2028 Conversations: Diversity
Guidelines for 2028 Conversations
The University Council on Diversity and Inclusion (UCDI) has been tasked by the president to animate and support the second in a series of campus conversations designed to assess capacity and engagement from across the campus community in regards our institutional commitment to educating students for leadership in a diverse and interdependent world, as we articulated in the consensus USF 2028 Strategic Plan.
Guiding Questions
Conversation Roles
Facilitators (Department Leader)
Division/departmental/unit leaders will facilitate conversations with their respective teams during a regularly scheduled meeting for at least a 30-minute period. Facilitators work to establish a welcome space for the dialogues. They can reach out to UCDI members (diversity@usfca.edu) before the conversation for suggestions on how to establish such a space, and for guidance on how to facilitate conversation. If a UCDI member is not present for the conversation, facilitators take notes on the conversation and submit to diversity@usfca.edu with the knowledge that they are encouraged to engage in the conversation as well. Facilitators distribute the 2028 document to participants prior to the start of the meeting as well as the sample questions.
Participants (Department Employees)
Participants engage actively in the creation of a welcoming space, and contribute to the conversation. Participants are encouraged to add any thoughts that may not have had space to be aired in conversation by sharing with diversity@usfca.edu.
Note-Takers / Animators (UCDI Members)
UCDI members will be available to each division/department/unit to be present, take notes, and support the conversation as animators if needed. UCDI members can also be contacted by conversation facilitators (diversity@usfca.edu) to support them in: developing the best format for conversations, especially with large units; navigating the creation of a welcome space for conversations; and reviewing facilitation skills. UCDI members take notes on the conversations, and submit to diversity@usfca.edu.
Diversity Engagement & Community Outreach
Lone Mountain, Rm. 104
2130 Fulton St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 422-2821