Student Organization Regulations

Recognition of a student group carries with it certain rights, responsibilities, and privileges. Student organizations shall be respectful of the standards and norms of conduct and civility that help constitute a Jesuit Catholic community. At the time a student organization is recognized by the University, the organization agrees to comply with this policy as well as all others contained in the Fogcutter Student Handbook.

Recognition of a student organization does not suggest or imply that the University endorses positions or points of view espoused or enacted by the organization. The use of the name, logo, or initials of the University with any aspect of a student organization’s name, promotion, or sponsorship of activities is subject to approval by Student Leadership and Engagement (SLE) and/or the Office of Marketing Communications. 



A student organization seeking recognition by the University shall meet the following criteria:

  • articulate a clear purpose that is distinct and does not duplicate an existing student organization
  • be governed by a formal constitution that outlines the purpose and structure of the organization
  • have at least five matriculated, currently enrolled USF students as members
  • have open membership to all registered students at the University
  • if there is a selective membership process, said process should meet the following additional criteria:
    • adhere to the selective membership process outlined by SLE each semester including but not limited to providing information on all recruitment and member education activities, anti-hazing agreement forms and up to date membership rosters
    • align with the process outlined by the affiliated national organization (if any)
    • not last longer than eight weeks in duration
    • conclude at least seven academic days prior to Study Day
    • conduct all meetings and events on campus, unless explicit approval to host an off-campus activity is granted by SLE
  • Social fraternities and sororities must go through SLE’s expansion process to charter at the University and adhere to USF’s insurance requirements, show proof of, and maintain and show proof of insurance that meets USF’s insurance requirements as set by the Risk Management office, which currently includes the following:
    • General Liability (GL) with a minimum of $1 million per occurrence with a $2 million aggregate ($1M/$2M). Additionally, please ensure that the following coverages are included within the General Liability policy:
      • Liquor Liability with a minimum of $1 million ($1M) per occurrence
      • Sexual Assault with a minimum of $1 million ($1M) per occurrence
      • Property Damage with a minimum of $1 million ($1M) per occurrence
      • Hazing with a minimum of $1 million ($1M) per occurrence
    • Please ensure that the Additional Insured language names “The University of San Francisco, its trustees, officers, employees, faculty, and agents, and other related entities as additional insureds as their interests may appear with regard to the activity and/or operations under the subject Contract or Agreement.”
  • have open membership that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age (except minors), sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, or ability
    • student organizations that are granted exemption to have members of only one sex under Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972 are granted the same exemption by the University
  • identify a full-time USF faculty or staff member to serve as the advisor to the organization
  • complete the registration requirements outlined by SLE on a yearly basis
    • new organizations shall also complete a petitioning process prior to being recognized

A group is not eligible for recognition if its purpose or activities:

  • contradict the University’s mission or its Jesuit Catholic character
  • are unlawful or in violation of University policy
  • advocate the harm or foster hatred and intolerance of others
  • advocate willful damage, destruction, or seizure of University facilities or property
  • interfere with University classes, campus events, or activities
  • include international travel or other activities with a high level of risk


There are various classifications of student organizations that hold varying levels of requirements and access to resources. At the time of recognition, an organization shall register as either undergraduate or graduate due to funding sources and resources available.


Undergraduate Student Organizations (USOs) are student groups with predominantly undergraduate student membership, serving a predominantly undergraduate student population. USOs are required to have their president, treasurer, and secretary positions (or equivalent) be filled by undergraduate students. 


Chartered Student Organizations (CSOs) are undergraduate student organizations that directly contribute to the mission of the University and elevate undergraduate student life through services, campus activities, and events. CSOs are responsible for meeting greater requirements and are expected to maintain a significant commitment to the Associated Students of the University of San Francisco (ASUSF). 


Graduate Student Organizations (GSOs) are student groups with predominantly graduate student membership, serving a predominantly graduate student population. GSOs are required to have their president, treasurer, and secretary positions (or equivalent) be filled by graduate students.  


In order to maintain a recognized status with the University, student organizations are responsible for meeting requirements set by Student Leadership and Engagement on a yearly basis, depending on their classification.

In addition to the general requirements set by SLE:

  • Chartered Student Organizations (CSOs) are required to complete requirements outlined in the ASUSF CSO Budget Stipulations on a yearly basis. 
  • Social fraternities and sororities are required to meet SLE’s Greek Life Guidelines and maintain active undergraduate student membership each academic year.
  • The Culturally Focused Clubs Council may hold additional requirements for affiliated cultural, multicultural, and international organizations that opt into the council.
  • Student organizations with a selective membership process (SMP) are responsible for completing the SMP organization requirements on a semesterly basis to ensure an equitable and positive experience for all potential new members, new members, and active members.


