Campus Art Acceptance Policy
Campus Art Acceptance Policy
This policy creates a process for the acceptance of artworks purchased for, donated to, or commissioned by the University of San Francisco (USF, University) to ensure that value to the University as well as the impact of installation, safekeeping, and maintenance is carefully considered prior to an acquisition. This includes art projects created by classes and the University community for display in USF’s public spaces.
The Campus Art Acceptance Committee (CAAC) oversees this policy and must review all proposals for art acquisitions. The CAAC is comprised of members of the Thacher Gallery, College of Arts and Sciences, Facilities, Mission Council, Student Life, and Development. After review and in coordination with additional campus stakeholders, CAAC makes recommendations to the President or relevant leadership teams for final approval. In addition, CAAC will determine departmental, budgetary, and staff responsibilities related to presenting the art gift, such as insurance, transportation, installation, lighting, signage, and ongoing conservation. The CAAC will work with the Development Office to document, transfer ownership, and acknowledge gifts of art approved by CAAC.
Definition of Artworks
This policy covers works of art including two-dimensional, three-dimensional, decorative arts, and miscellaneous objects of value including, but not limited to, paintings, photographs, prints, drawings, additional works on paper, as well as sculptures, textiles, furniture, antiques, and site-specific installations such as commissioned murals and decals and/or class projects.
All accepted gifts for use by the University become the physical property of USF. USF will work with the intellectual property owner as appropriate to ensure use and ownership are clear and transferred as needed.
The University accepts high-caliber artworks that will immediately enhance University spaces and collections while reflecting the Jesuit University’s commitment to social justice and scholarship. The University has limited space and resources for storing and conserving art. In most cases, CAAC will only consider items approved for current use.
When considering an art acquisition, CAAC takes into account fit with the University’s mission and collecting priorities, aesthetics and visual enhancement, donor relationship, display requirements, and the short-term and long-term fiscal impact on the University. In-kind donations may require an additional monetary gift to cover installation and maintenance costs.
Contact information
To contact the Campus Art Acceptance Committee (CAAC), email: Members of the committee will review the proposed art, request additional details as needed, and get back to you in a timely manner. Where applicable, please include the donor’s name and relationship with the University, artwork title, artist’s name, medium/material, dimensions, mounting needs, a description of the proposed artwork(s), and proposed location for display, if it applies. Include any additional information that will help the committee identify its significance to USF and assist the committee in making a decision.
If you represent a University class or group interested in creating a visual art project for display in a public space on campus, please complete this form for consideration. Please allow 2-3 weeks for consideration and a reply.
Advisory Board (2025)
Sally Beale, Assistant Director, Gift Planning Marketing and Administration
Lester Deanes, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, Office of the Dean of Students and Member of Mission Council
Donal Godfrey, SJ, University Chaplain, Associate Director for Faculty and Staff Spirituality and Member of Mission Council
Heather Hickman Holland, Director of Operations, Facilities Management
Louise Lucchesi, Senior Director, Gift Planning
Glori Simmons, Director, Thacher Gallery, College of Arts and Sciences and Member of Mission Council
Updated Feb 13, 2025