Crime Prevention

The Department of Public Safety provides presentations on crime prevention, personal safety, date rape, self defense, fire safety and prevention. These presentations frequently involve experts from public and private organizations.

Student Housing and Residential Education (SHaRE) and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) also sponsor programs relating to personal safety, alcohol and drug awareness.

As part of crime prevention programs, information on major incidents is forwarded to certain University Officials, the Office of Public Affairs, and the campus newspaper, the Foghorn, when necessary. When circumstances require immediate notification throughout the University community, Crime Prevention Bulletins are produced and sent to the community through email and/or SMS Text Message.

The Department of Public Safety also provides information on crime prevention:

The Department of Public Safety also has Campus Emergency Phones located on campus to assist with crime prevention and safety.

Self-Defense for Women

Officers regularly offer self-defense classes for women throughout the year on campus. Each class combines lectures and hands-on training to teach rudimentary self-defense skills women can utilize to evade and avoid an attack. 

Additional Crime Prevention Information

Make sure to update your personal information in Dons Alert to ensure that you are subscribed to receiving emergency notifications. Notifications may be sent via email, phone call, and SMS text message to mobile devices. Through this system, communication will be sent out with instructions on where to go, what to do, whom to contact, and other information. The Department of Public Safety will determine whether notification to the community should occur. Notifications will be sent to all registered devices.


Please visit San Francisco SAFE's website at San Francisco Safety Awareness for Everyone is the city's leading crime prevention education organization. SFSafe help residents, police, and community groups work together to create safe vibrant neighborhoods by providing violence prevention education, public safety and community organizing services. Please pay particular attention to their wide variety of brochures and other material available for download.