Student Residential Policies

Section 2.1 Residential Policies

Note: This section addresses the services, regulations, resources, and operations associated with all University housing and residence halls. Behavioral expectations and standards of conduct apply to all students residing in University operated housing as well as their guests. 

Residence Halls and University-Operated Housing

The Office of Community Living welcomes students to a new academic year at the University of San Francisco.

One of the most exciting advantages of living on campus is the opportunity to establish relationships with people from many different backgrounds and parts of the world. Through living with others, students can learn more about themselves and gain the skills necessary to live successfully in a multicultural world.

Students’ experiences on campus will be enhanced by their energy and enthusiasm. Living with others can be a difficult task. It takes consideration, patience, and a level of responsibility to keep a residence hall community functioning at its optimum level. An understanding of and respect for the rights and interests of others is key to making the residential experience meaningful for all who live in the halls.

Residential Life staff is available to make students’ on-campus experiences as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. The following live-in staff provide direct service and support to residents.

Residence Directors (RD)

Full-time staff members with advanced degrees who are responsible for creating a safe, supportive, and educational environment for residence hall students.

Assistant Residence Directors (ARD)

Graduate live- in students who assist the RDs in their responsibilities and in building community within the hall.

Resident Advisors (RA)

Undergraduate student leaders who reside on the floor and are trained to assist in creating a positive floor community. RAs are supervised by the RDs and ARDs.

Resident Ministry Interns (RM)

RMs are University Ministry Staff members of many faiths who also live on residence hall floors and provide spiritual direction for the student community. 

Residential Operations Manager (ROM)

Graduate live- in students who supervise the overall residence hall front desk staff and front desk operational and security program. 

Community Office Managers (COM) 

Undergraduate student staff that oversee the front desk staff with the support of the Residential Operations Manager (ROM). 

Community Assistants (CA)

Undergraduate student staff who are responsible for the operation of the Front Desk in each building. CAs are also responsible for providing a high level of service excellence as well as monitoring the front desk area to ensure the safety and security of the residents. 

Central Office Staff 

The Central Office staff members are responsible for ensuring that residential education and programming meet the needs of the residents. Much of this is accomplished through the supervision and training of hall, apartment, and office staff. 

Central staff includes the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Community Living, the Associate Director for Residential Life, and the Associate Director for Off-Campus Living.

Off-Campus Living’s mission is to support students attending the University of San Francisco and the surrounding neighbors and communities. You can learn more by visiting: 

Many leadership opportunities exist for students in the residence halls. The chance to learn and develop leadership skills as a member of various residence hall committees and councils can be a valuable experience. Residents may choose to become part of the Esther Madriz Diversity Scholars, the Erasmus Community, the Martin-Baro Scholars Community, and the St. Ignatius Institute. In addition, residents may choose to serve as a member of their Residence Hall Council (RHC) or the Residence Hall Association (RHA) or pursue a position as a Resident Advisor (RA), Community Office Manager (COM) or Community Assistant (CA).



The University's Student Conduct Code, Residential Life policies, and other University policies and procedures apply to all students who reside within university operated facilities. 

Residential Life policies reflect the belief that everyone living in University housing plays a role in maintaining a living environment conducive to academic and personal growth. While students living off-campus are not held to these Residential Life standards, policies, and procedures, it is expected that all USF students behave in a way that is respectful and in alignment with USF’s Student Conduct Code, University policies and the mission, vision and values of the institution.

Living in University-operated housing requires all individuals to be responsible and respectful of the standards, policies, and procedures that have been established to protect each student, ensure personal and University property is well-maintained and protected, and to maintain a reasonable sense of order and structure. These policies assist Residential Life in providing a safe and clean academic environment. These policies are based on the concept of responsible freedom and reflect the importance of consideration for others’ rights to a healthy living and learning environment.

The process outlined in the Student Conduct Code will be utilized for all allegations of misconduct by residential students. Students found responsible for repeated violations of the Student Conduct Code and/or Residential Life policies may be removed, either temporarily or permanently, from University-operated housing. Please refer to the Student Conduct Code for more information about the conduct process.



2.1.A. Alcohol Policies for Students living in University-operated Housing

Students and guests within residence halls are expected to follow the expectations outlined in the Alcohol and Drug policy. In addition, students of legal drinking age (21 years or older) may consume and possess alcoholic beverages in the privacy of their own rooms in the residence halls and apartments.  A reported violation of this section will result in the confiscation and immediate disposal of alcoholic beverages and related equipment.

2.1.B. Animals

For the health and safety of the community, animals are only allowed in University-operated student housing when they reside with a live-in residence hall faculty or professional staff member. Service and assistance animals must be approved by the Student Disability Services (SDS) office prior to their arrival in the residence hall. Students must also maintain compliance with the SDS Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy.

2.1.B.1. For the health and safety of the community, animals without SDS approval are not permitted to live with students in University-operated housing with the exception of freshwater fish with a 10-gallon tank (1 per room).

2.1.B.2. Fish may not be left alone for more than 24 hours. Arrangements must be made prior to leaving for the winter, spring, and summer break.

2.1.B.3. Damage resulting from pets or animals (including emotional support animals) will be the financial responsibility of the resident.

2.1.C. Wheeled Devices

The University reserves the right to remove bicycles blocking the entry or exit of any building and to impound motorcycles found in any University operated housing facility because of fire regulations.

2.1.C.1 The use of recreational equipment with wheels including, but not limited to, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, are prohibited in and around Residential Halls.

2.1.C.2. Bicycles can only be stored in private, assigned rooms, or designated bike lock areas on campus. 

2.1.C.3. Motorcycles or any other gas or electric-powered vehicle or machine are prohibited inside any University-operated housing facility. The University provides on-campus parking for motorcycles. Motorcycles must have a permit to park on campus. Contact Public Safety at x4222 for information.

