Next Steps: BAM Students (Fall)

Welcome to the USF community! We have listed your Next Steps here so that you will have a smooth transition to USF and complete important deadlines required of all new students.


Congratulations on your admission to USF! To confirm your enrollment and reserve your spot at USF, you must:

  • Complete the Enrollment Decision form on your Dons Status Page.
  • Pay a non-refundable enrollment deposit of $250 through your Dons Status Page.
    • Recommended: We recommend paying your enrollment deposit via credit card on your Dons Status Page.
    • If you need to pay by electronic check (e-check) or personal check, see the instructions below.

To pay by electronic check (eCheck) (for U.S.-based bank accounts only):

  1. Log in to myUSF. If you haven't created a myUSF account, see Step 2.
  2. Click the "View and Pay" button
  3. Click the "Make Payment" link
  4. Click "Web Enrollment Deposit"
  5. Enter payment amount of $250
  6. Select the fall 2025 term
  7. Click "Add to Charges to Pay"
  8. Click "Checkout"
  9. Select "Electronic Check" and click "Continue Checkout"

To pay by personal check:
Complete the enrollment deposit form and include a check for $250 payable to the University of San Francisco. Please write your USF student ID number from your admission letter on the memo line of the check.

Mail the completed form and check to:
University of San Francisco
Office of Admission
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1046

Deadline: The date printed on your admission letter, or within two weeks of receiving your admission letter.

Questions? Email:



You will use your myUSF account to access your USF email and the USF network, register for classes, and more. After you create a myUSF account, you'll be able to check your degree evaluation to see how your credits have transferred over.

Here's how you set up your myUSF account:

  • Go to and enter the username provided on your admit letter. If you can't find your username, email and ask for your Banner username.
  • Leave the password box blank (your USF ID number is NOT your password).
  • Click on "Problems signing in?"
    leave the password box blank and click "problems signing in?"
  • Select "Reset Password."
    Select reset password
  • You will be asked to retype your username.
    reenter your username
  • The next screen will ask for a code. Check your email for a code from Make sure to check your spam folder, too.
    enter a temporary code emailed to you from
  • Enter the temporary code in the box. 
  • You will be guided through the steps to create a new password.

Deadline: ASAP. A myUSF account is required for the rest of the steps in this process.

Office of Admission, Lone Mountain, Room 250
2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Tel: (415) 422-6612, Fax: (415) 422-2217



Important: In order to verify and accept your financial aid offer from USF, you'll need to have set up your myUSF account (see Step 2). You also should have already completed your FAFSA. Once we have these items, the Financial Aid office will contact you via mail and/or email when your offer is ready to review.

Before your financial aid is reflected on your student account, you’ll need to officially accept or decline your federal loans and complete any outstanding requirements.


View and Accept Your Financial Aid Offer

Please visit the Financial Aid guide for how to view and accept your financial aid offer. If you are accepting federal loans as part of your financial aid offer, please make sure to read the instructions about completing your Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling.

Financial Aid Office, Lone Mountain Main, Room 203
2800 Turk Street, San Francisco CA 94118
Tel: (415) 422-3387, Fax: (415) 422-6084



All students are required to provide the following documents as soon as they are available. These documents should be sent to USF directly from your school or testing agency.

Documents to submit

Updated transcripts for any college work not reflected on the degree evaluation at the time of admission. If you have college classes currently in progress, USF won’t be able to enter those credits until you've submitted your final grades. After you finish your classes, please have your school send an updated transcript.

How to submit your transcript

You can email your transcripts to or physical copies can be sent to:

Office of Admission
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117

Deadline: ASAP or whenever you receive a final grade from your last class.

Questions? Email:



Your degree evaluation tracks all of the past credits you’ve earned either at previous institutions or through classes you took in high school (like Advanced Placement classes) and shows how they have transferred to USF.

You should view your degree evaluation before registering for classes so that you know which classes you need to take.

Your degree evaluation will only show classes that we've received final transcripts for, so please be sure to submit final documents to Admission as soon as possible.

View your degree evaluation

  • To access your degree evaluation, log in to myUSF. You will have already needed to create a myUSF account (see Step 2).
  • Click on the Banner Self Service (Student) buttonself service student button
  • Click "Student Records"
    student records
  • Click "Degree Evaluation" 
    degree evaluation link

Understanding your degree evaluation

Key Symbols

Green check mark: This requirement has been satisfied either through coursework at USF or your previous institution.
Blue/white circle: This requirement is in progress of being completed.
Red circle: This requirement still needs to be satisfied.

