Vehicular Use Policy

Please note that this Policy is currently in the process of being updated as of 1/19/2024.

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The University maintains a fleet of vehicles for business use by faculty, staff, students, and volunteers. Vehicles are used in order to recruit future students, engage in educational field trips, participate in athletic events, maintain campus property, safeguard technology, and preserve the safety of our community. The fleet is critical to carry out the University's mission.

Only authorized drivers may operate a University-owned vehicle, a personally-owned vehicle, or a rental car on University business. University business is defined as travel that is conducted with the knowledge and approval of the University for the benefit of the University.  Commuting to work is not considered University business.  

All authorized drivers are required to comply with the requirements set forth in this Policy.

Departments may establish more restrictive procedures than those included in the Policy, if desired. 

New employees are NOT automatically entered into the authorized driver pool during the hiring process. Individuals that will be driving on University business must contact Risk Management to become an authorized driver.

This Policy establishes standards for the safe operation of University-owned vehicles, personally-owned vehicles, and rental cars by authorized drivers for business purposes. 

The Policy complies with applicable state laws and regulations and the University's insurance coverage governing the use of vehicles. Due to potential changes in state laws, regulations, and the insurance marketplace, this policy is subject to change.

Any employee, student, volunteer, or contracted driver authorized to drive a vehicle on University Business; the members of the Leadership Team, as well as Supervisors and Business Managers who supervise and individual with such responsibilities.

University-owned vehicles are maintained for University business use by authorized employees, students, and volunteer drivers. Individuals who are approved to operate a University-owned vehicle by a department supervisor or business manager are required to follow the vehicle safety regulations included in the Policy and maintain a satisfactory driving record. 

Personally-owned vehicles for University business must be driven by an authorized driver (also see Vehicle Insurance: Personal Vehicles Used for University Business for more information). These individuals include:

  • Anyone driving  in the course of University business and requesting mileage reimbursement (up to the Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rate in effect at the time of travel to include gasoline purchased for the trip, insurance, maintenance, depreciation, and other costs associated with the use of the vehicle).  See Travel and Entertainment Policy – Personal Vehicles.
  • Anyone receiving a car allowance
  • Anyone for whom driving is a component of their job description

Rental vehicles being used while on University business must be driven by an authorized driver (also see Vehicle Insurance: Rental Vehicles for more information). 

To that end, all authorized drivers must be registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice (EPN) program prior to performing any driving services on behalf of the University.  

The University uses the DMV EPN program both to select its authorized drivers and to monitor driver license records of employees, students, and volunteers authorized to drive a University-owned vehicle, a personally-owned vehicle, or a rental car while on University business. This monitoring accomplishes the following:

  • Improves public safety and the safety of the University’s authorized drivers,
  • Determines if each driver has a valid driver's license,
  • Reveals problem drivers or driving behavior, and
  • Helps to minimize the University’s liability.


Any exceptions to this Policy require advance written approval from the Director of Risk Management.  A request for an exception must include a written statement explaining why the standards set forth in the Policy are not attainable or desirable and a description of the alternative procedures, if any, that would be implemented in their place.   


Read below or view the 7-minute video about the driver authorization process. For driver authorization transcript and/or slides visit:

University employees, students, and volunteers are eligible to operate a vehicle on University business if they meet the driver requirements contained in Appendix A.  Individuals who meet those requirements; however, must be approved in advance by both their supervisor and the Office of Risk Management to operate a vehicle on behalf of the University.  

Individuals being considered for an assignment as a regular or incidental driver must provide the following information to Risk Management, which must be submitted electronically to usftravel.  All of this information can be found on the Risk Management website.

  • University Driver Information Form - The applicant must complete the information form, which documents the applicant’s relationship with the University and the reason for driving the vehicle on University business.
  • Samba Safety Driver Record MVR Enrollment Link - Please note that SambaSafety is USF’s new third party driver authorization processer (as of 1/19/24). SambaSafety is a Consumer Reporting Agency andper the Fair Credit Reporting Act, they are required to list out all aspects of consumer reporting in their release form. This is the release form you are required to sign to pull your Motor Vehicle Record (MVR). Please note that only driver data is collected and reported by SambaSafety, and credit scores will not be pulled nor affected.
  • Driver Safety Training – The applicant must complete the Driver Safety Training program (see below).  Upon completion of the training, the applicant must send a screenshot or copy of the Driver Training Transcript to
  • Key Fob Agreement - An applicant who will be driving a University-owned vehicle equipped with the Driver ID function (only) must also complete a Key Fob Agreement form. Upon completing this form, it must be submitted electronically to usftravel. This must be completed before a student, employee, or volunteer can be given a key fob to drive a University Vehicle.