2.1.C.4. Hoverboards, electric scooters and similar battery-charged transportation devices are banned from all USF campus locations. The use, possession, or storage of these devices anywhere on campus is prohibited.

2.1.D. Room Changes and Room Occupancy

Room Changes guidelines are distributed to all residents each semester explaining the room change process and residents may contact their Residence Director for more information if needed. All residents involved in the room change must be in agreement before the change is approved by Student Housing and residents move.

Residents assigned to a double or triple room are only contracted for one space within that room. The room must be ready for a new resident to occupy the space at any time.

2.1.D.1 Room changes must be approved by the Assignments Coordinator through an official offer and acceptance of a new space. Unauthorized room changes are not permitted and may result in termination of a resident’s agreement, assessment of a $150 fine, or other conduct outcomes.

2.1.D.2 If a resident of a shared space does not have a roommate, they are not permitted, at any time, to assume, occupy, or use the other open space or furnishings in the room. Violations of this policy may result in conduct outcomes and/or monetary fines.

2.1.E. Smoking

USF is considered a Smoke, Vaping and Tobacco free campus. Smoking inside or around the residence halls are prohibited.

2.1.E.1. Smoking of any nature (including, but not limited to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipes, cigars, hookahs, and water pipes) is prohibited in all rooms and common areas of all university-operated housing. Even students with valid documentation under California’s medical marijuana law may not use or smoke it on University premises. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the boundaries of University-owned or leased property and vehicles. Those found in violation may be subject to a $250 fine and other disciplinary action.

2.1.E.2. For residence halls in the San Francisco community (ie: Fulton Flats, Loyola Village, St. Anne’s, and Fulton House), smoking is not permitted within 15 feet of any entrance, operable window, or air intake to a building or structure, per the San Francisco City Health Ordinance.

2.1.F. Facilities and Property Use

Residents and their guests are expected to be respectful of University-operated housing facilities at all times. Residents may choose to personalize their room or unit. We encourage creativity with items such as bedspreads, posters, lamps, and plants. The basic guideline is to avoid doing things that will damage the room, doors, walls, furnishings, ceiling, or floors.

Whenever it is not possible to assign fines for damage or theft of University property to specific individuals, those fines will be divided equally among the members of the hall or apartment floor or community. In those instances of damage to a student room where the responsible individual(s) is not identified, the residents of the room will share the fine. 

At the beginning of each semester, and periodically throughout the semester, damage assessment checks of shared public spaces (e.g. hallways, lounges, etc.) of the floor will be made by the Resident Advisor. Residents are encouraged to participate in the damage assessment process (RIF). 

Those found in violation of the facilities usage policies below are subject to a $250 fine, property cleaning, repair or replacement costs for the item(s).

2.1.F.1 Resident or guest use of any bathroom facility except that which is designated for their gender is prohibited.

2.1.F.2. Misuse of residential halls property, such as trash/recycling bins, restrooms, elevators, community lounges, and laundry facilities is prohibited. This includes keeping all the restrooms clean and within proper usage. Improper disposal of waste, including but not limited to urine, vomit, excrement, or any other bodily fluids, will be considered a violation under this policy.

2.1.F.3. Removal or possession, without proper authorization, of residence hall property including, but not limited to, signs, furniture, emergency devices, and trash cans, is also prohibited.

2.1.F.4. Residents are not permitted to leave anything on the exterior of their room doors or in the hallway. Under no circumstances are trash cans or trash bags to be left in the hallways outside student rooms. Residents who leave trash or compost outside of their rooms or are found to use receptacles inappropriately are subject to a monetary fine and further conduct outcomes. 

2.1.F.5. Because of safety concerns, as well as damage risks, roofs and ledges are strictly off limits to residents or other unauthorized persons. Climbing in and out of windows, bypassing or disabling window limiters, hanging on balconies and scaling walls are also prohibited. No objects, including potted plants, may not be placed on window, balcony, patio ledges, or railings. 

2.1.F.6. Due to safety hazards, residents may not affix anything to the walls or the buildings, including but not limited to TVs, shelving units, satellite dishes, banners, etc.

2.1.F.7. No items are to be posted in or on windows. All residential room windows are to remain free and clear of any items including but not limited to flags, post-it notes, posters, or cardboard cutouts.

2.1.F.8. Residents are responsible for any damage to their units, rooms, walls, floor, ceiling, and room door. Damage includes but is not limited to nail holes, stickers, holes or gouges, wall paint and graffiti.

2.1.F.9. No items may be attached to the ceiling, light fixtures or pipes. Additionally, no items may hang from windows or on the outside of the building from patios or window ledges or fire safety devices.

2.1.F.10. In Loyola Village, storage on balconies and patios is strictly forbidden.

2.1.F.11. Moving lounge furniture into a resident’s room is prohibited.  Removal of such items may result in a monetary fine and additional conduct outcomes.

2.1.F.12. Residents are responsible for regularly cleaning their rooms/units, removing waste materials, and for maintaining reasonable sanitation and safety standards. Residents must sort their waste into trash, recycling, and compostable bins. Shared waste stations are located throughout the residential spaces on every floor and in lounges. Food waste should be removed from residential room nightly. Residents should not place food waste within the residence hall bathroom trash cans. All food waste should be placed in closed compost bins.

2.1.F.13. Garbage, recycling, and composting areas are to be kept neat at all times and should not be overflowing. All recyclable materials (e.g. cardboard [not including pizza boxes or to-go containers from Bon Appétit], cans, bottles, and paper) are to be placed in the recycling bins only. If available, all compostable materials should go into green waste bins only (e.g., waste food, pizza boxes, and paper food containers).

2.1.G. Quiet Hours

Residents are expected to be considerate and respectful of other residents at all times. Unreasonable noise and other distractions that interfere with the legitimate rights of others will not be tolerated. Students that create or contribute to unreasonable noise in residence halls, independent living units, or surrounding neighborhoods during non-quiet hour times, otherwise known as courtesy hours, will be subject to disciplinary action.

