Student Leadership Awards

The Division of Student Life annually recognizes undergraduate and graduate students for outstanding leadership through a variety of awards that are presented at the annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony. 

Nominate a Student Leader

The Division of Student Life has 8 awards that we recognize students with annually. Those include:

  • Emerging Leadership Award (First-time, first-year students) 
  • Excellence in Leadership & Service Award (Sophomores/Juniors)
  • Senior Leadership Award (Graduating Seniors)
  • Priscilla A. Scotlan Award (Graduating Seniors)
  • Father John P. Schlegel, S.J., Award (Graduating Seniors)
  • Archbishop Oscar Romero Award (Graduating Seniors/Graduate Students)
  • Graduate Student Leadership Award (Graduating Graduate Students)
  • Hilary Williams Ford Award (Graduating Graduate Students)

We also include awards determined by some of our campus partners, including: 

To see the full list of awards, descriptions, and eligibility requirements use the link below. full list of awards, descriptions, and eligibility requirements

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