Resources granted to recognized student organizations include:

  • eligibility to request student activity funding from the corresponding student governance organization
  • ability to reserve scheduled use of University facilities for information tables, meeting rooms, and events
  • access to ASUSF Graphics Center’s design services at no or discounted cost
  • access to publicity resources and use of designated bulletin boards
  • ability to hold a financial account with the University



All new organizations must adhere to the new organization process outlined on the Create a New Student Organization website. Each request for recognition is reviewed individually for compliance with this policy and the Fogcutter Student Handbook. Organizations with an affiliation with an off-campus group shall complete recognition prior to confirming affiliation with the off-campus group.


Student organizations must renew with the University each year. Recognition must be current in order for student groups to receive institutional privileges/benefits. SLE will notify currently recognized organizations about the registration process in March for the following academic year.



Recognized student organizations have the ability to host events on campus. Organizations looking to host events on campus are required to adhere to all Events Management and Guest Services policies.

Any on campus demonstrations and/or fixed exhibits planned by student organizations are required to adhere to the Demonstration and Fixed Exhibit Policy.

Events with guest speakers are required to adhere to the Regulations on Guest Speakers and Presentations.

All on campus events shall be planned in coordination with the USF’s Risk Management office policies and procedures to reduce risk and liability.


Recognized student organizations have the ability to host events off campus. Off campus events must be reported to SLE at least five (5) business days in advance using the Off-Campus Event Notification Form.

All off campus events shall be planned in coordination with the USF’s Risk Management office policies and procedures to reduce risk and liability.


Recognized student organizations have the ability to travel on behalf of their organization to other campuses, retreats, conferences, etc. Travel by a student organization must be reported to SLE at least five (5) weeks in advance using the Travel Notification Form.

All travel shall be planned in coordination with the USF’s Risk Management office policies and procedures to reduce risk and liability.


The University does not permit any student organization to participate in international travel because the level of resources needed to manage them is beyond the scope of a recognized student organization.


Publicity for all student organizations' on campus events, off campus events, and travel must adhere to the Bulletin Boards (Campus Posting).



Any recognized student organization has the opportunity to create and maintain a financial account with the University. Any student organization maintaining funds must have them housed within the University. Off-campus accounts for student organizations are not permitted unless prior approval has been granted by SLE.

All student organization finances shall adhere to Accounting and Business Services (ABS) office policies and procedures

Student organization funds cannot be spent on alcohol, gift cards (unless purchased from and for use at the University Bookstore), or gasoline affiliated with the personal use of a vehicle. 


Fundraising is any plan to raise money through coordinated efforts, both on and off campus, in which the exchange of money takes place. Recognized student organizations have the ability to engage the following methods of fundraising:

  • collection of dues
  • collection of funds for group purchase, such as apparel
  • Flexi donations
  • sale of baked goods or beverages, subject to approval by Events Management and Guest Services
  • sale of other products, subject to sales tax when applicable
  • charge of admission or ticket sales
  • coordination with local business where student organization receives a percentage of profits
  • solicitation of money or contributions to benefit the student organization or a bona fide charitable organization

All fundraising initiatives must be reported to Student Leadership and Engagement (SLE) and approved, at least five (5) business days prior to the planned event. Additionally, organizations who fundraise are required to adhere to the General Provisions for Fundraising.


With an on campus financial account, a student organization can submit a request to SLE for an online payment portal to coordinate member payments to the organization including collection of dues, apparel, organizational promotional items, etc. 

Student organizations and their members cannot use external applications such as Venmo, PayPal, or CashApp for the purposes of collecting payments.


The Director of Student Leadership and Engagement (or designee), upon finding that a violation of this Policy, the Fogcutter Student Handbook, or other University policy has been committed, may impose one of several sanctions including:

  • Warning: written notice and a meeting with the organization stating that continued or repeated violations may lead to further disciplinary action. Additionally, the warning will suggest a reasonable time frame for corrective action. Should that action not be taken within the specified limits, further sanctions may be invoked.
  • Probation: probation will be levied for a definite period of time. It may include terms and conditions, including a time frame for corrective action. Further sanctions may be invoked if any term or condition is not met in a timely fashion.
  • Suspension of official recognition: the suspension shall be levied for a definite period of time during which all actions and activities of the organization must cease. The actions and activities include, but are not limited to, meetings, parties, socials, fundraisers, membership drives, other events open to the public, and any events requiring the use of University facilities. In addition, all rights and privileges granted as a result of being officially recognized may be revoked. Other conditions may be placed upon suspension, including the submission of a written plan outlining the ways and means of corrective actions to be taken by the organization.
  • Withdrawal of official recognition: upon withdrawal of official recognition, the organization will lose all rights and privileges relegated to such status. Withdrawal of status, at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement, may be for an indefinite period.

Appeals for suspension or withdrawal of official recognition must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement within five (5) academic days after suspension or withdrawal is officially noted in the letter and organization file.

Disputes, challenges, and exceptions to the above regulations will be mediated between the Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement and the representative(s) from the student organization. In cases where resolution cannot be mediated, the Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement or their designee from Student Life will make the final decision. If a student group’s recognition is rejected, its representative(s) will receive a specific written explanation from the Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement as to how the organization’s purpose, activities, and/or expressions are not in compliance with University policy.

Last Updated 7/15/2024