Degree Evaluation Sections

Your degree evaluation also contains these sections:

  • Degree in Bachelor of Science/Arts/Nursing: The first section shows a summary of all the requirements you need to complete your undergraduate degree. You need a minimum of 128 units and a minimum 2.0 GPA to graduate.
  • Core Requirements: This section shows which core curriculum requirements you’ve already satisfied. The core curriculum covers six different areas for a total of 44 units. Any courses taken at previous institutions that have been awarded core curriculum credit will appear as complete.
  • Major Requirements: This section shows the courses required for your major. Depending on your degree program and previous coursework taken, this section may appear blank at first. In your first term at USF, you will meet with your major adviser to determine which major requirements you’ve already completed based on your previous coursework.
  • Open Electives: This section shows the courses for which you’ve earned credit but did not necessarily satisfy a core curriculum or major requirement. Most courses listed here will be denoted by either a “TRNS 1XX” or “TRNS 4XX” as a general placeholder until these courses can be designated as core curriculum credit or major-specific credit. “TRNS 1XX” refers to lower-division coursework, whereas “TRNS 4XX” refers to upper-division coursework.
  • Community-Engaged Learning and Cultural Diversity: All undergraduate students are required to complete a Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) course at USF. CEL courses will immerse you in the community to address an issue of the public good. The Cultural Diversity (CD) course promotes understanding and appreciation of the factors that create diversity in human societies. In completing your core and major requirements, you’ll find that many courses also satisfy the CEL CD requirements.
  • Foreign Language Requirement: If a foreign language is required for your major, this section will show the number of semesters needed to fulfill this requirement (FL2 = two semesters required; FL3 = three semesters required; etc.). If you are a native speaker of a language other than English, you may be able to waive this requirement; please ask your major adviser for more information.

If you are entering the College of Arts & Sciences, we can help estimate how your major-specific classes might transfer to USF before you arrive on campus. Please click here for more information on the time to degree estimate process. For all other majors outside of the College of Arts & Sciences, you’ll need to work directly with faculty members from your major after you arrive to USF.

Missing credit?

First, make sure you’ve submitted your final grades from your most recent semester. Without your transcripts, we can’t award credit.

If you think you are missing Core Curriculum credit on your degree evaluation, please submit a Transfer Credit Request.

If you believe you’re missing major-specific credit, you’ll need to connect with your major adviser, as only they (not the registrar) can award credit for your major. Your major adviser’s email address can be found by clicking the envelope icon in the top right corner of your degree evaluation. You will also meet with your major adviser in your first term at USF, and you’ll be able to discuss major-specific credit at that time.

You may be asked to provide additional documentation, such as a copy of the syllabus for the class for which you would like to receive credit. The syllabus will help the Office of the University Registrar or your faculty advisor compare it to coursework available at USF.

View your holds

Using the screenshots above, log in to myUSF, click on Banner Self Service (Student) --> Student Records --> View Holds. Make sure you have no registration holds that may prevent you from registering for classes or changing your class schedule. If you have any holds, please contact the office that placed the hold or



Registration opens on June 3


When it's time to register for classes email to set up an appointment with your advisor and walk through the registration process.

All classes are fully remote. You should register for these classes:

  • BAM 300 - Management Research and Writing
  • BAM 304 - Management Principles: Organizational Behavior
  • BAM 303 - Management Principles, Data Analytics

Office of BAM Admission



August 1 is the deadline for new, incoming fall students to either pay in full or enroll in a semester payment plan. You will receive your official billing statement in July, after you have registered for classes. USF does not send paper bills.

For general information about this year’s undergraduate costs, visit the Tuition and Fees page.

Access your official bill:

  • Log in to myUSF and click on the View & Pay box.
  • In the "Your Account" box, click on "Make Payment"

If you do not see your financial aid applied to your bill, you might have unfinished requirements before the financial aid can be applied. Check your financial aid status by going to myUSF → Banner Self Service (Student) → Financial Aid → Financial Aid Status. If you have outstanding items to complete, you'll see "Student Requirements." Contact the financial aid office at or (415) 422-3387.

Choosing your method of payment

You may pay your tuition through any of the methods below. For more information, please visit the payment methods page.

  • Online e-check: We encourage students to pay their bill through this method to ensure efficient and timely payments. To pay now, visit View & Pay.
  • Personal Check: If you are sending a check, please note that all checks must be made payable to the University of San Francisco in U.S. dollars, and include the USF ID number (from the letter of admission) somewhere in the memo or notes section of the check. Missing information may cause a delay in properly crediting your payments to your student account.
  • Semester payment plan: The University’s payment plan is administered by Higher One, a third-party payment vendor, operating under agreement with USF, and provides a convenient means for paying tuition, fees, and room and board (if living on campus) through regularly scheduled payments. There is a $50 enrollment fee to participate in this plan, and you must owe a balance of at least $2,250 as required by California law.

Setting up an authorized payer

Authorized payers are parents, spouses, employers, etc., who can view bills and make payments online. To set up an authorized payer, go to View & Pay, then click the Add New link located in the “Parents and Authorized Payers” window. For instructions on how to make a payment as an authorized payer, please visit the Authorized Payer page.

