Student Teaching

On this page, you will find information about Student Teaching. Please reach out to the Fieldwork Coordinator, Dr. Nikole Richardson if you have any additional questions.

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During Student Teaching I, the USF teacher credential candidate begins the first stage of on-site teacher preparation. This is an opportunity for the candidate to put into action the skills and knowledge that have been acquired during previous semesters in the Credential Program. In large measure, this direct classroom observation/participation in Student Teaching I serves as the basis for advancement to Student Teaching II and III. Over the course of the Student Teaching I placement, a credential candidate must demonstrate that they  understand and can assume the responsibilities required of a full-time Student Teacher. Students in Student Teaching I are expected to attend a weekly seminar and participate in field placement in a public school classroom as a student teacher. 


Over the course of the Student Teaching I placement, it is assumed that candidates will take on the responsibilities of observing and participating in classroom activities. Specifically: 


  • Multiple Subject Credential Candidates – The candidate is engaged in observation and participation in the assigned Cooperating Teacher’s classroom for a total of 150 hours. To leave room for students to complete this requirement, we require students to attend classes 3 mornings each week, 4 hours each day. This time block may include activities like recess, lunch duty, etc., as well as in the classroom.
  • Single Subject Credential Candidates – The candidate is engaged in observation and participation in the assigned Cooperating Teacher’s classroom for a total of 150 hours. To leave room for students to complete this requirement, we require students to attend classes 3 mornings each week, 4 hours each day.  actively observing a number of teachers/classrooms within the academic department, as well as all-school activities. Gradually the candidate begins to focus upon two teachers with whom the candidate would continue in the more participatory phase of Student Teaching I. The candidate is responsible for making such contacts and securing the two teachers with whom the candidate would complete the semester.

Toward the end of the placement, the candidate is responsible for designing and delivering one classroom lesson, which is observed by the assigned USF Supervisor. The candidate is responsible for coordinating the date and time of this lesson with the Cooperating Teacher and the assigned USF Supervisor. At the request of the site administrator or the Cooperating Teacher(s), candidates should be available for attendance at faculty meetings, parent conferences, and other school-related activities.

Students should expect to receive feedback from:

  • Their supervisor for each lesson plan submitted
  • Two assessment reports from their Cooperating Teacher. 

Students are required to also submit TPA Cycle 1 at the end of Student Teaching I. Not doing so will make students ineligible to continue into Student Teaching II/III.


Mandatory Student Teaching Meeting

All students are required to attend the Mandatory Student Teaching I Meeting prior to enrolling in Student Teaching. Students will be excused from their Monday evening course to attend this meeting. If a student is unable to attend, the student is responsible for contacting the Fiels Placement Director and the Program Assistant to make-up the session. Meeting dates are as follows:

  • Student Teaching I Spring Semester: First week of November
  • Student Teaching I Fall Semester: First week of April 
  • Summer Student Teaching I: Meeting date TBD

All UTEC students are required to attend a separate session for Student Teaching I. 



Students have to have successfully completed a minimum of three classes to be considered for Student Teaching I. 


Certificate of Clearance

Students must have a record of their Certificate of Clearance uploaded into Student Hub by Census Date of their first semester. 


Subscription to Anthology Portfolios/Chalk & Wire 

Students are required to purchase a 1-year subscription to Anthology Portfolios/Chalk & Wire from the University of San Francisco’s Bookstore. Chalk & Wire is used by teaching credential candidates in Student Teaching I and Student Teaching II/III to track their progress through Student Teaching. Directions for when and how to purchase Anthology Portfolio/Chalk & Wire will be shared with candidates around the Mandatory Student Teaching Meeting.


TB Test

Students must have a TB Test taken within 2 years of starting the program uploaded into Student Hub by Census Date of their first semester. 


Student Teachers in San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD):

Students who intend to take Student Teaching I and/or II in SFUSD are required to complete the Individual Service Agreement (ISA) Process. The Program Assistant will distribute information about the ISA prior to students enrolling in Student Teaching. 

During Student Teaching II and III, the USF teacher credential candidate is engaged in the final, and perhaps most important, stage of the teacher preparation process. This stage presumes the student’s prior demonstrated mastery of skills and knowledge related to the profession of teaching, both in the credential course of studies as well as in the assigned fieldwork experiences. For this reason, advancement to full-time student teaching is not automatic. Authorization to enroll in Student Teaching II / III is granted only after consultation with members of the Teacher Education faculty, instructors, supervisors, and site officials from the Student Teaching I placement, and the approval of the Field Placement Director.