An applicant who is a volunteer must also complete a background check prior to becoming an authorized driver.  The volunteer’s department must contact the Department of Human Resources (HR) to perform a background check, which will be conducted by the University’s third-party service provider.  The background check fee will not be reimbursed by Risk Management and will be the responsibility of the volunteer’s department.  See Background Check Policy.


Authorized drivers must drive safely at all times.  Driving a University vehicle, rental vehicle, a personal vehicle or any other vehicle on behalf of the University is a privilege, not a right.  The safety of passengers, pedestrians, and others is every driver’s highest priority.  

There are three different trainings offered in the EduRisk Learning Portal. If the driver will only be driving a regular vehicle, please complete the Driver Safety Training. If the driver will be operating a golf cart, please complete the Driver Safety Training and Golf Cart Training. If the driver will be operating a passenger van, please complete the Driver Safety Training and Passenger Van Training. If the driver will be driving a golf cart and passenger van, all three trainings will be required.

A University employee, student, or volunteer authorized to operate a vehicle for University business must satisfactorily complete the online Driver Safety Training program prior to their driving assignment.   To access the training, new users will need to register with EduRisk as follows:

  • The applicant must log into the EduRisk Learning Portal.
  • First-time users need to register on the Learning Portal.
    • Applicant must enter a valid email address as this will be their username and cannot be changed.
    • After completing registration, applicant should receive an email with a temporary password.
    • Follow the link in the email to sign on.
    • Applicant will be prompted to enter a new password when first signing in.
  • Once the registration process is completed, the applicant can access the Driver Safety Training module.
  • Upon completion, the applicant will receive an email with a link to download the certificate of completion.  Applicant may also go to ‘My Completions’ to obtain evidence of completion.  Send the certificate to usftravel.

In the Driver Safety Training, these are points that are highlighted:

  • Always make sure to drive defensively
  • Keep both hands on the wheel at all times
  • Obey all traffic laws and/or signage
  • Maintain control over one’s emotions while driving
  • Do not tailgate, instead ensure that other drivers have proper amounts of following distance
    • Observe the 3-second rule
  • Never enter a flooded area with your vehicle
  • If beginning to skid, take your foot off the accelerator and turn towards the desired direction
  • Always make sure to drive on paved roads
  • Avoid snowy or wet roads when possible

Golf Cart Safety Training

If you are driving (or anticipate driving in the future) a golf cart or utility cart, complete the Golf Cart Safety training.  This is in addition to the Driver Safety training. The golf cart safety training is only 9 minutes, and then you are given 10 minutes to answer 11 questions in the assessment.

In the Golf Cart Safety Training Video, these are the points that are highlighted:

  • When driving golf carts, keep in mind these are potential risks
    • Golf Carts are prone to rolling over which may injure passengers and people nearby
    • Some models used by the University may lack side doors thus increasing the likelihood of passengers falling off the cart
    • When driving, golf carts can be silent
  • Keep arms and legs in the cart at all times, unless performing necessary turn signals
  • Avoid using cell phones while driving a golf cart
  • Ensure the emergency brake lock is activated whenever you park
    • Avoid parking on an incline
  • Do not block handicapped spots
  • Do not stand in the cart when it is moving
  • Do not overload passengers into the golf cart
  • In the event of unfavorable weather, avoid driving as possible
    • Avoid wet paths and areas

In addition, golf cart drivers must also observe these guidelines:

  • In the event of an accident or malfunction, call the University’s Department of Public Safety at (415) 422-4222
  • Golf carts do not have the right of way when merging onto the street ○ They must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians
  • Do not drive a golf cart during lightning storms, they are much more likely to be struck by lightning
    •  Drive only on paved roads
  • Due to the small size of the turn signal light on school golf carts, it is recommended that hand signals be used when making a turn
    •  A hand signal extended straight and away from the cart means a left turn
    •  A hand signal extended towards the sky in an “L”-shape means a right turn
    • A hand signal extended towards the ground in a reverse “7” shape means to stop or slow down
  • No person(s) under the age of 18 are allowed to drive University golf carts
    • Drivers must also have a valid California Driver's License
  •  Drivers must not be wearing gear that impedes hearing abilities while driving a golf cart 
  • When on campus, golf carts have a speed limit of 10 MPH 
    • Make sure to yield to pedestrians
  •  When on the street, golf carts are still subjected to following the California Road Laws

Passenger Van Safety Training

The purchase, rental, or use of fifteen (15) seat passenger vans is prohibited for safety reasons.

