Request an Appointment with CASA

Welcome! Please visit your Student Hub to request an appointment with your CASA academic success coach.

Scheduling Appointments with CASA Transcript


Reasons to Meet with Your Academic Success Coach (or success coach):

  • One-on-one academic and personal coaching
  • Discussing challenges in a class
  • General academic planning
  • Getting connected to resources
  • Missing class due to extenuating circumstances
  • Exploring different options for your major or minor
  • Questions about changing/adding a new major or minor
  • Preparing for graduation
  • Connecting classroom experiences to life outside of USF; off-campus opportunities, self-development
  • And any other milestones we can celebrate together!


for the following:

Consult with Your Faculty/Major Adviser:

  • Choosing specific classes for registration
  • Creating a 4-year plan
  • Adviser signature on the Registration Add/Drop form

Visit the Center for Global Education:

  • Studying Abroad

No Show Policy
CASA understands the unforeseen challenges that students may face with their schedule. However, we reserve the right to not approve appointments if a student continuously misses scheduled meetings with their academic success coach.


FAQ's About Appointments

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All information regarding COVID-19 can be found on the USF Together website.

If you are currently in a different time zone and would like to request a time to meet with CASA outside of 9AM to 5PM Pacific Time, please email us at

Our staff only displays availability for a period of 2 weeks from today. If you would like to schedule something beyond this 2-week period, please contact our front desk at (415) 422-5050.

You might receive an error message if your success coach is unavailable or if you already have booked an appointment. Please call our front desk for questions at (415) 422-5050.

Yes, all one-on-one appointments must be scheduled in advance. However, each success coach holds weekly drop-in hours for any quick questions you may have. Please see the current schedule of drop-in hours.

Online appointments can only be scheduled in advance of 24 hours or more. If you need an appointment sooner than that, please contact our front desk at (415) 422-5050 or your success coach directly.

If you would like to meet with another staff person in our office that is not your assigned success coach, please schedule this through our front desk at (415) 422-5050.

Our online appointment scheduling system does not allow students to book multiple appointments. Please arrange for multiple appointments with your success coach directly.

Please contact our front desk at (415) 422-5050 or email your success coach directly.

You can cancel your appointment in two ways:

  • Log in to the Student Hub, click on the settings icon next to your confirmed appointment, and click "Cancel Appointment".
  • Call our front desk at (415) 422-5050 to cancel.


Still have questions? Call or email us!

If you'd like to request an appointment, please log into the Student Hub. We will respond to appointment requests within 48 business hours.