Required Title IX Training

people holding title nine sign

University policy requires that all full-time and part-time faculty and staff satisfy their annual Title IX training by watching a brief 7-minute video.

  • New full-time and part-time faculty and staff must complete their training by viewing the video upon hiring.
  • Current full-time and part-time faculty and staff who have never viewed this video must do so by year end and annually thereafter.

View Title IX video »


Institutions of higher education throughout the United States are facing new levels of accountability regarding issues of sexual assault, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment. Instances of sexual assault, harassment, and domestic assault (or intimate partner violence) have been chronically under-reported throughout the United States, and colleges and universities are not immune from this trend. In order to counter this troubling statistic, federal mandates have been developed to help ensure that universities are educating their communities about proper procedures, how and when to report, and available resources if you become aware of, or are a victim of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sex discrimination.

By requiring its full-time and part-time faculty and staff to watch the Title IX training video, the University complies with these mandates and ensures that all faculty and staff are aware of their responsibility as mandatory reporters, thereby helping to develop a community that is educated, aware, and responsible.

Additional Resources

  • All faculty and staff are enrolled in a Canvas course in order to watch the Title IX training video. If you have any trouble accessing the course, please contact
  • For more information on Title IX and the Sexual Misconduct Policy, including the contact information for the Title IX coordinator and deputy coordinators, visit Student Life’s Title IX web page.
  • For more information about how to report violations of Title IX, visit USF’s care referral for faculty and staff.

Contact Information

Katrina Garry, Deputy Title IX Coordinator 
(415) 422-4525

Diane Nelson
Liaison to Title IX for Faculty and Staff
Human Resources