approximately 8 hour power shut down in area east of WMG.
- Site preparation activities: soil removal etc. Estimated start in about 2 weeks.
- Parking:Upper deck of Hayes Healy lot will remain closed.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized. Planting scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the birm. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
- Thursday - Saturday May 19-21 Spring Commencement ceremonies
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 04/08/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- MondayApril 11 -rebar inspection andconcrete pour. One truck. (April 5 pour canceled)
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility preliminary work
- Reconfigure power: cutover & splicing: Date to be determined. Will involve an approximately 8 hour power shut down in area east of WMG.
- Site preparation activities: soil removal etc. Estimated start in about 2 weeks.
- Parking:Upper deck of Hayes Healy lot will remain closed.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized. Planting scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the birm. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
Campus Events
- Saturday April 9 8:30 am- 3:45pm Campus Open House for newly admitted students
- Thursday - Saturday May 19-21 Spring Commencement ceremonies
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
UPDATE 04/01/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- TuesdayApril 5 -viaduct pour back. One truck
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- April 5 & 6, Drill two test piles: adjacent to east wall of WMG. Small rig; moderate noise
- Parking:Upper deck of Hayes Healy lot will remain closed.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized. Planting scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the birm. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
Campus Events
- Thursday May 26 8:30pm - 10pm - St Ignatius High SchoolGraduationReception at Sobrato Center/WMG
- Saturday May 28 10:00 am- 12pm - St Ignatius High SchoolGraduationat Sobrato Center/WMG
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Updates 03/25/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- March 28 - (estimate) April 1: Contractor will be drillingstructural piers at theTrashFacility site. Work starts after 8am each day. The work will involve large equipment and will be noisy.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Week of March 28:continued installation of ceiling panels, finish flooring, MEP trim, install display cases
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized. Planting scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the birm. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Updates 03/21/22:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- March 22: Concrete pour at site. 8am start
- March 25, 26, 28, 29:The contractorwill be drilling structural piers at the Trash Facility site. Work starts after 8am each day andafter 9am on Saturday 3/26.The work will involve large equipment and will be noisy. Also, largeequipment will be delivered on March 23, 24 which could also be noisy during set-up.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Through March 25:Hayes Healy parking driveway and upper parking lot closed through Mar 25.
- Week of March 21:installation of ceiling panels, finish flooring, MEP trim, install display cases
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized. Planting scheme will be to place 8-10 New Zealand Christmas trees along the top of the birm. Plantings on the hillside will include Liquid Amber, Japanese Flowering Plums, and Magnolias. (Approx 8-10 each)
University Calendar
- Basketball practices: visiting teams Tues 3/22 4-6pm; Thurs 3/24 10:15 - noon.
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Updates 03/11/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- March 13,Saturday: concrete demo workcontinues on the viaduct at the site. Work starts after 9am
- Concrete Pour.EstimateMarch 16, to be confirmed.
- Water Shut off at LMNorth -March 19, 8am - noon;Water service will be shut off forLone Mtn North 8am-12noon
Lone Mtn North 8am-12noon
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Through March 18:Hayes Healy parking driveway and upper parking lot closed through Mar 18.Vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available. The lot will be open on the weekend.
- March 14:Delivery of flooring materials for Hall of Fame. One large truck is expected for delivery.
- March 21:installation of ceiling panels
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Calendar
- Women’s Basketball: possible invitation to host Women’s NIT Tournament; date TBD
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Updates 03/04/2022
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Mar 7:Shotcrete walls
- Water Shut off at LMNorth -Change of Dateto either March 12 or March 19; to be confirmed asap.Water service will be shut off for Lone Mtn North 8am-12noon.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Feb 28 - (approx) March 18:Hayes Healy parking driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed Feb 28-(approx) Mar 11. Vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available. The lot will be open on the weekend.
- March 14:Delivery of flooring materials for Hall of Fame. One large truck expected for delivery.
