USF Integrated Pest Management Plan


Executive Summary

The University of San Francisco strives to provide a safe, healthy, and sustainable environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This commitment is a reflection of our shared calling to ensure resources for future generations, protect biodiversity, promote practices for the common good, and consider our impacts on human communities and the natural environment. 

In alignment with these commitments, USF has incorporated an integrated approach to pest management. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan described below documents our existing approach to managing pests effectively with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. 


Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

IPM is a science-based decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pests and pest management-related strategies. Long term, it is the most effective approach to pest control. The practice employs a combination of techniques, including biological, behavioral, physical, and chemical management methods, to control pest populations while minimizing risks to human health and the environment. Chemical pesticides are only used as a last resort after all non-chemical options have been exhausted. 


5 Key Components of Integrated Pest Management

The primary goal of USF's IPM plan is to manage pest populations effectively to avoid the use of chemical pesticides. 

  • Identify pests through inspections, monitoring, and community member reports.
  • Investigate areas, set action thresholds, and monitor; deploy non-chemical mechanical controls as appropriate. 
  • Provide physical interventions to the area by removing food sources, areas for nesting, or other attractions. Implement physical improvements by closing routes of entry to the area. 
  • Controls and monitoring are to ensure the effectiveness of interventions over time. Deploy chemical pesticides as a measure of last resort, and only after all other methods have proven ineffective. 
  • Educating the campus community about integrated pest management principles and practices.

Pest Identification and Monitoring

Effective pest management starts with accurately identifying pests and regular monitoring to determine if and when action is necessary.

  • Conduct regular inspections and monitoring to identify pest problems early.
  • Use traps, visual inspections, and reports from the campus community as monitoring tools.
  • Maintain records of pest sightings and control actions to evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies.


Threshold Levels

USF has established threshold levels for major pests to help decide when and what kind of management actions are needed. These thresholds vary depending on the pest and the area of the campus but are designed to prevent unacceptable levels of pest activity without unnecessary interventions.


Prevention and Control Strategies


The cornerstone of IPM is prevention. USF implements a variety of preventive measures, including:

  • Ensuring proper sanitation and waste management to reduce food and shelter for pests.
  • Implementing structural repairs and maintenance to eliminate entry points and harborage areas.
  • Landscaping and groundskeeping practices that discourage pests.

Prevention also includes partnerships with the campus community.  

  • Remove all food from tables and counters at the end of the day. If food items are stored, use sealed containers of hard plastic, glass, or metal. Plastic bags and paper boxes are not considered pest-safe storage. 
  • Do not leave any food packaging in a deskside or small room garbage can overnight. Sort and dispose of waste in the large common area receptacles. 
  • Close all lids to compost, recycling, and garbage receptacles where appropriate.
  • Store personal items and office supplies on shelves, not on the floor. 
  • Properly dispose of cardboard in the appropriate location as soon as possible. 
  • Report water leaks, overflowing trash receptacles, or issues with doors and windows to Facilities at or use Service Request Tool on the USF Facilities website or the USFMobile app.


When preventive measures are insufficient, USF employs a combination of mechanical, physical, biological, and chemical controls:

  • Mechanical controls such as traps and barriers will be used where appropriate. Physical controls include closing cracks, holes, and other routes of entry. 
  • Biological controls, including the use of natural predators or pathogens, will be considered for certain pest problems. An example of biological controls includes maintaining habitats to encourage predatory birds to nest and hunt on campus. 
  • Chemical controls will be used as a last resort and will focus on the least toxic products effective for the target pest. All pesticide use will comply with state and federal regulations, and applicators will be properly trained and certified.

Roles and Responsibilities

The success of the IPM plan depends on the collaborative efforts of the entire campus community. Responsibilities include:

  • Facilities Management: Oversees the implementation of the IPM plan, conducts regular pest monitoring, and coordinates control actions.
  • Campus Community: Reports pest sightings promptly and participates in prevention efforts by following sanitation and waste management practices.
  • Pest Management Professionals: Provide expertise and conduct specialized pest control activities as needed.

Communication and Education

Education is a key component of an integrated pest management approach. USF will:

  • Communicate regularly with the campus community about pest management policies, practices, and expectations.
  • Provide education and training for staff and students on how they can contribute to IPM efforts.


Record Keeping and Documentation

Accurate records of pest monitoring, control actions, and pesticide use are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of the IPM plan. USF maintains:

  • Logs of pest sightings and monitoring results.
  • Records of all pest control actions, including non-chemical and chemical methods.
  • Detailed documentation of pesticide use, including product names, application rates, and areas treated.

Continuous Evaluation and Improvement

The IPM plan will be reviewed and updated annually to incorporate new knowledge, techniques, and technologies and to respond to changing pest pressures and campus needs.



The University of San Francisco's Integrated Pest Management plan reflects our commitment to maintaining a healthy and sustainable campus environment. Through the implementation of this plan, USF aims to manage pest populations effectively while minimizing impacts on human health and the environment.