Prepare for the Census

Be prepared for the 2020 Census

Census data are being used all around you

Residents use the census to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality-of-life and consumer advocacy. Local governments use the census for public safety and emergency preparedness. Businesses use census data to decide where to build factories, offices and stores, which create jobs. Real estate developers use the census to build new homes and revitalize old neighborhoods. 

Your privacy is protected

It's against the law for the Census Bureau to publicly release your response sin any way that could identify you or your household. By law, your responses cannot be used against you and can only be used to produce statistics. 

2020 will be easier than ever

In 2020, you will be able to respond to the census online. 

You can help

You are the expert--we need your ideas on the best way to make sure everyone in your community gets counted. 

On or between You'll receive
March 12-20 An invitation to respond online to the 2020 Census. (Some households will also receive paper questionnaires.)
March 16-24 A reminder letter
March 26-April 3 A reminder postcard
April 8-16 A reminder letter and paper questionnaire
April 20-27 A final reminder postcard before we follow up in person