- March 21:installation of ceiling panels
- The Project Contractor has reserved ‘construction parking spaces’ on Golden Gate, along the frontage in front of the UC lot. The restriction hasn’t been enforced in recent weeks, but work at the site is going to pick up . Unauthorized cars using those spaces may be ticketed and/or towed.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Calendar
- March 5Donaroo Concertat War Memorial Gym 7pm - 10pm
- load-in beginning at 12pm Friday, March 4th - onsite until 11/1130pm. “No park” zones reserved in front of the gym and on turk / stanyan for the trucks
- load-in continues at 9am on Saturday, March 5th
- doors at 630pm
- concert is 7pm - 10:30pm
- load out beginning at 9am Sunday, March 6th. Complete by about 3pm
- generator in UC lot will be on/running 3/4 2pm - 11pm, 3/5 9am - 11pm
- Student entrance will be at WMG south lobby entrance, interior to campus
- Ticket sales are capped to about 25% capacity due to Covid
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Updates 2/28/2022
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Feb 28 - Mar 1finishrebar placement
- Mar 2:Concrete pour of foundation. Several trucks.
- Mar 7:Shotcrete walls
- Mar 14: Water shut Lone Mtn North 5am - 5pm. Water service will be shut off for Lone Mtn North all day March 14
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Feb 28 - (approx) March 11:Hayes Healy parking driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed Feb 28-(approx) Mar 11. Vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available. The lot will be open on the weekend.
- March 14:Delivery of flooring materials for Hall of Fame. One large truck expected for delivery.
- The Project Contractor has reserved ‘construction parking spaces’ on Golden Gate, along the frontage in front of the UC lot. The restriction hasn’t been enforced in recent weeks, but work at the site is going to pick up . Unauthorized cars using those spaces may be ticketed and/or towed.
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Periodic utility work/trenching in landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Glilson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized.
university calendar
- March 5Donaroo Concertat War Memorial Gym 7pm - 10pm
- load-in beginning at 12pm Friday, March 4th - onsite until 11/1130pm. “No park” zones reserved in front of the gym and on turk / stanyan for the trucksload-in continues at 9am on Saturday, March 5th.
- doors at 630pm
- concert is 7pm - 1030pm
- load out beginning at 9am Sunday, March 6th. Complete by about 3pm
- generator in UC lot will be on/running 3/4 2pm - 11pm, 3/5 9am - 11pm
- Student entrance will be at WMG south lobby entrance, interior to campus
- Ticket sales are capped to about 25% capacity due to Covid
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned bystudents, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. Weappreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, andimplement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by CityAdministrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workersfollow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Updates 2/28/2022
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Feb 28 - Mar 1finishrebar placement
- Mar 2:Concrete pour of foundation. Several trucks.
- Mar 7:Shotcrete walls
- Mar 14: Water shut Lone Mtn North 5am - 5pm. Water service will be shut off for Lone Mtn North all day March 14
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Feb 28 - (approx) March 11:Hayes Healy parking driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed Feb 28-(approx) Mar 11. Vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available. The lot will be open on the weekend.
- March 14:Delivery of flooring materials for Hall of Fame. One large truck expected for delivery.
- The Project Contractor has reserved ‘construction parking spaces’ on Golden Gate, along the frontage in front of the UC lot. The restriction hasn’t been enforced in recent weeks, but work at the site is going to pick up . Unauthorized cars using those spaces may be ticketed and/or towed.
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Periodic utility work/trenching in landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Glilson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized.
university calendar=""
- March 5Donaroo Concertat War Memorial Gym 7pm - 10pm
- load-in beginning at 12pm Friday, March 4th - onsite until 11/1130pm. “No park” zones reserved in front of the gym and on turk / stanyan for the trucks
- load-in continues at 9am on Saturday, March 5th.
