The Syllabus Statement: Addressing GenAI Use in Your Course

Written by Jill Ballard
August 15, 2023 • 5 minute read

It’s certainly moving fast.

With the rapid adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies, institutions across the US are grappling to set appropriate policies and guidelines. At the course level, stating specifics for student GenAI use has become an increasingly essential component in the course syllabus. The reality is students are using GenAI tools widely, both accessing the technology directly and through integrations with other tools, which presents significant implications for teaching and learning.

While GenAI use may be addressed to some extent by USF’s Honor Code, determining clear parameters for your course will help assure that students are using it responsibly. Explicitly stating expectations also creates a space for an open discussion, which supports learning and strengthens academic integrity overall.

Providing guidelines for student GenAI use is not a one-size-fits-all proposition, and as the technologies continue to change, your usage expectations will require revision too.

To begin, connect with your Associate Dean to review foundational GenAI guidelines at your school, department, and/or program levels.

From there, frame guidelines to fit your specific course, addressing when and how students can use (or not use) GenAI tools. GenAI use is contextual and should align with your course’s learning processes and expectations for source attribution. And keep in mind, your guidelines may need to be flexible enough to address specific assignments, which allow for GenAI tools to be used differently than in most instances.

In your syllabus statement, provide:

At USF, adding a syllabus statement to address GenAI is becoming the norm—and this includes you. View this list of examples and consider adding your own syllabus statement to this shared document: 

GenAI Syllabus Statement Examples at USF

2023-2024 Faculty Learning Community from the CTE

The Tracy Seeley Center for Teaching Excellence is launching a faculty learning community (FLC), Pedagogy for the Age of AI: Responding to and Learning From AI-generated Content, co-facilitated by Chris Brooks and Nicole Gonzales Howell, faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. This FLC will explore and support better practices for academic GenAI use.

Learn more about the FLC