New Student Success Survey
The New Student Success Survey is a tool used to find out how new students are transitioning to their first semester at USF. All new students will be sent a task on the Student Hub with a web address unique to them to participate in the New Student Success Survey on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. The survey results will assist USF staff in knowing who may need extra support during this transition period, and it measures three general skill areas, including Academic Behaviors, Commitment & Connection, and Barriers to Success in college.
The survey is designed for first-time, first-year freshman, and transfer students only.
Be on the lookout for an email task linking you to the USF Student Hub with a unique link to the survey. You cannot share this link with another student; it is unique to you.
If you don't receive the task, please look in your spam/junk mailbox or e-mail to receive a new link.
There are about 50 questions that should take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey in one sitting. The survey asks a variety of questions on issues, including your attitudes toward USF, the way you study, and how you approach your coursework (impact of online learning), as well as some other characteristics about yourself. There are no right or wrong answers, but it is important that you honestly answer the questions. Please plan to spend a minimum of 5 minutes completing the survey.
Once you complete the survey, USF's data reporting dashboard uses an algorithm to help identify how new students are transitioning to USF.
In order for CASA to reach out to students in a timely way, an analysis based on your responses to the survey is conducted to understand how students are transitioning to USF based on the three skills areas (Academic Behaviors, Commitment & Connection, and Barriers to Success).
Each skill area is given a priority level and color code:
- 3rd Priority/Green - Students are generally having a smooth transition and identifies areas that can be helpful tools for students
- 2nd Priority/Yellow - Students are generally transitioning well, but could benefit from additional USF support and resources
- 1st Priority/Red - Students may be having a difficult transition and would benefit from USF support and resources
You will receive a report based on your responses to the survey, which is helpful in determining which skills you should focus on for success at USF. In order to receive your report, you must fully complete the survey. If you do not fully complete your survey, you will not receive your report and you will not be able to re-take the survey.
Your report will be prepared 24 - 48 hours after you complete the survey. When your report is ready, you will receive an e-mail to your myUSF address with a link to your report.
Please make an appointment with your CASA academic success coach to discuss your report as your success coach can provide you with support and resources. You can schedule a 1-on-1 appointment with your success coach at your Student Hub or you can drop by your success coach's Drop-in Hours.
Your results are confidential and will only be viewed by CASA academic success coaches and Residence Life staff. Survey results help staff to utilize your responses to the survey, which assists them in offering you targeted support. These outreach interventions help to address your individual concerns so you can have a strong first semester at USF.
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Solloway, the Assistant Dean of Student Academic Success at CASA, at or at (415) 422-6742.