Create a New Student Organization

All student organizations under SLE are entirely student run. If you can't find a student organization that speaks to your specific interests, there is always a possibility of starting your own! On this page you’ll find information on the expectations of student leaders, materials needed to start a new organization on campus, and the timelines for application cycles for new organizations to apply for recognition.

Expectations of Student Leaders

Student leaders are expected to embody the values of cura personalis, being people for and with others, and diversity in all its forms in their student organization. As leaders, you’ll lead your organization with integrity and compassion and foster an inclusive and respectful environment. You are also expected to abide by all University policies and procedures, be familiar with the the Student Organization Regulations in the Fogcutter, communicate with our office regularly, and meet all mentioned timelines. We understand this can be a lot and are here to help you be successful!

Being a student leader at USF can be extremely rewarding so if you are ready to become a student leader at USF and start a new organization, look at the required materials below.

Materials Needed to Start the New Student Organization Process

  1. Constitution: This is your organization's governing document and will include the organization's purpose and structure.

  2. A list of members: Organizations need to have at least five committed members in order to start an organization. Use this template for your membership list. 

  3. An executive roster:  A list of executives for your organization using this template

  4. A full-time faculty/staff advisorAdvisors must be full-time faculty or staff at USF.

New Student Organization Timeline for the 2024-25 Academic Year

Student Leadership and Engagement has three new organization application cycles per academic year. Listed below are the timelines for each cycle.

Open All
  • July 8, 2024: New Student Organization Applications Due 
  • July 9-19, 2024: SLE Reviews Constitutions, Communicates Edits and Invites Organizations to Sign Up for Meeting with SLE Professional Staff
  • July 26, 2024: Canvas Modules Assigned and Advisor Agreements Forms Sent
  • August 12, 2024: Canvas Modules and Advisor Agreement Forms Due
  • August 19, 2024: Attend Undergraduate Student Organization Welcome (for USOs)
  • August 25, 2024: Attend Graduate Student Organization Welcome (for GSOs)
  • September 9, 2024: Recognition Letters Sent
  • August 20, 2024: Applications Open
  • September 22, 2024: New Student Organization Applications Due 
  • September 23 - October 11, 2024: SLE Reviews Constitutions, Communicates Edits and Invites Organizations to Sign Up for Meeting with SLE Professional Staff
  • October 18, 2024: Canvas Modules Assigned and Advisor Agreements Forms Sent
  • October 30, 2024: Canvas Modules and Advisor Agreement Forms Due
  • November 5, 2024: Attend Undergraduate Student Organization Welcome (for USOs)
  • November 7, 2024: Attend Graduate Student Organization Welcome (for GSOs)
  • November 15, 2024: Recognition Letters Sent



  • December 21, 2024: Applications Open
  • February 2, 2025: New Student Organization Applications Due 
  • February 3-12, 2025: SLE Reviews Constitutions, Communicates Edits and Invites Organizations to Sign Up for Meeting with SLE Professional Staff
  • February 14, 2025: Canvas Modules Assigned and Advisor Agreements Forms Sent
  • February 26, 2025: Canvas Modules and Advisor Agreement Forms Due
  • February 27, 2025: Attend Student Organization Welcome/Orientation
  • March 5, 2025: Recognition Letters Sent



Organizations that adhere to the expectations, requirements, and timeline mentioned above, and are approved by SLE to operate, will receive a letter of recognition stating they have been officially recognized for the rest of the academic year. 

Once recognition is granted, USOs and GSOs will gain access to:

  • Tabling at the Involvement Fairs (USO) or Graduate Student Meet & Greets (GSO); 
  • The EMS reservation system; 
  • A financial account (if applicable); 
  • The ability to hold events on campus; 
  • The opportunity to apply for ASUSF or AGSUSF Funding. 

Organization recognition is only granted per the academic year so should an organization want to continue the following year, they will need to reapply during our renewal timelines.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Starting a Club Sport

In order for a club sport to become officially recognized through Koret, they must undergo a two-part process.

  1. They must apply to be a new student organization and complete the recognition process through Student Leadership and Engagement. The new student organization should maintain good standing for a year.
  2. The new student organization should reach out to SLE at the end of the year to express interest in becoming a Koret club sport. SLE will then work with Koret to determine if it will be possible to grant them recognition as a club sport. All potential club sports are subject to Koret eligibility, capacity, budget, and fit.

To begin the two-part process, complete the New Student Organization Application. When completing the application, select "Club Sport Interest" as the organization's category.

If you have any questions, please contact us at