- doors at 630pm
- concert is 7pm - 1030pm
- load out beginning at 9am Sunday, March 6th. Complete by about 3pm
- generator in UC lot will be on/running 3/4 2pm - 11pm, 3/5 9am - 11pm
- Student entrance will be at WMG south lobby entrance, interior to campus
- Ticket sales are capped to about 25% capacity due to Covid
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Update 02/18/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Feb 21: No work at site
- Feb 22 - Mar 1 Framing and site preparation continue
- Mar 2: Concrete pour of foundation. Several trucks, details tbd
- Mar 7: Shotcrete walls.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Feb 21: No work at site
- Feb 28 - March 4: Installation of new storm drain in along WMG drive, east side. The driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed and vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available. (The parking lot will be open the week of Feb 18)
- The Project Contractor has reserved ‘construction parking spaces’ on Golden Gate, along the frontage in front of the UC lot. The restriction hasn’t been enforced in recent weeks, but work at the site is going to pick up . Unauthorized cars using those spaces may be ticketed and/or towed.
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Periodic utility work/trenching in landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Gillson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hall plans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Calendar
- March 5 Donaroo campus concert - Either WMGym or Koret (TBD)
- load-in beginning at 12pm Friday, March 4th - onsite until 11/1130pm.
- “No park” zones reserved in front of the gym and on turk / stanyan for the trucks
- load-in continues at 9am on Saturday, March 5th
- doors at 630pm
- concert is 7pm - 1030pm
- load out beginning at 9am Sunday, March 6th. Complete by about 3pm
- generator in UC lot will be on/running 3/4 2pm - 11pm, 3/5 9am - 11pm
- If at WMG, student entrance will be at south lobby entrance, off Golden Gate
- Ticket sales are capped to about 25% capacity due to Covid
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c on April 29, 2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Update 2/11/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Week of Feb 14-19: Debris removal from site. Please exercise caution in the area.
- Form work for lower and upper levels continues. Plumbers on site for piping work. Will involve truck traffic and some noise. Please exercise caution when near the site.
- Feb 18 or Feb 23 tbd: Concrete pour.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Week of Feb 14-19: Installation of new storm drain in along WMG drive, east side. The driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed and vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available.
- The Project Contractor has reserved ‘construction parking spaces’ on Golden Gate, along the frontage in front of the UC lot. The restriction hasn’t been enforced in recent weeks, but work at the site is going to pick up so, effective today 2/4/22, Cahill will start ticketing unauthorized cars using those spaces while also reserving the right to tow vehicles.
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Periodic utility work/trenching in landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Gillson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hall plans for replacement trees are being finalized.
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Update 02/07/2022:
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility - addendum
- Feb 9, possibly Feb 10: Rebar delivery to site. Will involve a large tractor-trailer entering Lo Schiavo Drive from Parker. Traffic on Parker and along the Drive may be briefly disrupted. Flagmen will be on site.
Update 2/4/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Form work for lower and upper levels continues. Plumbers on site for piping work. Will involve truck traffic and some noise. Please exercise caution when near the site.
- Feb 17: Concrete pour. Details such as number of trucks etc TBD.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available toUSF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- The Project Contractor has reserved ‘construction parking spaces’ on Golden Gate, along the frontage in front of the UC lot. The restriction hasn’t been enforced in recent weeks, but work at the site is going to pick up so, effective today 2/4/22, Cahill will start ticketing unauthorized cars using those spaces while also reserving the right to tow vehicles.
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Periodic utility work/trenching in landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Gillson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
- Week of Feb 14-19: Installation of new storm drain in along WMG drive, east side. The driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed and vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hall plans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Calendar
- Spring semester 1/24/22 -5/19/22
- USF Athletics
- Tuesday, Feb 8: Men’s Basketball Time 7pm
- Saturday, Feb 5: Women’s Basketball Time 2pm
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
Update 1/28/2022:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Dining Commons
- Back lot: fabrication of small concrete slab.
