
Thursday, Jun 06
We are sad to inform you of the passing of Edmund Jeremiah Treacy, III, brother of Jack Treacy, S.J. (former USF campus minister and Jesuit Community Rector).
Thursday, May 30
Greg Pabst, Founding Director and Instructor of Advertising at the University of San Francisco (USF), died peacefully in his sleep on January 16 after a long struggle with frontotemporal dementia. He was at USF for 25 years, retiring in 2016.
Friday, May 24
Many members of the USF community have expressed their support and concern for USF students.
Tuesday, May 21
We write to share an update that the Welch Field encampment has disbanded. The following is a summary of events that led to the demonstrators vacating the field.
Wednesday, May 08
Responding to recent demands
Friday, May 03
Here at USF, we are hearing from many members of our community expressing support for the encampment, along with concern that the violence, arrests, and disruption happening on other campuses may happen at USF.
Tuesday, Apr 30
Our students and community members are protesting the devastation being caused by the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
Friday, Mar 08
As a Jesuit Catholic university, USF seeks to create a welcoming and hospitable environment for people of all faiths. In that spirit, we want to do as much as we can to honor and support our Muslim community members who will observe Ramadan in the coming
Wednesday, Mar 06
I am delighted to announce that Eileen Chia-Ching Fung has accepted my offer to become the university’s provost and vice president of academic affairs. Her appointment is effective today, March 6, 2024.