UTEC Student Ambassadors
UTEC Student Ambassadors are peer mentor resources for both current and prospective UTEC students. The purpose of the Student Ambassadors program is to improve community, provide peer mentorship, expand outreach efforts, and serve as ambassadors of good will and knowledge for the Undergraduate Teacher Education Center teacher preparation programs and, for some ambassadors, the Education: Liberal Studies major. The student ambassadors for 2024-25 are listed below, along with any specialty topics. All ambassadors can speak knowledgeably about our programs. Students can be emailed directly with inquiries or to arrange a meeting. Questions? Please contact UTEC Program Manager Amy F. Joseph at afjoseph@usfca.edu.
Sam Delgado
Class: Sophomore
Major: Education: Liberal Studies
Email: shdelgado@dons.usfca.edu
Contact Sam about any of the following:
- UTEC teaching program
- Education: Liberal Studies major
- Multiple Subject credential
- Teacher Education courses: Learning and Teaching, Ed of Exceptional, Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice
Ani De Lira Lopez
Class: Junior
Major: History
Email: apdeliralopez@dons.usfca.edu
Contact Ani about any of the following:
- UTEC teaching programs
- History major
- Single Subject Social Science credential
- Teacher Education courses: Learning and Teaching, Ed of Exceptional, Bilingual Education, Health Education, SS Fieldwork
- Breakthrough Teaching Fellow program
Lynette Valencia
Class: Senior
Major: Psychology
Email: lavalencia@dons.usfca.edu
Contact Lynette about any of the following:
- UTEC teaching program
- Psychology major
- Multiple Subject credential
- Teacher Education courses: Learning and Teaching, Ed of Exceptional, MS C&I Social Studies, Bilingual Education, MS Fieldwork, MS C&I Art, MS C&I Science, MS C&I Math and P.E., Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice, Health Education, Early Literacy, Euro/U.S. History
- Bilingual Authorization in Spanish