CH 33 - Registration

  • Any add or drop changes to your course schedule will be updated with the VA starting the fourth week of the semester.
  • If you change your major, please email so that we may report this to the VA.
  • As a USF student, you must maintain satisfactory academic progress. If you do not meet the standards set by USF, we are required to notify the VA and your benefits may be discontinued.
  • The GI Bill cap is for the academic year, not per semester. Please plan accordingly. This typically affects students in the spring (after most of the funds are used in the fall semester).
  • If you withdraw from a course, please keep in mind that the VA does not pay for withdrawals. If there is a mitigating circumstance, the VA may pay a portion of the withdrawal. If you need to withdraw from a course, please email to see how it will impact you.

Monthly Housing Allowance

Below are the number of units required to receive the full-time housing allowance during a standard 16 week semester:

Level Fall & Spring Intersession Summer
Undergraduate 12+ units 4+ units 6+ units
Graduate & Doctoral 6+ units 3+ units 4+ units
  • To remain in compliance with the VA, USF is required to split up certifications if courses are shorter than the standard semester, ie: 6-8 week courses for graduate students. The VA will calculate what the housing allowance will be based on the shorter session dates.
  • The first housing stipend can take up to two months to deposit to your account and then it will come regularly at the beginning of each month with a payment for the previous month. Please plan accordingly.
  • Please note, the VA pays the housing allowance based on your campus location. USF's additional campuses have different housing allowance rates. To view the housing stipends for USF, please visit the VA's online comparision tool.