Quiet hours are: 

  • 10:00 pm to 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday
  • 12:00 am to 8:00 am on Friday and Saturday evenings. 

Courtesy Hours are: 

  • 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

2.1.G.1 Courtesy Hours should be followed at all times.  

2.1.G.2 Residents are expected to follow the Quiet Hours policy. During the quiet-hour period, sound from a room should not be audible outside the room door or in surrounding rooms. 

2.1.G.3 Excessive noise from Fulton Flats, Loyola Village, Fulton House, and St. Anne's residents will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from Loyola Village, Fulton House, or St. Anne's . 

2.1.G.4. Twenty-four hour quiet hours are enforced during exam periods beginning at 10:00 pm on the final day of classes of the semester.

2.1.H. Fire Safety and SecurITY Procedures

To assist with energy conservation efforts and to alleviate the frequency of blown circuits, the University recommends using Energy Star Products. Keurigs and hot water heaters with internal heating elements are allowed in the residential halls. Lone Mountain East and Loyola Village units are equipped with full-size refrigerators and microwaves; therefore, residents are not permitted to bring additional refrigerators or microwaves, including microfridge rentals.

Possession of fire hazards items are considered extremely dangerous due to the potential for fire and are prohibited in both private and public living spaces in the residence halls.

Fire safety equipment should only be used in the event of a real fire emergency. 

2.1.H.1. Tampering, disabling, or destroying any fire safety equipment is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: fire extinguishers, pull stations, smoke detectors, sprinklers, exit maps and fire exit signs. Smoke detectors and evacuation maps must not be covered at or altered for decorating.

2.1.H.2. Students should remember that fire exits are for emergency use only. Those found in violation may be subject to a $250 fine.

2.1.H.3. In the event of a fire alarm, residents and guests who do not immediately evacuate the building will be subject to a fine up to $250 and are subject to civil prosecution as well as University conduct action, including removal from the residence halls.

2.1.H.4. Candles (including unburned, decorative candles), incense, lighters, torches, fireworks, flammable liquid fuels, accelerants, and other similar products are prohibited. Incendiary items found in the residence halls or apartments will be confiscated and destroyed, and students found in possession of them are subject to a $250 fine and other conduct outcomes.

2.1.H.5. Electrical appliances with exposed heating elements, including but not limited to space heaters, sun-lamps, torchiere halogen lamps, ceiling fans, air conditioners, and hot plates, afford undue safety risks and are prohibited in rooms and apartments. 

2.1.H.6. Power strips with a built-in circuit breaker is required and surge protection is recommended. Connecting multiple power strips together (with or without surge protectors) is prohibited. Plugging a power strip or other appliances into an extension cord is prohibited.

2.1.H.7. Electric woks, rice cookers, toaster ovens, air fryers, and similar cooking appliances may not be used in any room other than a kitchen or kitchenette. Also, coffee makers with a hot plate are not permitted.

2.1.H.8. Large electrical items are not permitted in rooms or independent living units, including but not limited to exercise machines and portable washers, dryers, or dishwashers. Those found in violation will be held accountable and will be asked to remove items immediately from the residence hall or have them confiscated. Additionally, devices that draw large amounts of power are not permitted. This includes but is not limited to multiple computer systems used for gaming, data/crypto mining, etc.

2.1.H.9. Students are limited to one small room-size refrigerator (no larger than 3.8 cubic feet) and microwave (no larger than 1.4 cubic feet) per residence hall room. 

2.1.I. Guest and Visitation Policy

The University's policies on guests and visitation are based on a concern for residence hall security, the privacy rights of roommates and the community, and the maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to academic achievement. Residential Life relies on the integrity of the community to help staff uphold this policy. Hosting guests is a privilege, not a right.

The University of San Francisco does not provide housing accommodations for married students or student families, and does not allow infants, children, or other dependents of students to reside on campus.

Violations of the guest policy will result in student conduct outcomes including, but not limited to, suspension of guest privileges, probation, or removal from University housing.  All members of the residential community share the responsibility of helping to secure their community's welfare by communicating to guests the expectations established through these regulations:

  • Guests must be checked into a building by the resident host. Guests may check out on their own, however, the resident host is responsible for the guest's actions and behaviors until that guest is checked out. Loyola Village residents are not required to check in guests, however, they should escort their guests at all times. 
  • Resident hosts are responsible for the actions of their guest(s) for the duration of their visit and will be held responsible for policy violations of their guests.
  • Guests may be asked to leave the building at any time by residence hall or Public Safety staff.
  • Guests are required to show a photo ID at the front desk. USF student IDs, driver's licenses, passports, and other forms of valid government issued IDs are suitable.
  • Children under the age of 13 may not be signed in as a guest to the residence halls unless prior approval has been established in writing by the Assistant Dean for Community Living or designee.  Otherwise, children under the age of 13 may only visit students briefly in the lobby and/or informal lounge areas. As with all guests, the USF resident host is solely responsible for any person under 18 or teenagers(age 13-18) whom they register as a guest. The University is not responsible and/or liable for the safety/welfare or care of visiting minors in the residence halls.
  • Students must always have their mobile IDs with them at all times, and IDs must be presented upon entry to all residence halls and upon staff request. 

Overnight Guests:

  • Overnight guests are defined as guests who are checked into a residential community between 3 AM and 8 AM. 
  • An "overnight guest" is considered per night NOT per person. 
  • All overnight guests must be consistent with any applicable roommate agreements. Residents must also formally give consent for their room or apartment mates to host overnight guests via the Roommate Agreement form.
  • Residents may not permit a guest to remain in or use the facilities of a residential building (including a residence room, lounge or common area) for more than three (3) consecutive days and/or nights during any given month, and for more than four (4) days and/or nights total per month, without the written permission of the Residence Director.