Setting up direct deposit

Students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit. If there is a credit balance on your student account, direct deposit will help you get your refund faster.

To set up direct deposit, go to myUSF → Banner Self Service (Student) → Student Account → Direct Deposit Authorization. You may update or change your direct deposit information at any time. Please allow 5 business days for the account to be verified. Payments made prior to verification will be processed as paper checks. Only US bank accounts can be used with direct deposit.

Setting up SMS billing notifications

In addition to email notifications, you can opt-in to also receive SMS billing notifications for when your statements are available. To sign up for SMS billing notifications, go to View & Pay → My Account → SMS notifications.

Deadline: August 1 is the deadline for new, incoming fall students to either pay in full or enroll in a semester payment plan. Failure to meet the payment deadline may result in cancellation of your course registration and/or late fees.

Subsequent payment deadlines:

Intersession: January 3
Spring: January 3
Summer: May 1

Office of Student Accounts, Lone Mountain, Room 200
2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Tel: (415) 422-2571



The Office of BAM Admission will be in touch with more detailed information regarding the mandatory New Student Orientation for Bachelor of Arts in Management to take place virtually in August 2025.



All USF students are issued a university photo ID card called a USF One Card.

Upload a photo to your One Card account

  • Pick a recent color photograph of yourself facing directly towards the camera and showing your entire head and shoulders. No sunglasses or hats allowed, and no group photos. Save the photo as a JPG or JPEG. Your photo will be rejected if it is black and white, blurry, off-center, facing sideways, too close or too far, etc.
  • Log in to One Card Online using your myUSF username and password
  • Click on "Submit ID Photo" on the menu
  • Click "Upload Photo" and submit your photo.

After submitting your photo, we'll email you to let you know if your photo was approved. If your photo is rejected, you will be asked to submit a new one.

Get your mobile One Card
Learn how to access your mobile USF One Card on iOS or Android.

Deadline: Upload a photo by August 14 so that your card will be ready for the start of the semester.

USF One Card Office
University Center, 5th floor
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED
2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Tel: (415) 422-7663, Fax: (415) 422-6664



As we strive together to create a socially responsible learning community, USF requires that all students complete three research-based, online training courses. You are required to complete all three online courses by the deadlines below.

Not Anymore

Not Anymore for undergraduate students is composed of two modules, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Sexual Violence Prevention.

The Alcohol and Other Drugs module is designed to educate students on the risks of the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and to teach successful strategies for handling dangerous situations related to these substances. The Sexual Violence Prevention module unpacks and sheds light on the realities and misconceptions of issues such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and rape.

You will receive an invitation via email when your course becomes available. If you do not receive an email, please contact Please complete the course by August 15, otherwise you will be charged a $100 late fine.

Deadline: August 15



The Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

  • Privacy of Records:
    Under federal law, students' records (including grades, GPA, class schedule, tuition and billing records and more) cannot be disclosed to any third party, even parents, without the written authorization of the student (some exceptions apply). To learn more about your FERPA rights, go to the privacy information page.
  • Student Consent to Release Information:
    Students who wish to allow a third-party (parents, siblings, etc.) to view their education records must submit a form authorizing the access. Access can be granted to academic records, tuition and billing records, and/or financial aid records. Go to the student consent page for instructions on how to submit the form.
  • What if I don't submit the Student Consent to Release Information form?
    If you do not authorize your parents to have access to your records, USF will not disclose any information to them. This means that your parents will not be able to call USF to find out information about your financial aid or balance even if they are helping you pay your tuition.
  • The Fogcutter Student Handbook:
    The Fogcutter Student Handbook contains standards of conduct and other important University Policies and Procedures that have been established to guarantee each student's freedom to learn, to protect the fundamental rights of the campus community and to assist the University achieve its objectives as a Catholic, Jesuit University. Every student at USF is responsible for knowing and upholding the behavioral expectations set forth by the Student Conduct Code and University policies. The Handbook also includes information about the resources, programs and services designed to promote students' academic and developmental success. In efforts to reduce our environmental footprint and increase efficiency of communication, this important and invaluable resource is available online only and can be found at If you need alternative versions of the Fogcutter Student Handbook, please contact the Student Disability Services office ((415) 422-2613, (415) 422-5834 for TDD).
  • Title IX:
    The University of San Francisco is committed to providing an environment free from gender-based discrimination or harassment. As such, USF does not tolerate any kind of gender-based discrimination or harassment, which includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment. For more information on our policies, please visit:

Deadline: Know your rights and responsibilities before the semester begins.

Office of the University Registrar
Lone Mountain Main, Room 217
2130 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94117
Tel: (415) 422-7260, Fax: (415) 422-6329