Archived Data
Faculty and Staff Data
Student Data
Summary Data
- Fall 2012 Census Data
- Admission Activity by Level, Preparation, Gender, Ethnicity
- Headcount Enrollment
- Degrees and Certificates Granted
- Students Receiving Financial Aid
- Graduation and Retention Rates
Attrition and Graduation Studies
- Student Persistence at USF
- Comparison of Continuing and Non-Continuing Students
- Attrition Analysis, September 2007
- Living Learning Report, August 2008
- Freshman Seminar Study 2008
Volunteer Activities, Community Service Learning, and Internships Among USF Students
Martin-Baro Program
"This unique living-learning community for entering freshman students is designed to provide a creative comprehensive curriculum of writing, speaking, and social science with a focus on diversity and service in the multicultural urban environment of San Francisco."
- Comparison of Martin-Baron Scholars to Overall Freshman Class, 2002-2004
- Survey Summary
- Tables on Survey Results
- Student Ethnicity
U.S. New & World Report Rating of USF
Contact Us
(415) 422-6919