- 1/24-1/28 build forms
- Concrete pour – Tuesday Feb 1, 8a-12p; 2 trucks.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Ongoing installation of grade beams and foundation walls . Will involve truck traffic and some noise. Please exercise caution when near the site.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Periodic utility work/trenching in landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Glilson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
- Friday Jan 28: Utility work at sidewalk/driveway entrance to the parking deck east of WMGym, between the Gym and Hayes Healy. The lot will be closed from about midnight Jan 27 until noon January 28. The work is excepted to take about 4 hours on Friday Jan 28, between 7am - 12pm; noisy work if any will start after 8am. Once work begins started, vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available.
- Week of Feb 14-19: Installation of new storm drain in along WMG drive, east side. The driveway and upper parking lot deck east of WMG will be closed and vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hall plans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Calendar
- Spring semester 1/24/22 -5/19/22
- USF Athletics
- Monday Jan 29: Men's Basketball Time 4pm
- Tuesday Feb 8: Men’s Basketball Time 7pm
- Thursday Jan 22: Women’s Basketball Time 2pm
- Thursday Feb 3: Women’s Basketball Time 6pm
- Saturday Feb 5: Women’s Basketball Time 2pm
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals which owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29,2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020 and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
1/21/2022 Updates:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Dining Commons
- Back lot:fabrication of small concrete slab: 1/24-1/28 build forms. The concrete pour – soon after, date TBD
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Foundation Wall concrete pour – 1/24/22. Will involve truck traffic and some noise. Please exercise caution when near the site.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym/Basketball Practice Facility
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Tuesday, Jan 25: Utility work/trenching in the landscaped area between WMG, Hayes Healy & Gilson. Landscaped area will be fenced off. Walkways will be open; use caution in the area.
- Friday, Jan 28: Utility work at sidewalk/driveway entrance to the parking deck east of WMGym, between the Gym and Hayes Healy. The lot will be closed from about midnight Jan 27 until noon January 28. The work is excepted to take about 4 hoursonFriday, Jan 28, between 7 am - 12 pm; noisy work if any will start after 8 am. Once work begins started, vehicle access/egress to the parking deck will not be available.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- Eastside of LME Res Hallplans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Calendar
- Spring semester 1/24/22 -5/19/22
- USF Athletics
- Thursday, Jan 27: Men’s Basketball Time 7 pm
- Monday, Jan 29: Men's Basketball Time 4 pm
- Tuesday, Feb 8: Men’s Basketball Time 7 pm
- Thursday, Jan 22: Women’s Basketball Time 2 pm
- Thursday, Feb 3: Women’s Basketball Time 6 pm
- Saturday, Feb 5: Women’s Basketball Time 2 pm
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c on April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
1/14/2022 Update:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Concrete Pour – 1/18/22
- Concrete Pour – 1/19/22
- Foundation Wall concrete Pour – 1/24/22
- Lumber Deliveries (will require off-loading on Parker Ave) – 1/18 & 1/20/22. Flagmen will be present
The above activities will involve truck traffic and some noise. Please exercise caution when near the site.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
- Tree removal, east side: Jan 18 and Jan 21, 8:30a - 3pm
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- East side of LME Res Hall plans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Events
- USF Holiday schedule
- Intersession 1/4/22 - 1/21/22
- Spring semester 1/24/22 -5/19/22
- USF Athletics
- Saturday, Jan 15: Men’s Basketball Time 8pm TV trucks at campus
- Monday, Jan 18: Women’s Basketball Time 5 pm
- Thursday, Jan 20: Women’s Basketball Time 6 pm
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c on April 29, 2020.USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
01/07/2022 Update:
All dates below are best estimates, subject to impacts of weather, other external impacts, and may change without notice.
Lone Mountain Trash & Recycling Facility
- Thru Jan 14 (estimated). Recent rainstorms have occasionally delayed site work & excavation. Drilling & placement of soldier beams, installation of retaining wall continue. Trucks will use LoSchiavo Drive for off-hauling. One truck delivery of rebar is estimated at Jan 14. Some parts of this work are moderately noisy.
