We welcome you into the International and Multicultural Education Department within USF's School of Education. Our students and alumni are at the very heart of our work as a department. We wish you a wonderful academic year and please do not hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor, department chair, or program assistant with any concerns, issues, or questions you may have. We are all here to support you in our academic journey.

Here are a few of the central frameworks that guide our work in IME that we turn to in our courses, events, and as a way to stay focused on the work that is needed in these times:

IME frameworks and core tenets, drawn from Racial Justice, Abolitionist Frameworks, and Human Rights Education(HRE):

  • Every human being deserves dignity, safety, and belonging. No one is disposable.
  • We grieve all loss of life. We aim to channel our collective grieving towards transformative action to address injustice.
  • We reject binary, either/or thinking; and understand that we can hold multiple perspectives and complexities.
  • Love, study, struggle. We turn to histories and critical analyses of power to contextualize our current moment, to work for a more just future.
  • Our liberation is connected to others and we look to social movements and transformative solidarities for our ways forward.
student reading in the school of education courtyard
About Us

IME was inspired by the educational philosophies of noted Brazilian education philosopher Paulo Freire, with whom the Department’s founders worked closely.

students in discussion at a leture
Student Resources

Essential information about program resources, faculty office hours, and SOE and USF services for graduate students in the School of Education.

three IME faculty members

Our faculty are scholars and social justice advocates engaged within the diverse San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

Department of International and Multicultural Education