Guest Occupancy:

  • These guidelines have been developed in consultation with the Fire Marshal.

Occupancy in the residence halls, Fulton House, and St. Anne's is limited to: 

  • No more than five (5) people in a single room, including resident of the room.
  • No more than ten (10) people in a double or triple room, including residents of the room.

Occupancy in Loyola Village Apartment and Fulton Flats units is limited to:

  • No more than six (6) people in a one-bedroom or studio unit, including residents of the   room.
  • No more than ten (10) people in a two-bedroom unit, including residents of the room.
  • No more than fifteen (15) people in a three-bedroom unit, including residents of the unit.

Occupancy in Lone Mountain East units is limited to:

  • No more than ten (10) people in any unit, including residents of the room.

Restricted Guest Periods:

  • Residential Life reserves the right to limit the guest privileges of a student or a residence hall any time during limited university operations and/or crisis situations.

2.1.I.1. All guests, including non-resident guests, are expected to abide by the terms of this policy.

2.1.I.2. Residents should not allow guests to wander the residence halls unescorted unless they are on their way to check out of the building. 

2.1.I.3. Residents should never provide their Residential Access card to other individuals for use. Students found in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including a $50 fine. 

2.1.I.4. Students found in violation of the guest occupancy and overnight guest limitations may face outcomes including loss of guest privileges and/or housing probation/expulsion.

2.1.J. Posting, Solicitation and Business Enterprises

Residents are to refrain from posting, soliciting or operating a business in all residence halls. All literature to be distributed or posted needs to be approved in advance and distributed by Student Leadership and Engagement, located in University Center 4th Floor.  

2.1.J.1 Posting of materials is permitted only on designated bulletin boards only by Residential Life staff and Residence Hall Council members. Any materials posted by students will be removed, unless permission has been granted by the Residence Director. Students or student groups found responsible for violating this policy are subject to a monetary fine.

2.1.J.2 The University does not allow door-to-door solicitation of products or services in any University operated housing facility. Printed material may not be distributed beyond a residence hall’s front desk by any individual or group.

2.1.J.3. In order to protect the safety of young children and in accordance with our guest policy, childcare/babysitting by students is prohibited in all residence halls and apartments. 

2.1.J.4. Operating any business in the residence halls is prohibited, including but not limited to the use of a public lounge space for commercial activity.

2.1.K. Vandalism

Vandalism refers to misuse of or damage to University property and is strictly prohibited. Vandalism detracts from the physical appearance of student living areas and may also create safety problems. 

2.1.K.1. Vandals will be held responsible for their actions and/or the costs of repair/replacement. Students who observe vandalism should make a report to Residential Life or Public Safety.

2.1.K.2. It is the responsibility of the entire floor to keep recycling rooms/areas clean. In situations where clean-up costs or vandalism fines are assessed, such costs or fines will be divided equally among the members of the floor. Students found responsible for improper use of the recycling/trash areas will be subject to a monetary fine and further conduct outcomes. 

2.1.L. Indoor Athletic Activities

The playing of athletic games is prohibited within the residence halls and independent living areas because of the potential for personal injury and damage to the facilities. 

2.1.L.1 Prohibited activities include but are not limited to running, throwing or kicking objects, wrestling, elevator surfing, tag, Frisbee, football, basketball, hockey, golf, baseball, etc.

2.1.M. Reserving Public Lounge Space

Lounges and other public areas are for the exclusive use of the residence hall students and their invited guests. 

2.1.M.1 For special occasions these areas may be reserved through the Residence Director or Assistant Residence Director. Overall responsibility for the condition of the room rests with the sponsoring individual or group, furniture must be returned to its original order after the event and all University policies apply when the lounges are in use.

2.1.N. Compliance

Residents and their guests must comply with any reasonable request from University Housing staff members. 

2.1.N.1. Residents are expected to provide accurate information and identification when requested by staff. 

2.1.N.2. Residents are expected to not interfere with staff while they are performing their duties.

2.1.O. Weapons

Weapons, as defined in the Student Conduct Code Section 5, and including Nerf guns or other toy weapons, are not permitted in the residence halls. 

2.1.O.1. Kitchen knives are permitted only in residence halls units that are equipped with a kitchen. Students are not permitted to bring kitchen knives with a blade longer than 2.5 inches. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action and may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

2.1.P. Identification Cards

The USF Mobile One Card is designed to ensure access, transactions, and entitlement verification are all accessible with your eligible mobile device. The USF Mobile One Card provides access to a number of residence halls, the ability to make purchases on campus, access Gleeson Library, Koret Health & Recreation Center, and more. 

2.1.P.1. Mobile One Card assures that access and verification are always with you and can be presented upon request by a university staff member or used as identification as a guest in another building. Residential students are assigned a separate Residential Access Card (RAC) upon move-in, which will provide access to student housing assignments.

2.1.P.2. Students should never provide their Residential Access Card to other individuals for use. Students found in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including a $50 fine. 

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Residence Hall Front Desks Operations and Mail Services

Residence hall front desks serve as resource centers for each building in the delivery of a variety of services and the implementation of numerous policies. The front desk provides 24-hour security, emergency assistance, and hall and campus information. It is also the place to check out lockout cards, kitchen appliances, recreation equipment, and retrieve your packages .

Emergency Lockout Use and Student ID Cards

Residential Access Cards (RAC):

Every Student Housing resident who resides in Loyola Village Townhouses, Toler, Fromm, Hayes Healy and Gillson Hall will be assigned a Residential Access Card (RAC) upon move-in to be used throughout the duration of the student’s housing assignment. RACs are expected to be returned upon the student’s move-out date. Failure to appropriately return the Residential Access Card will result in a $20 replacement fee charge placed on the student’s account. RACs are for residential use only and will only provide access to the student’s assigned residential spaces. Students must activate their Mobile One Card to be used as their Flexi Meal Plan, Gleeson Library Card, Koret Health and Recreation Center Card, Career Services Center Card, Health Services Card, and Mobile form of identification. 

