Risk Management

Announcement: Ryan Lopez, student assistant to the Director of Risk Management has been awarded the annual URMIA (University Risk Management Insurance Association) Student Conference Scholarship for 2024!  Join me in congratulating Ryan! Find out more about the URIMA Student Scholarship! 

View looking up at Lone Mountain from the bottom of the steps

The mission of the Risk Management unit is to protect the University both internally and externally from risks that threaten its integrity. This is accomplished by:

  • Understanding the needs and priorities of the university community
  • Providing quality services in a professional and responsive manner
  • Providing education through training and consultation
  • Developing materials and resources to provide guidance to the university community

We hope you find the information on these pages useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Melissa Diaz, at mddiaz2@usfca.edu or by phone at (415) 422-5899.

The Environmental Health & Safety Office (EH&S) provides guidance and services to protect the health and safety of the University through compliance with local, state, and federal environmental and occupational health and safety laws and regulations. EH&S works with Risk Management to combine the technical disciplines of environmental health and safety with risk control and risk transfer. The purpose is to provide guidance, programs, training, and direction to staff, faculty, and students to best create a safe environment.

If you have questions regarding Environmental Health and Safety, please contact Joe Murphy, at murphyj@usfca.edu or by phone as (415) 422-5884.

Risk Management Student Assistants

Ryan Lopez and Kanika Chouhan

In-Person Hours

Tuesdays-11:30AM-12:45PM/ 4:30PM-5:00PM

Wednesdays-10AM-2PM/ 4:30PM-5:30PM