- Parking on the Lo Schiavo Drive viaduct has been reduced. The west portion of the ramp is reserved for construction parking. Alternative parking is available to USF permit holders in the garages beneath the new Lone Mtn Residence Hall.
War Memorial Gym
- Conversion of WMG North Lobby to USF Athletic Hall of Fame continues.
Lone Mountain Residence Hall (LME)
- Tree removal, east side of LME Res Hall Plans for replacement trees are being finalized.
University Events
- USF Holiday schedule
- Intersession 1/4/22 - 1/21/22
- Spring semester 1/24/22 -5/19/22
- USF Athletics
- Thursday Jan 13: Men’s Basketball Time 8pm, TV trucks at campus
- Saturday Jan 15: Men’s Basketball Time 8pm TV trucks at campus.
- Monday Jan 18: Women’s Basketball Time 5pm
- Thursday Jan 20: Women’s Basketball Time 6pm
Dogs on USF Campus:
USF policy requires that all dogs on campus must be leashed at all times. Exceptions apply only to service animals and emotional support animals owned by students, faculty, or staff and which are registered with USF Disability Services. All persons attending animals on campus are required to pick up after their animals. We appreciate your cooperation.
Construction at USF’s project sites continues in accordance with San Francisco's Department of Public Health Order C19-07c on April 29, 2020. USF requires all contractors working on campus sites to adhere to Public Health guidelines on social distancing and safety guidelines. Each general contractor has been required to create, adopt, and implement a written plan conforming with the recommendations of the “San Francisco Construction Industry Consensus - Best Practices COVID-19 / Construction Field Safety Guidelines” issued by City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly on April 1, 2020, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health Order C19-07c April 29, 2020. Superintendents at each site are tasked with making sure workers follow those guidelines and maintain social distance.
2/14/2019 Update:
Early Morning Equipment Pickup
A large piece of equipment is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday, February 19 at approximately 4:00 a.m. As with other larger equipment, the size of the truck required for hauling the equipment triggers travels time restrictions required by the City of San Francisco. Contractors will make every effort to minimize noise associated with the pickup, however, there will likely be truck backing up noise. We apologize for the disruption and inconvenience.
Work on Water Lines
Work on campus water lines and connections to City services on Turk is scheduled to begin this week, weather allowing. The work on Turk will at times be noisy and will involve trenching, temporary re-routing of the sidewalk, installation of two new manholes, and temporary and final paving. We will post the work dates when they are finalized.
Excavation & Off-Hauling
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Off hauling continues. Flagmen are positioned at the job site gates and at the middle spur of Lone Mountain. Truck bosses manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes. Please use caution at the perimeter of the job site. Early Morning Equipment Pickup a large piece of equipment is scheduled to be picked up Thursday, February 7 at approximately 4:00 a.m. As with other larger equipment, the size of the truck required for hauling the equipment triggers travels time restrictions required by the City of San Francisco. Contractors will make every effort to minimize noise associated with the pickup, however, there will likely be truck backing up noise. We apologize for the disruption and inconvenience.
Work on Water Lines
The start date for work on campus water lines and connections to City services on Turk has been pushed to February. The work on Turk will at times be noisy and will involve trenching, temporary re-routing of the sidewalk, installation of two new manholes, and temporary and final paving. We will post the work dates when they are finalized.
2/6/2019 Update:
Excavation & Off-Hauling
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Off hauling continues. Flagmen are positioned at the job site gates. In particular, Thursday and Friday (2/7&8/19) @ 7:00 am off haul soil out of the construction site’s west gate will begin, the middle spur of Lone Mountain Drive will begin. Additional flaggers will be provided.