Temporary Access Cards:

Temporary Access Cards (TAC) are available for checkout at the front desk for emergency lockout use. Per semester, each resident is allotted five (5) free emergency TAC uses. Residents must return the TAC within 24 hours of issuance unless specified for extenuating circumstances that are approved by the front desk staff. After the 5 free TAC uses, a one time $20 administrative fee for excessive lock outs will be charged to your account. If the TAC is not returned within 24 hours or is deemed lost, the card will be deactivated and the resident will be charged $20 as a replacement fee. In addition, a meeting to discuss the abuse of the lockout key policy will be held with the Residential Operations Manager or designee (if deemed necessary).

Stolen RACs, Temp Cards, or Mobile OneCard Device:

If a resident's RAC/Temp Card/Mobile One Card Device is stolen, immediately contact the front desk and Public Safety. 

Lost or Damaged RACs or TACs:

If you lose or misplace your Residential Access Card (RAC) or temporary access card, please contact the front desk immediately to report the card as lost. Once a residential access card or temporary access card is reported lost and replaced, the old card cannot be reactivated. Lost cards will result in an automatic $20 replacement fee for each card placed on the student’s account. Damaged RACs due to normal wear-and-tear can be replaced at no charge, provided that the damaged card is exchanged at the time of replacement. If you hole-punch your card, wash it in the laundry, commingle it with other items, etc., you will be charged the standard replacement fee. As a reminder, USF residential access cards should be kept protected and separate from keys and other cards. In the event you lose a RAC or TAC you will be charged a $20 non appealable fee.

Items Available for Checkout at the Front Desk.

Recreation equipment, such as cue sticks, pool balls, and ping-pong paddles, is available for use with pool and ping-pong tables located in some of the residence halls. Residents must sign-out the equipment from the front desk and will be held responsible for any damage to the equipment. Recreation equipment has to be returned to the desk within 3 hours.

Replacement light bulbs for University-provided Loyola Village tall standing lamps are available at the Loyola Village front desk.

Kitchen appliances and utensils are available for residents at the front desk. Residents must sign-out the appliances and utensils from the front desk and will be held responsible for any damage to them and residents are expected to clean up the kitchen and the appliances after use and return any equipment that was checked out back to the desk within 3 hours.

Key to the Hayes Healy residence hall kitchen may be signed out through the front desk with a student ID.

Vending Machine Refunds

Vending machines are located in each residence hall. If a resident loses money in one of the machines, the front desk will not be able to refund their money. Students are encouraged to load Dons Dollars to their OneCard. In the event of a machine malfunction when using a OneCard, the student can request a refund from the OneCard office located in UC 5th floor.

Coke Machine:

  • Cash transactions
  • Please specify name of the refund requestor, location of machine, how much the refund requested is? Once received, users can come to the Purchasing office and receive a refund.
  • Credit card transaction: Please contact the Business Solutions dept. @ 888-227-2653

Canteen Snack Machine:

  • Cash transactions: Please specify name of the refund requestor, location of machine, how much the refund requested is? Once received, users can come to the Purchasing office and receive a refund.
  • Credit card transaction: Please contact your credit card provider and dispute the charges.
  • Please send correspondence to the email and a service ticket will be created and assigned.
  • Purchasing Office: Hayes Healy Lower Level and open M-F 8:30am-5pm


Mail and intercampus mail addressed to residence hall addresses will arrive daily directly from the U.S. Postal Service to each residence hall’s front desk and will be distributed into mailboxes by a mail clerk. Residents will receive an email notification from the front desk when their package is logged into the system. University intercampus mail does not go to Loyola Village. All mail intended for residents of Loyola Village must be fully addressed, stamped, and sent through U.S. Mail. Each Loyola Village unit has a mailbox dedicated to it and the key is available to check out for 30 min at the front desk. Each Lone Mountain East unit will have a mailbox dedicated to it in their respective hall and their key is available to check out for 15 min at the front desk.

Residents are responsible for checking their mailboxes regularly and will be held responsible for all letters placed in it.  Residents will be notified if there is unclaimed mail in their mailboxes and/or packages being held for them behind the front desk at the end of the academic year.  Mail delivered to resident mailboxes and/or packages at the front desk that are not claimed within 30 days after the end of the academic year (or 30 days after the expiration of the applicable housing contract) will be deemed abandoned and will be donated or disposed of at the discretion of Student Housing.

Lost Mail Keys: In buildings where mailboxes are opened by key, the cost to the resident is $30 per replacement mailbox key if their key is lost or stolen. (Only applies to Lone Mountain East, Fulton Flats, and Loyola Village).

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Privacy and Personal Property in University Operated Housing Units

Right of Entry and Search

The University reserves the right to enter any student’s room or unit without notice to inspect for condition of room and compliance with safety regulations; repair, maintain, or clean; respond to reported or perceived emergency situations; enforce University policies; as well as ensure that the building is vacated in fire drills, during vacation periods, and in health and safety emergencies. 

Authorized representatives of the University may address violations of University policy discovered upon entering a Student's room or unit. Rooms and units will be searched only with the voluntary consent (waiver) of student unless an Administrative Search authorization has been granted by the Vice President for Student Life or designee or a search warrant issued by a court of law. The student(s) will be informed of the reason for any room or unit search. 

Personal Property

  • Property Loss and damage: The University does not assume liability directly or indirectly for loss of or damage to personal property caused by fire, theft, water damage, or by any other means except to the extent provided by law. 
  • The University assumes no responsibility for property left after the termination of occupancy. The Residential Life reserves the right to remove possessions left on the premises by the Student after the term of residency ends at the Student's expense.
  • Students are at all times responsible for their personal property. Students are encouraged to obtain renter's insurance to cover loss or damage to personal property (such as electronics, computers, books, clothing, etc.). If the student does not obtain renter's insurance, parents/legal guardians should inquire with their homeowners insurance whether or not their coverage may be extended to cover the student's personal property at the University.