Suitability for Advancement to Student Teaching II / III is based on a student successfully meeting the following requirements:

  • Completion of courses (no “I” grades), prior to the semester of Student Teaching II/III. 
  • Positive assessments of the Student Teaching I assignment, by the University Supervisor and Site Cooperating Teacher.
  • Submission of required Student Teaching I logs, inputting of hours into Chalk & Wire (Anthology Portfolio)
  • Submission of TPA Cycle I
  • Completion of the Subject Matter Competency Requirement (SMR)
  • Completion of the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR)


In summary, a credential candidate must demonstrate that they understand and can successfully assume the responsibilities required of a full-time Student Teacher, with the reasonable expectation that the University would be able to recommend the candidate for the California Preliminary Teaching Credential at the successful conclusion of Student Teaching II/III.


Cousework: It is generally expected that students have completed the bulk, if not all of their coursework before entering Student Teaching II/III. It is acceptable for students to have up to one remaining credential course that they are taking concurrently with Student Teaching II/III (excluding TEC 642 - Health and TEC 602 - Multiple Subject Visual & Performing Arts). 


Bilingual Authorization Candidates

30 Days prior to registering for Student Teaching, Bilingual Authorization Candidates are asked to complete Bilingual Authorization Language Exam (with FSI 3 and above score) for students earning a bilingual credential. Submit evidence of meeting the CTC's requirement for Bilingual Authorization language requirement by taking and passing the two Bilingual Authorization courses prior to or concurrent with Student Teaching II/III

Student Teaching II and III requires students to be in a classroom for a full academic semester (minimum of 300 hours pers week over the course of 18-weeks).

Multiple Subject Credential candidates must complete a full-time student teaching assignment at one primary level placement (K-3) or upper elementary placement (4-6), at a school site and grade level different from that of Student Teaching I.

Single Subject candidates usually complete the full semester assignment in public school classrooms, either middle or high school, to fulfill credential requirements. Ordinarily, students continue in the school in which they completed their Student Teaching I. Students are expected to be involved in two full prep/class periods each day, in the subject of emphasis if possible, as well as an equivalent third period to assist in whatever capacity is most beneficial for the teacher/school.

Cooperating Teachers must have a minimum of three years’ experience as a full-time teacher of record, as well as a California Teacher Credential. The Cooperating Teacher at the school site is responsible for submitting four monthly evaluations of the student teacher. Students will also be assigned a University Supervisor who will observe the student teaching a lesson on seven separate occasions.

Over the course of the Student Teaching II/III placement, it is assumed that candidates will take on and complete teaching responsibilities.  This means that candidates will organize their time, just as a full-time paid teacher would, to be sure that lessons meet curriculum standards and requirements and are adequately planned and taught within each school day and week.  The USF requirement for candidates is that they keep the same hours as those expected of a full-time teacher and their Cooperating Teacher. Specifically for:

  • Multiple Subject Credential Candidates - Arriving at school at least 15 minutes prior to the start of school and remaining at least 15 minutes after the dismissal bell.
  • Single Subject Credential Candidates - Arriving at school at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the first assigned period class and remaining at least 15 minutes after the last assigned period class.

Additional time may be required to cover the amount of planning and preparation needed to assume teaching responsibilities. Candidates should be available for attendance at faculty meetings, parent conferences, and other school-related activities.

Attendance and punctuality at seminars and field placement sites are essential. Absences should be for major illness or family emergencies only.

Student Teaching Seminar: For each nine-week student teaching seminar, a candidate may miss only one (1) seminar meeting and still receive a passing grade for the seminar course.

Student Teaching Site Field Placement: For each nine-week student teaching field placement, a candidate may miss only two (2) school site days and still receive a passing grade for the seminar course.

For both the Seminar and Field Placement, arriving late three times (tardiness) constitutes the equivalent of one day of absence.

Field placements must be approved by the Field Placement Director. Field placements are rarely changed, and changes require prior approval by the Field Placement Director. Students are not permitted to change fieldwork assignments on their own. Students with a serious concern about their school site and/or Master Teacher should consult the Field Placement Director immediately.