1/30/2019 Update:
Early Morning Equipment Pickup
A large piece of equipment is scheduled to be picked up Thursday, January 31 at approximately 4:00 a.m. As with other larger equipment, the size of the truck required for hauling the equipment triggers travels time restrictions required by the City of San Francisco. Contractors will make every effort to minimize noise associated with the pickup, however, there will likely be truck backing up noise. We apologize for the disruption and inconvenience.
Work on Water Lines
The start date for work on campus water lines and connections to City services on Turk has been pushed to February. The work on Turk will at times be noisy and will involve trenching, temporary re-routing of the sidewalk, installation of two new manholes, and temporary and final paving. We will post the work dates when they are finalized.
Excavation & Off-Hauling
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Off hauling continues. Flagmen are positioned at the job site gates. Two truck bosses will manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes.
1/17/2019 Update:
Work on Water Lines
The work on campus water lines and connections to City services on Turk will start January 19. The work on Turk will involve trenching, temporary re-routing of the sidewalk, installation of two new manholes, and temporary and final paving. Expected end date is January 31.
Excavation & Off-Hauling
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Off hauling continues. Flagmen are positioned at the job site gates. Two truck bosses will manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes.
Holiday Schedule
January 18, MLK Holiday - Contractors will be working at the site.
February 18, President’s Day - No work at the site is planned.
12/19/2018 Update:
Work on Water Lines
The work on campus water lines and connections to City services on Turk, originally scheduled to start this week, has been postponed until January. The work on Turk will involve trenching, temporary re-routing of the sidewalk, installation of two new manholes, and temporary and final paving. We will share the work dates with you when they are finalized.
USF recently made the decision to change the construction start time to 7 am, M-F, and 8 am Saturdays to allow more trucks to work to be performed on a daily basis and to meet the overall schedule. Currently, trucks off haul excavated earth to a site two to three hours away from campus. The expanded timeframe will allow significantly more loads to be removed from the site on a daily basis. For example, a truck will be able to make three trips daily instead of two; multiply that by 30 or more trucks daily and the progress is significant. Ultimately, this should reduce the total number of days required to complete the excavation phase. While we understand and regret the disruption, our intent is to potentially shorten the overall duration of the project.
Holiday Schedule
Dec 23, 24, 25 - No work on site
Dec 26-29 - Regular work hours
Dec 30,31/Jan 1 - No work on site
Jan 2 - 5 - Regular work hours
12/07/2018 Update:
Excavation & Off-Hauling
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Off hauling continues. Flagmen are positioned at the job site gates. Two truck bosses will manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes. Overall excavation work is expected to last about 5 months.
Work on Water Lines
Starting on Monday, December 10, contractors will work on campus water lines and connections to City services. Work on the campus water lines will be on December 10 and 11. The work will move out to connections on Turk after the campus work is complete, specific start date TBD. The work on Turk will involve trenching, temporary re-routing of the sidewalk, installation of two new manholes, and temporary and final paving. This work will be noisy, including the use of jackhammers. We apologize in advance for any disruption.
We encourage everyone to use extra caution at all times when walking or driving near the job site.
11/21/18 Update:
There will be no construction activity over Thanksgiving weekend, 11/22 -25.
11/09/2018 Update:
Excavation & Shoring
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, grading and off hauling. During off-hauling flagmen will be positioned at the job site gates. Two truck bosses manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes. Overall excavation work is expected to last about 5 months.
There will be some drilling and shoring work on the site on Saturday, November 10, no off hauling is expected.
We encourage everyone to use extra caution at all times when walking or driving near the job site gates.
Tree placement, Northeast corner
Seven Deodar Cedars (60inch boxes) were put in place on the slope on the northeast corner of the site. The landscape contractor is completing the planting process.
East Slope grubbing
The clusters of dead trees in the middle of the slope between the construction site and the Ewing Terrace property line have not yet been removed. The dead trees must be removed in anticipation of future landscaping. The contractor plans to start removing the dead trees as soon as shoring work in that area is complete. We have asked them to leave as much greenery on the slope as possible. Any open ground left after removal will be covered by wattles and other material to prevent erosion.