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Maintenance and Facilities Protocols 

Maintenance Request

If a residential room or living area is in need of repair, maintenance, furniture support, pest control, or special custodian attention, the resident should contact Facilities Management to submit a work order or service request. Service requests can be submitted by phone (415) 422-6464, by email, through the Service Request link which can be found on the Facilities page of myusf or in the USF mobile app, or you can scan the QR code posted throughout USF residential buildings. It is important that residents take note of their service request number to refer back to throughout the duration of the request. The Facilities Management Customer Service Office is open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For after hours facilities emergencies, residents should call Public Safety Dispatch at (415) 422-2911.

Work requests are usually completed within two to three working days, depending on availability of materials and the nature of the work. Students should request a follow-up if the work has not been completed within a reasonable amount of time. Residents should be aware that maintenance and Community Living or Student Housing personnel might need to enter a room to fulfill requests (see Student Privacy in the Residence Halls). 

Residents are responsible for any damage to their room beyond normal wear and tear. Maintenance repairs or clean-up costs that result from vandalism, misuse, or pranks will be fined to the responsible parties or floor community as appropriate.

Facilites Management will replace vanity or overhead lights in student rooms/units upon request. Call (415) 422-6464 to reach Facilities Management and place a work order.

Mold/mildew - microbial growth

  1. Suspect Microbial Growth and Water Intrusion: Suspect microbial growth (SMG) have no state or federal standards that address exposure limits. The primary reason for this is that SMG are part of the natural environment, and microbial/fungal spores are commonly found indoors and outdoors. However, microbial spores cannot grow without the presence of water or moisture. When building materials become wet for 24-48 hours, microbial growth may occur and can potentially cause health problems for those who may be sensitive, as well as cause damage to building materials. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain a clean living environment and eliminate sources of excessive moisture.
    1. Residents must maintain a clean living environment by vacuuming frequently to remove dust and debris from carpet and hard surfaces; by mopping bathroom and kitchen floors; frequently wiping and cleaning shower tile, and fixtures; and periodically wiping windows and sills with a cleaning produced rated to clean microbial growth*.
    2. Residents must clean any spills and thoroughly dry affected/wet surfaces or material immediately and shall report any spills that are too large for the resident to address.
    3. Residents shall report immediately to Facilities any water leak or pervasive moisture issue, including without limitation, plumbing leaks and overflows, air conditioning and roof/ceiling leaks, or excessive condensation on walls and windows.
    4. Residents shall maintain their living environment in such a way as to minimize levels of high humidity by running exhaust fans while showering and as often as necessary; by closing windows during rain and opening windows for ventilation on good days; by not covering air exhaust or supply vents; and by providing a cover for approved fish tanks.
    5. Residents shall not tamper with bathroom exhaust fans and shall report immediately an exhaust fan that is inoperative.
    6. Residents may be held financially responsible for any damages, corrections, and/or replacement costs due to SMG conditions attributed to the resident’s actions, inactions, and/or failure to notify Facilities of the preceding.

*Examples of cleaning agents rated to kill SMG: Lysol Disinfectant, Pine-Sol Disinfectant, Tilex Mildew Remover, Clorox Clean-Up.

Custodial Service

Custodial service for the residence halls is provided by ABM Building Maintenance, a private company contracted by the University. The custodial staff is responsible for the daily maintenance of all common bathrooms, facilities, lounges, kitchenettes, and corridor areas. 

Residents are responsible for cleaning their own rooms and ensuring the cleanliness of public areas (hallways, lounges, and bathrooms). ABM is not responsible for the removal of individual trash cans from residence hall rooms. Note: Custodial Services in Loyola Village are limited to corridors and public areas.

When ABM staff is cleaning the restrooms, residents and guests must wait until the restroom is clean and available to use to enter the space. 

Laundry Facilities

Laundry rooms are located on the lower levels of all University-operated housing and are free to use for any resident of that building for their own personal laundry usage.

Non-residential students are not permitted to use residential laundry facilities as they are covered through housing fees. Any individual found to be abusing this can be sent to Student Conduct and Rights and Responsibilities.

Residential Life is not responsible for items left unattended in the laundry room.  For work orders concerning laundry machines please contact WASH at  Do not leave items unattended to avoid items being taken.


Because of fire safety and health restrictions, kitchens are the only areas in the residence halls and apartments where cooking is permitted; students are not permitted to cook in residence hall rooms or apartment bedrooms. Students are expected to clean up the kitchen after use.

All Gender Bathrooms 

“All-Gender Restroom'' was the term selected by the University to be inclusive of all-gender identities, including those individuals who identify as having no gender. 

Here is the list of the Residence Halls where All-Gender restrooms can be found:

  • Toler Hall - All restrooms on the 1st and 2nd floors, with a single-stall restroom available on floors 3-7.
  • St. Anne’s - Restrooms on both floors.

Pest Control

Pest problems in a room/independent-living unit should be immediately reported to Facilities Management at (415) 422-6464, or via the Facilities Service Request link on the Facilities website.

Partnering for a Pest-Free Campus: Your Role Matters at USF

Pest prevention is a partnership between facilities, pest control, and the campus community. Please remember:

  • Don't leave food or crumbs on tables or counter surfaces. If food is stored in your residential space, please utilize sealed containers made of hard plastic, glass, or metal. Plastic bags and paper boxes are not considered pest safe storage.
  • Do not store individually wrapped snack bars, crackers, or other treats in drawers or cabinets. Put them in hard sealed containers first.
  • Think about where you put your trash. Do not leave any food packaging or food soiled paper in a small room garbage can overnight. Sort and dispose of waste in the large common area receptacles. Properly dispose of cardboard in the appropriate location as soon as possible.
  • Store personal items and supplies on shelves, not on the floor.
  • Report water leaks, overflowing trash receptacles, or issues with doors and windows to Facilities at, or use the Service Request Tool on the USF Facilities website or the USFMobile app.

