Undergraduate Core Curriculum Redesign - Task Force Update

The 25-member Core Curriculum Redesign Task Force has embarked on the design phase. The task force aims to have a draft proposal by the end of the fall semester to present to the community for feedback, with the goal of presenting a vetted and revised proposal to the Joint University Curriculum Committee in March 2025.

The task force began the design phase with a review of the report from the discovery phase and a two-day core curriculum workshop provided by the American Association of Colleges and Universities. Led by Kate Drezek McConnell and Tia Brown McNair, the workshop included discussions on topics such as high-impact educational practices, designing for equity and inclusive excellence, program-level assessment, and strategies for facilitating institutional change. Building from the vision statement generated in phase I, the task force will brainstorm and refine core learning outcomes, operationalize those outcomes into possible core curriculum structures, and refine those into a proposal.

Task force members welcome input from community members at all stages of this process. Please share ideas, comments, or concerns via this survey or email coreredesign@usfca.edu.