10/31/2018 Update:
Excavation & Shoring
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, grading and off hauling. During off-hauling flagmen will be positioned at the job site gates. Two truck bosses manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes and do not stack in line on Turk. Overall excavation work is expected to last about 5 months. There will be off hauling on Saturday, November 2.
East Slope grubbing
There are a couple of clusters of dead trees in the middle of the slope between the construction site and the Ewing Terrace property line. The dead trees must be removed in anticipation of future landscaping. Because access to that area with large equipment won’t be possible after excavation, the contractor plans to start removing the dead trees starting Thursday, Nov 1. We have asked them to leave as much greenery in place as possible. Any open ground left after removal will be covered by wattles and other material to prevent erosion.
Tree placement, Northeast corner
For the same reason as above, we plan to plant seven Deodar Cedars (60inch boxes) downhill from the northeast corner of the site. The contractor will start digging the holes for the trees tomorrow, the process will take several days and will involve some noise. Because of the size of the boxes, a crane is scheduled for Wed Nov 7 to put them in place.
10/25/18 Update:
Excavation at the site continues including soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Off hauling will begin Friday, October 26 which will result in an increase in truck traffic in and out of the site. Flagmen will be positioned at the job site gates. Two truck bosses will manage truck traffic to ensure truckers follow prescribed routes. Overall excavation work is expected to last about 5 months.
We encourage everyone to use extra caution at all times when walking or driving near the job site gates.
10/22/18 Update:
An excavator is scheduled for delivery Tuesday, October 23 at approximately 4:30 a.m. As with other larger equipment, the size of the job trailer triggers travel time restrictions required by the City of San Francisco. Contractors will make every effort to minimize noise associated with the pickup, however, there will likely be truck backing up noise. We apologize for the disruption and inconvenience.
10/18/18 Update:
One trailer is scheduled for pick up Monday, October 22 at approximately 6:30 a.m. As with some larger equipment, the size of the job trailer triggers travel time restrictions required by the City of San Francisco. Contractors will make every effort to minimize noise associated with the pickup, however, there will likely be truck backing up noise. We apologize for any disruption and inconvenience.
10/16/18 Update:
One of the large rigs scheduled for delivery on Tuesday, October 16 was not delivered. Delivery has been rescheduled for Thursday, Oct 18 at approximately 4:00 a.m.
As with the other large equipment, the size of the equipment triggers travel time restrictions required by the City of San Francisco. The contractors will make every effort to minimize the noise associated with this delivery however it is likely to be noisy. We apologize in advance for any disruption and inconvenience.
10/15/18 Update:
Two large rigs are scheduled to be delivered to the Lone Mountain Residence Hall construction site on Tuesday October 16. The size of the equipment requires hauling by oversize trucks which trigger travel time restrictions imposed by the City of San Francisco. Accordingly, the trucks will arrive at the construction site entrance on Turk at approximately 4:00 a.m. The contractors will make every effort to minimize the noise associated with this delivery however it is likely to be noisy and apologize in advance for any disruption and inconvenience.
10/4/18 Update:
- Thursday, Oct 5: Paving of temporary road on lawn area through Oct 6. Work will involve the application of asphalt on the temporary roadway.
- Monday, Oct 8: Excavation at the site is scheduled to begin on Monday, Oct 8. Early phases of the process involve soil stabilization, shoring, leveling, and grading. Some of the shoring work will be noisy. Continued delivery of shoring beams to the site. As the work proceeds, truck traffic in and out of the site will increase. A flagman will be in place at the job site gate but we encourage everyone to use extra caution at all times around the site. A ‘truck boss’ is assigned to the site to manage truck traffic and ensure truckers follow prescribed routes. Overall excavation work is expected to last about 5 months.
- Wednesday, Oct 11: Deliver & install Devcon construction trailers.