To learn more about USF's Integrated Pest Management Plan, please visit the Pest Management Plan website.

USF Recycling Program - resource recovery

USF features a comprehensive resource recovery program that combines recycling, composting, reuse, and other zero waste best practices to reduce the amount of solid waste going to landfills. The University has been a leader in resource recovery for decades, beginning with recycling in 1979, electronic waste recycling in 2003, and composting in 2006. Bins for collecting recyclable, compostable, and landfill waste are conveniently located throughout every building on campus and across campus grounds. Each residence hall also offers receptacles for e-waste recycling and clothing donations.

Students are expected to follow bin signage and sort their waste into the proper bins: RECYCLE (blue), COMPOST (green), and LANDFILL (black/gray). Students should always remember to recycle all bottles, cans, paper, and clean cardboard (flatten first), and to compost all food waste and single-use food and beverage containers that are labeled as “compostable.” Students can familiarize themselves with what item categories go into which bin at Questions regarding campus waste sorting and disposal should be directed to

E- Waste

Residents are required to turn in dead batteries, burned out CFL or LED light bulbs, and broken personal electronics at the electronic waste receptacle in their building for proper disposal. All other electronic waste too large to fit in the receptacle must be properly removed. Please contact Facilities Management for proper disposal of large electronic waste items, including computers, televisions and monitors, printers, video game consoles, etc.

Cable Television and Ethernet Cords

USF provides cable TV services on Stream2. Stream2 is an IPTV service from Apogee that allows on-campus residents to watch live TV and sports from the computer, tablet, phone, Roku, and Amazon Firestick. In most residential units, cable TV services are also available via RF (radio frequency) if you have a TV with coaxial connection. RF is not available in Toler, Lone Mountain, or Loyola Village, only IPTV is available in these buildings. Residents are not permitted to purchase or install additional upgrades or other services, or tamper with current cable connections.

Please report problems in the residence halls to ITS at (415) 422-6668 or 

Ethernet cords are available from ITS. Please direct ethernet cord requests to ITS at (415) 422-6668.

Printers and Copy Services

  • All residence halls are equipped with commercial printers available for the residents. 
  • Reprint Request: A reprint may be requested for a job-quality issue such as ink smearing/streaking, paper jamming the release of your job. Please email your file (in .pdf format) to and include the following information: username, device ID number (found at the front of the device), black/white or color print, quantity, single or double sided, a brief description of issue, and a contact number. A MFP technician will contact you when your job is ready for pick up.
  • Refund Request: A refund for your copy/print job is not available at this time.  Should there be an error or inquiry on your DonDollar account, please contact USF One Card at or 415-422-7663.

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Emergency Procedures

In case of emergency, dial x2911 or (415) 422- 2911 for Public Safety, fire or ambulance response. Emergency phones are located on each floor and outside each campus building. Please direct phone issues to ITS at (415) 422-6668.

Fire Regulations

  • Fire alarm systems: All residence halls, Loyola Village, and St. Anne's have fire alarm systems consisting of manual pull stations and bells. Activation of the pull station will set off the fire alarm. Activation of the smoke detectors within the room will sound in the individual unit only. Please call (415) 422-2911 to report a fire and summon the fire department.
  • Smoke detectors: All student rooms have single station smoke detectors. Activation sounds a local alarm in the room only. Students are not permitted to cover, tamper with, disable, or destroy smoke detectors or other fire safety devices. Students found in violation of the fire regulation procedures will be issued a $250 fine and will face University disciplinary action.
  • Fire lanes: It is essential that fire lanes be clear of vehicles and obstructions at all times. Vehicles in violation will be cited and are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

General Fire Evacuation Procedures

All students should be familiar with the fire evacuation route in their building. The University asks all students to read the evacuation procedures for people with disabilities (below) in case they need to assist a person with a disability in an emergency.

  • When the building alarm sounds, residents should roll out of bed to the floor, get down on hands and knees, and crawl to the door and touch it. No one should stop for clothes, papers, or jewelry.
  • If heat is detected after a few seconds, residents should not open the door. They should immediately call (415) 422-2911 to report their location and hang a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention. If residents feel no heat from the door, they should open it just a crack to check for smoke. If no smoke is detected, they should exit and proceed out of the building. Residents should keep low to the floor if smoke is present.
  • Residents should exit the building quickly and calmly, using the designated stairwells.
  • Once outside, residents should move away from the building and to the designated evacuation area to allow the fire and police personnel to respond to the alarm. Residents should follow all instructions of University personnel.
  • Residential Life staff members or Public Safety will notify residents when it is safe to return to the building. Evacuation procedures for every hall are posted and Resident Advisors will help familiarize residents with them. Students should remember that fire exits are for emergency use only. Residents who do not immediately evacuate the building during a fire alarm will be fined $250 and are subject to civil prosecution as well as University conduct action.

Fire Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

The University of San Francisco asks that persons with disabilities learn and remember features of each building they are in, including stairways, exits, phone locations, and elevator procedures. It is very important that persons with disabilities participate in all emergency drills to practice procedures. We recommend that individuals with disabilities assume responsibility in identifying several people in their classes and residence halls or office buildings who are willing to assist them in case of emergency, and discuss their needs with these individuals ahead of time. We highly encourage all students with disabilities to carry a cell phone at all times. In the event of an emergency on campus, the first step is to contact Public Safety Emergency at (415) 422-2911.

