Mission Statement

The PACT Program, a retention initiative under the Center for Academic and Student Achievement (CASA) at the University of San Francisco (USF), offers undergraduates an opportunity to engage in ongoing peer-to-peer mentoring with upper-level-students in their respective academic fields. Additionally, the PACT program strives to support historically disadvantaged student groups in their journey towards attaining a degree from USF. PACT aids mentees in fostering a sense of academic belonging, honing skill-based development, and accessing leadership opportunities at USF. Embedded in Stanford University's design thinking principles, PACT aims to cultivate an environment where Accountability Partners (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) and PACT Mentees (new incoming undergraduates) can establish a pact centered around four themes to optimize each other’s potential to the fullest.

Learning Objectives

  • Cultivate a supportive peer-to-peer mentoring relationship that prepares new students to university with support and resources to aid their academic transition and success.
  • Support continuing students in their academic journey at the university by collaborating with USF clubs, organizations, and administrative departments to provide high-impact practices traditionally associated with academic departments.
  • Build academic belonging for PACT mentees by pairing students with an upper-level-student within the same academic major / field of study.
  • Empower mentees to develop essential academic & career goals.
  • Improve academic retention and attrition among historically disadvantaged student populations.
  • Provide Accountability Partners with professional and leadership development

Where to apply?

To join this dynamic program, please submit your application. As a PACT Mentee, you will be paired with an Accountability Partner (current student) with similar academic and career interest, hobbies, and extracurricular activities. Additionally, into the following academic tracks:

  • Business & Entrepreneurship (Accounting, Finance, International Business, etc)
  • Humanities & Social Sciences (English, Design, Sociology, Psychology, etc)
  • Pre-Health (Dentistry, Medicine, Mental / Public Health, Optometry, Pharmacy, etc)
  • Pre-Law (Law & Public Policy)
  • STEM (Computer Science, Data Science, Engineering, Math, etc)
  • Undeclared (Arts, Science, and Business)

Apply Here via Google Forms

For students unable to access the google form application in their home country, please use the following alternative application via Qualtrics.

For Additional Information

Please contact us with any questions via email: or call (415)-422-2925. Feel free to email your Academic Success Coach directly with any questions you have. You can look up your coach and their email address, as well as schedule an appointment, through the Student Hub.

The Heart of Accountability Partnership —

Getting the most out of life isn’t about how much you keep for yourself but how much you pour into others.

David Stoddard