All dates are schedule estimates and may change without notice.
9/25/18 Update:
- Sept 27 - 28: The temporary access road is scheduled to be completed and paved on.
- The construction site is cleared and prepared for excavation and shoring. The next phase at the site will involve preparation for earthwork and shoring.
- October 1: Construction activities will pick up significantly beginning the week of.
- Delivery of two trailers (for construction management) is scheduled for early October.
- 10/1 - 10/19: Leveling and rough grading at the site is scheduled for.
- 10/8 -10/19: Delivery of shoring beams is scheduled between.
- Mass excavation is scheduled to begin in late October and is expected to take about five months. We will share details about these activities as the schedule develops.
- All of this work will involve increased truck activity both for deliveries and for off-hauling. Flagmen will be in place at the job site gate but we encourage everyone to use extra caution at all times around the site.
All dates are schedule estimates and may change without notice.
9/13/18 Update:
work will begin on building a temporary roadway from Turk to the construction site, roughly near the Roselyn Terrace/Turk intersection. This temporary road will be used primarily by trucks off-hauling soils from the site. As with other construction activities impacting the eastern portion of the Lone Mountain lawn, the changes are temporary. The lawn will be returned to its original condition when the project is completed.
8/31/18 Update:
Two drill rigs are scheduled to be delivered to the Lone Mtn Residence Hall construction site during the week of September 3. The first drill rig, the smaller of the two, will be delivered around noon on Tuesday, Sept 4. The Contractor will manage vehicle and pedestrian traffic around the immediate area.
The second delivery is a large drill rig, scheduled for delivery to the site on Wednesday, Sept 5. The size of the drill rig requires hauling by an oversize truck, the dimensions of which trigger travel time restrictions imposed by the City of San Francisco. Specifically, this truck may only travel on City streets before 6 am. Accordingly, the truck and drill rig will arrive at the construction site entrance on Turk at approximately 4:00 a.m. The crew will take approximately 1/2 hour to unload the rig and then will drive away. The contractors will make every effort to minimize the noise associated with this delivery however we acknowledge that it is likely to be noisy and apologize in advance for any disruption and inconvenience.
8/21/18 Update:
Tree removal will begin on 8/21 at the Res Hall site. The work will involve some heavy equipment and chainsaw noise.
8/4/18 Update:
There will be some work at the Lone Mountain lawn site on Saturday, August 4. A team of carpenters will be building forms for a concrete pour. The work is scheduled to start at 9am
8/3/18 Update:
Site preparation and demolition activities will continue during the week of Aug 6. The schedule includes constructing a perimeter fence around the restricted construction area which borders the sidewalk along Turk, the demolition of Underhill which will involve heavy equipment, and continued site grubbing and tree removal.
8/1/18 Update:
We are expecting to start tree removal & site “grubbing” at the Residence Hall site late this week or early next. The tree work will be noisy.
7/16/18 Update:
On Wednesday, July 18, the general contractor will fly a drone over the proposed Res Hall construction site during business hours in order to photo document current conditions. The process will take about a half-hour.
6/20/18 Update: Construction Site Closure
Beginning Monday, June 25, the following parking lots, rampways, and pedestrian pathways will close in preparation for construction of the new Sobrato Residential Complex:
- Loyola Parking Lot
- Lone Mountain Drive, east of Loyola House driveway entrance
- Pedestrian Path from Loyola Village to Turk Blvd
- Underhill Tennis Courts
- In preparation for construction, the north-west and west Lone Mountain parking lots will be closed beginning May 21, 2018. We anticipate the Lone Mountain east parking lot and driveway to close this summer.
- Informational signage will be posted within Lone Mountain main to direct individuals to the new locations of displaced staff.
- The Outtakes Cafe kitchen facility will be closed beginning May 21, 2018. The dining area will remain open as a gathering space/lounge.
- Beginning May 21, the Lone Mountain east parking lot and east driveway will be closed.