Students Living in University Operated Student Housing

Student Housing recommends students with disabilities to participate fully in all emergency drills. Student Housing also recommends that students disclose their needs to their floor Resident Advisor and a few select and willing floor mates and/or their Residence Hall Director, so that these individuals are aware of evacuation needs and can inform officials what assistance may be needed in the event of an emergency. Students with disabilities who would like individualized evacuation assistance in advance of a drill may contact Student Housing, SDS, or Public Safety.

The most important factor in emergency safety for people with disabilities is advanced planning. Student Disability Services (SDS) may assist in planning specific evacuation strategies. For this or for detailed information on Evacuation Procedures for Students with Disabilities, students should contact SDS at (415) 422-2613 or Residential Life at (415) 422-6824.

  • Mobility Impairment (please read the General Fire Evacuation Procedures above for additional instructions):
  • Do not use elevators when a building alarm is sounding, unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel.
  • Get to the door and feel for heat. If heat is not detected, open the door just a crack and check for smoke.
  • If there is no detected smoke, students are advised to close the door and call Public Safety at (415) 422-2911 immediately. Once on the phone with Public Safety Dispatch, the caller should inform the dispatcher that the fire alarm is going off in the building. Students should give their name and exact location and mention that they are a person with a disability with limited mobility.
  • Students are advised to ask officials if they have any information on the alarm at that time, and that with no sign of immediate danger, they will be remaining in their rooms with the door closed. If the dispatcher knows that it is a true fire, they will instruct residents to the nearest fire exit stairwell to wait on the landing for emergency personnel to assist in evacuation.
  • If during the time in the room students begin to detect smoke or feel the door and it has become hot, they should call Public Safety again and get to the window. Students are advised to tell them what has changed and that they are near the window. If unable to contact Public Safety, students should again attempt to gain the attention of someone below. If possible, they should grab towels or clothing, get them wet with water, and shove them around the door to seal the cracks.

Blindness or Visual Impairment 

Please read the General Fire Evacuation Procedures above for additional instructions.

USF encourages visually impaired students to practice escape routes ahead of time in case they are alone during an emergency evacuation. The University recommends that students with vision impairments learn where the nearest telephone and alarm boxes are in order to call for help, how to describe their exact location in the building, and how to best let others know where they are in the event of an emergency. It is important to be comfortable with the options for self-protection, including procedures to follow if a fire is between a student and all escape routes.

  • Students with a person with a visual impairment when a building fire alarm sounds should offer to lead him out of the building to safety by offering an elbow.
  • Residents should give verbal instructions about the safest route or direction using compass directions, estimated distances, and specific directional terms.
  • When students reach safety, they are advised to orient the person to where they are and ask if any further assistance is needed.
  • Deafness or Hearing Impairment (Please read the General Fire Evacuation Procedures above for additional instructions)
  • Many campus buildings are equipped with visual signal lights in the event of a fire alarm. If the person is unaware that the alarm is sounding, get their attention by using eye contact, and if necessary, touch. Clearly state the problem. Gestures and pointing may be helpful, but students should be prepared to write a brief statement if the person does not read lips.
  • Offer visual instructions to advise of safest route or direction pointing toward exits or evacuation maps.

Power Outages/Elevators Down

If a power outage occurs during daylight hours, all residents (including residents with mobility impairments), are encouraged to remain in the building. University operated housing facilities are equipped with emergency lighting in all stairwells and hallways. During the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, students can call Facilities Management at (415) 422-6464 to report the power outage. For power outages that occur outside the above noted hours, students can call Public Safety at (415) 422-4201 to report the outage. 

Students should wait for instructions from Public Safety or University personnel if an evacuation is necessary. If they are inside an elevator when a power outage occurs, or if the elevator stops working, they are asked to use the emergency phone located inside the elevator to notify Public Safety. Remember that not all cell phones are operational inside of elevator cars. Students should not attempt to get out of the elevator; this could result in severe harm. Residents with mobility impairment should notify Public Safety that they are in the building where a power outage or downed elevators has occurred. If it becomes necessary for students to get out of the building, students are advised to call Public Safety and let them know where they are and that they are in need of assistance. If the power outage or downed elevators are anticipated to last overnight, Residential Life will make every effort to reasonably accommodate residents and relocate them to another space in University Operated Housing.

Earthquake Procedures

If you are indoors:

  • Stay inside until the shaking stops.
  • DROP to the ground, take COVER by getting under a study table or other piece of furniture, and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there is not a table nearby, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in a corner of the building.
  • Try to help others who may find it difficult to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON.
  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
  • Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • If you are in a stadium or arena - stay at your seat and protect your head and neck with your arms. Do not try to leave until the shaking is over. Walk out slowly watching for anything that could fall in the aftershocks.

If you are outdoors:

  • Stay there.
  • Move away from buildings, streetlights, trees, and utility poles/wires.
  • Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops
  • Be aware of uneven roadways and tripping hazards.
  • Facilities Management will go building by building to inspect the structures and deem them safe or not. If they deem a building unsafe, they will pull the fire alarm to evacuate the building, post notices, and lock down the building. Students should follow evacuation procedures and help where necessary.

If you are in a moving vehicle:

  • Stop as quickly and as safely as possible and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility poles/wires.
  • Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped.
  • Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.

Personal Preparedness

Students should:

  • Keep enough emergency supplies in their room/unit (medication, flashlight, comfortable clothes and shoes, bottled water, food, batteries, portable radio) for up to seventy-two hours in case of serious emergency.
  • Post the emergency procedures information in a visible location in their room/unit.
  • Become familiar with the quickest exit routes from their building.
  • Locate the nearest fire extinguisher and pull station and register for a fire extinguisher training course.
  • Register for CPR, first aid, crime prevention, or other safety training courses.
  • Prepare a plan for themselves by specifying what to do, where to go, and how to cope. Designate an out-of-state relative or friend to act as a contact for separated family members.
  • Communicate their personal preparedness plan with family and loved ones.

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