A Day in the Life of an RD

One of the awesome parts of being an RD is that no day rarely ever looks the same as another day. There's always something happening to keep you on your toes. Below is a real example of what an RD's schedule for the week can look like!

color blocked example of schedule for a week

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This time is used primarily to respond to emails, update various building trackers, work on committee projects, plan staff meetings, work on conduct cases and hold office hours.

There are a variety of meetings RDs attend including, but not limited to, one on ones with your ARD, with your RAs, and with your supervisor, building staff meetings, all-RA mega meetings, departmental meetings, RD-specific meetings, department-specific committee meetings, university committee meetings, campus partner meetings, and conduct meetings.

This looks like attending monthly floor meetings as needed, spending time walking the halls of your building, engaging with residents either around your building or on campus, or spending time in the cafe engaging with students to name a few examples.