Exam Proctoring at SDS - Scheduling Procedure
- Student submits accommodation requests in mySDS Online Services
- Instructor receives the Faculty Notification Letter confirming the student is eligible for Alternative Testing accommodations
- Instructor completes the Alternative Testing Contract (boxed in red in the Faculty Notification Letter). Before SDS can proctor an exam or quiz, the instructor must complete the contract. Please note the following:
- If the contract was completed for another student in the same section, the contract will be automatically copied.
- If a contract has already been completed for a DIFFERENT section and it applies to this student’s section, the existing contract can be copied by logging in to mySDS Online Services and navigating to the Alternative Testing tab, or the instructor may contact SDS with the request. Please note if any exam/quiz dates differ among the sections.
- Enter and Click “Add Exam Date” before submitting the contract.
- A confirmation email of the contract will be sent to the instructor’s email.
- The instructor may also complete the contract in PDF format and send a copy to sds@usfca.edu.
- Student submits an exam request (i.e. schedules an exam/quiz). The SDS Exam Policy requires students to schedule exams/quizzes at least 5 business days prior to the exam/quiz date (one week). Late requests are approved on a space available basis.
- Instructors: The Exam Dates on the contract must be accurate, otherwise the student will not be able to submit an exam request. If a student attempts to schedule an exam/quiz on a date not specified on the contract, SDS will require the student to provide written confirmation of the requested exam/quiz date. This may be in the form of a professor email, a Canvas announcement/post, or the syllabus.
- SDS reviews and approves the exam request.
- Student and instructor receive a confirmation email three days prior to the exam date, or less if the exam was scheduled late. Please review the details of the contract to confirm that they apply to the upcoming exam/quiz. See below for the Exam Delivery and Exam Return Procedures.
- Please note that failure to upload, drop off, or extend the Canvas time and/or share the access code may delay the start time of the student and result in a loss of testing time or an exam reschedule request.
Canvas Exams
- Instructor: Send access code (if applicable) and set the time limit to the student's accommodated time listed.
- Student:
- Canvas WITH LockDown Browser: Arrive at SDS with personal computer and LockDown Browser already installed to prevent losing testing time. Please also confirm that the correct time limit is given on Canvas.
- Canvas WITHOUT LockDown Browser: An SDS laptop will be provided unless Internet access is permitted on the exam/quiz. Please also confirm that the correct time limit is given on Canvas.
Professor will upload to SDS Online Services
- Instructor uploads exam file. The link to upload the exam becomes available when an exam request is submitted. Upload links are sent three days prior to the exam date, or less if the exam was scheduled late.
- Instructors may view exam requests for future dates in mySDS Online Services.
- Otherwise, the exam may be emailed to sds@usfca.edu.
Professor Drop off
- Instructor drops off the exam to the SDS office. SDS will confirm the number of students scheduled to take the exam. Extra copies may be left with the office.
Student will pick up exam from professor and deliver exam in sealed envelope
- If the exam is not brought to the SDS in a sealed envelope, SDS will contact the professor for confirmation that an envelope was not provided.
Student Return
- The student returns completed exam in a sealed envelope with the SDS stamp across the seal directly to the location specified. This may be an office with staff present, professor mailbox, or the classroom.
- Students may not slide exams under a door.
- If the location is locked or not accessible, the student is expected to return to the SDS office to return the exam. SDS will contact the professor to determine an alternative return method.
Professor Pick Up
- Instructor visits the SDS office to pick up the completed exam. Photo ID is required.
Canvas Submission
- Exam is completed and submitted via Canvas.
- SDS scans and emails completed exam to instructor.
- Scanned exams may take up to 5 business days to be returned.
- Hard copies of completed exams that are scanned/emailed will be shredded once end-of-semester grades have been posted. Instructor may come by the office by the end of the semester to pick them up. Photo ID is required.