
ADEI is actively working to elevate existing resources as well as create new resources for all members of the campus community. Below is a list of various resources provided by the university. Many of the resources linked below are for all campus community members (student, staff, and faculty) unless otherwise noted.

Land Recognition Statement

The USF Land Recognition Statement was written by a USF alumna and included as a part of an ASUSF Resolution in 2019 (pending formal approval). It’s intended for use at major campus events and includes pronunciations.

View the statement


Anti-Racist Resources for the USF Community

ADEI has brought together anti-racism resources available to all campus community members based on existing campus resources and additional external resources.

Diverse Faculty Hiring Policy

Launched in the Spring of 2019, USF’s diverse faculty hiring policy, developed by ADEI,
outlines best practices for inclusive faculty hiring, from recruitment to on-boarding. This policy
aims to recruit from identity groups which continue to be underrepresented in higher education.

The following toolkit to support the efforts of this policy.
View the Diverse Hiring Guide

Reporting Bias and Sexual Harassment/Assault

Bias Education and Resources Team (BERT)

The Bias Education and Resource Team (BERT) is a University-wide team that works to gather information about bias incidents and to support those individuals who have witnessed, or themselves become a target of, an act of bias. The BERT reporting system is available to all students, staff, and faculty members. Learn more about BERT »

Title IX Reporting

Sex and gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct is prohibited by federal and state law and by University policy. These behaviors are also contradictory to the University’s mission and values and will not be tolerated in our community.

To report potential Title IX violations, contact the Deputy Title IX Coordinator at:
Email: Katrina Garry,
Phone: (415) 422-45625

Or make a report online »

Supporting Undocumented Persons

The resources listed below are for UndocuAlly campus members. For resources for self-identified undocumented students (financial, academic, and legal support), visit our Undocumented Students page.

ICE Protocol

As a Jesuit Catholic university, the University of San Francisco is intent on protecting and advocating for the safety and well-being of our students and our entire learning community, so that all may flourish to their fullest potential both on- and off-campus. In the tradition of Catholic social teaching, we stand with the most vulnerable members of our community, particularly those who face hardship and discrimination because of race, ethnicity, citizenship, economic status, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, and/or ability. The following protocol is intended to guide members of the USF community in responding to inquiries or visits from officials representing federal, state, and/or local law enforcement and/or other government agencies including, but not limited to, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

If a law enforcement and/or government agent asks a university employee for access to campus or for student or employee information:

  1. Inform the agent(s) that all agency inquiries – including ICE requests for directory information – are processed through the USF Office of General Counsel (OGC) in coordination with the USF Immigration Law Clinic and the Department of Public Safety (DPS).
  2. The director of Public Safety (or highest-ranking member on site) will take the agent’s name, badge number, and phone number, as well as the name and phone number of the agent’s supervisor.
  3. The director shall not share any student information unless compelled to by a signed judicial warrant or subpoena, along with the approval of the OGC. An administrative warrant does not meet these guidelines.
  4. After consultation with OGC and in consultation with Immigration Law Clinic, the DPS will personally escort the agent off of campus and notify senior leadership. 
  5. If the student (or students) associated with the inquiry is a registered international student, efforts will be coordinated with International Student Scholar Services (ISSS) and the highest-ranking members on site will come to the proper resolution.
  6. If requests occur after-hours, advise the law enforcement and/or government agent to return during business hours, then immediately notify DPS leadership and OGC. 
  7. If the law enforcement and/or government agent is serving a federal warrant, immediately notify DPS leadership. DPS will accompany, assist, and monitor the federal agents the entire time they are on campus.

If a law enforcement and/or government agent makes an arrest of one of our students:

  1. Student is provided with information on whom to contact for legal assistance. 
  2. The Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) will follow internal protocol for student arrests. The ODOS will immediately consult with DPS to determine specifics regarding arrest. Specifics are to include the reason for the student’s arrest, where they will be detained, etc. ODOS will contact the student’s emergency contact to inform them of the arrest and which law enforcement or government agency initiated the arrest, and to provide location of detainment, if known. Lastly, the ODOS will provide any available resources, including contact information for the USF Immigration Clinic, if applicable.  

UndocuAlly Sign

Download and display the undocually sign to let others know you are able to provide or refer undocumented students to the appropriate resources.

Download the sign

Working Group to Support Undocumented Students

The Working Group to Support Undocumented Students is composed of faculty, staff, and students from different areas of the university to develop areas of growth where undocumented students can better be served. Learn more about the Working Group »

Supporting Trans*, Gender Non-Conforming, and Gender Non-Binary Persons

All Gender Restrooms and Gender-Inclusive Locker Room

All gender restroom locations and gender-inclusive locker room are available for viewing below on the USF Campus Map. These locations can also be viewed on the USF Campus Map under the Campus Safety & Health category. Click on a location marker for specific room numbers in each building.

View The campus map

Gender, Pronouns, and Preferred Name Policy

All employees have the ability to designate gender pronouns and gender identity within the USFWorks platform. Providing gender pronouns and gender identity information is optional and entirely voluntary. If designated, preferred pronouns will be displayed publicly in USFWorks, along with an employee’s preferred name and job title. For more information, review the USF Gender, Pronoun, and Preferred Name Policy.

Beginning Fall 2021, students (including student employees) will also be able to designate their gender identity and gender pronouns in Student Self-Service Banner via myUSF.

Preferred First Name Policy

Recognizing that many students use preferred first names other than their legal ones to identify themselves, the University of San Francisco offers the option of the use of a preferred first name. Read and learn more about this policy »

Note: The preferred first name is not a legal name change. Students who are legally changing their name should follow the instructions listed at SSN and Name Changes.

Pronouns on Business Cards

Faculty and staff are able to include their pronouns on their USF business cards. To learn more about adding pronouns on USF business cards, see page 57 of the USF Brand Standards.

Gender Non-Conforming Student Resources

The Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC) is supportive of our gender non-conforming, transgender, and genderqueer students, and potential new students. The GSC has developed a resource guide for gender non-conforming students that includes university-based resources. View the gender non-conforming student resources »

Accessibility and Universal Access


 USF is committed to compliance with state and federal laws regarding individuals with disabilities.

Service and Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Policies

Planning an Accessible Event at USF

Student Disability Services (SDS) has developed a guide to support the campus community in planning accessible events. View the guide »

Making Canvas Accessible

Canvas is a cloud-based learning management system used throughout the university. Learn more about creating accessible Canvas pages »

Working Group for Universal Access

Comprised of faculty, staff, and students, this group aims to create a culture of universal access by sharing best practices, educating the campus community, and connecting ongoing community efforts towards universal access through a central hub. Learn more about the Working Group to Universal Access »

Basic Needs for Students

The Office of Dean of Students offers students essential resources such as food, housing, and health.

Affinity Community Groups

Faculty and Staff


Campus Life

Academic Resources

This page was last updated on December 20, 2024. Issues with a link? Contact the Office of Antiracism, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at