Campus Resilience

The Office of Campus Resilience is responsible for assisting and coordinating the University’s overall incident management planning and preparation. This includes developing, maintaining, and facilitating implementation of the University’s emergency operations plan; developing and conducting exercises to test plans and procedures; facilitating emergency notification communication within the USF community; conducting outreach education on university preparedness for students, faculty, and staff; and engaging external partners to improve overall university preparedness.

A copy of the Emergency Response Guide can be found here.

When the fire alarm activates, do not wait for confirmation of an actual fire or assume the alarm is a false alarm. Evacuate immediately, even if fire and smoke are not apparent.

Quick Reference Guide

Expanded Reference Guides

Earthquake A significant earthquake strikes the area

DROP, COVER, HOLD ON - Shelter-in-Place

Evacuate only if there is significant structural damage

Fire A fire breaks out inside the building Evacuate or Defend in Place as the situation evolves
Gas Leak / Explosion A gas line ruptures either externally or internally causing gas to escape and / or leading to an explosion

Shelter-in-Place if the leak is outside the building

Evacuate if the gas leak is inside the building

Water Damage A pipe bursts causing water to leak onto a floor or create a flood; possible electrical hazard Evacuate the damage area. May not be necessary to evacuate entire building
Civil Disturbance Riot or civil unrest in or around the building or neighborhood Shelter-in-Place
Bomb Threat Notification of the possibility of a bomb or suspicious package in or near the building. Includes the actual discovery of a bomb or suspicious package by law enforcement Remain calm. Make note of information on the bomb threat check list. Call Public Safety.  May not be necessary to evacuate entire building unless directed by law enforcement

Active Shooter/ Threat

Quick Reference Card

An attacker is in or around the building

The contents of these videos, training sessions and documents contains potentially disturbing information / situations that may be harmful to some viewers.

Run. Hide. Fight depending on the situation. 

Stop the Bleed.     Tourniquet Quick Reference

Stop the Bleed Interactive Video

FEMA Training - Active Shooter: What You Can Do

FEMA Training - Responding to an Active Shooter: You

Chemical Release

Chemical materials are released externally near the building or inside the building

Outdoor release: Shelter-in-Place

Indoor release: Evacuate

Biological Release Biological materials are released externally near the building or inside the building

Outdoor release: Shelter-in-Place

Indoor release: Evacuate

Radiological Release Radiological materials are released externally near the building or inside the building

Outdoor release: Shelter-in-Place

Indoor release: Evacuate

Medical Emergency Seizures, Heart Attack, Stroke, Traumatic Injuries

Do not move the person unless danger is present

Call x2911 from a University phone or 415-422-2911 from a non-University phone or 911


Wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in natural areas like forests, grasslands or prairies. 

Cal Fire Incident Map

PG&E Latest Power Shutoff Updates

PG&E Map of Current Outages

Make a plan, prepare your home, make a go kit and evacuate.  

USF Wildfire Policy

USF uses AirNow metrics to guide all recommendations and decisions affecting our campuses.  Based on the events and review of processes with previous wildfires, USF developed detailed Wildfire Protocols. These protocols will continue to be revised as better practices become available through future experiences, learnings, exercises and training.