  • The University prohibits the usage and/or rental of 15-passenger vans 
  • Authorized faculty, staff or volunteer drivers may transport up to 12 people, including the driver. 
  • Authorized student drivers may only transport up to 10 people, including the driver. 
  • Before driving a passenger van ensure that you have fulfilled these requirements: 
    • Inspect the passenger van prior to driving it
      • Ensure that everything is in proper condition before departing on a trip. This may involve, but is not limited to:
        •  Checking for leaks
        • Checking fluid levels 
        • Checking tire pressure
        • Ensuring there is no warning alert on the dashboard 
      • If maintenance is needed, contact MobileAuto Concepts (see Additional Contacts below) 
        • When a warranty is in place for a vehicle, please utilize the warranty before calling MobileAuto Concepts 
    • Should only be used for approved activities 
  • The number of passengers must not exceed the van’s capacity 
  • Do not drink alcohol or take any sort of substance that impairs driving ability prior to operating the van. 
    • Alcohol is not allowed within the van 
  • When driving long distances, the driver should not spend more than 8 hours behind the wheel 
    • This is included to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both the drivers and passengers within the van
  • Due to the larger sizes of passenger vans, they handle much differently than regular cars. When driving these vans keep in mind the following points: 
    • They require much more overhead clearance - make sure to note the clearance of any parking garages / bridges / overpasses before proceeding 
    • Due to their slower acceleration, they need more distance while pulling out in traffic 
    • It will require more time to reach a complete stop 
    • Due to their size, vans also react worse to braking, steering, and being passed 
    • A lack of rearview mirrors means that visibility is reduced when going in reverse 
  • When unloading passengers ensure they step on a safe, flat surface 
    • This is included to ensure that passengers have an easy and safe way of getting out of the van

The following safety regulations shall apply to individuals authorized to operate a vehicle on behalf of University business:

  • Drivers must use University vehicles for authorized business only
  • Drivers must not permit any unauthorized person to drive the vehicle
  • Unauthorized drivers may be personally liable for any accident or loss
  • No driver may operate a vehicle at any time without wearing a seatbelt and requiring all passengers in the vehicle to wear their seat belts
  • No driver may operate a vehicle in violation of local, State, or Federal regulations  
  • No driver may operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs
  • Each driver must remove the ignition key and lock all doors to the vehicle whenever it is left unattended
  • No driver shall refuel a vehicle while the engine is running or smoke near any vehicle that is being refueled or serviced
  • No driver shall cause any physical damage to a vehicle, or allow physical damage or loss to occur due to their failure to take appropriate action
  • No driver may operate a vehicle that is unsafe to drive or has a known safety issue.  All unsafe conditions must be immediately reported by the driver to their supervisor or Business Manager
  • No driver may use a cell phone to talk, text, or access data services while driving a vehicle.  Drivers shall not use cellular devices until they have safely parked the vehicle

Pre-trip Preparation Guidelines

  • Always make sure to check and ensure that the vehicle’s fluid levels, tire pressure, windshield wipers, and any other vital features are in proper condition before any long-distance trips.
    • Risk Management recommends a pre-trip inspection before any trip.  Please use the Pre-Trip Inspection Checklist as a guide to prepare for your trip and it is also recommended to send a copy to your supervisor after the inspection.  
  • Make sure to have safety procedures ready in case of an emergency
  • Safety kits are recommended and can include, but are not limited to:
    • Flashlights with batteries
    • Flares and warning triangles
    • Jumper cables
    • Enough water and other non-perishable food
    • Blankets
      • Always make sure to plan ahead and consider any possible risks present during the trip beforehand

Driving Off-Road

Only 4 WD or pre-approved vehicles are authorized to drive off-road. The University does not encourage driving off-road. Make sure to drive on paved roads whenever possible. However if driving off-road, one must observe the following points:

  • Keep in mind that it may be harder to provide/receive aid in case of an emergency while driving off-road
  • The likelihood of damaging the driven vehicle increases drastically while driving off-road
  • While driving off-road, there may be unpredictable wildlife present
  • Some vehicles were not designed to be driven off-road
    • Driving off-road may make it harder to handle a vehicle
  • If driving off-road, ensure that the passengers/cargo is secured

Verizon Connect GPS Fleet Tracking & Driver ID Program (University-owned vehicles)

The University is committed to providing a safe environment for its employees, students, volunteers, and visitors while driving on University business.  Most University-owned vehicles have been installed with GPS tracking units which give Program Administrators, Supervisors/Business Managers, and Leadership the ability to view near real-time activity of current vehicle location and driver behavior, through web-based maps.  With the ability to look-up simple route history, the tracking feature shows exactly what happened and where, making insurance claims and auto accident review much easier.  

Each authorized driver is assigned a unique key fob to operate a University-owned vehicle, required for each journey, with an understanding that their driving behavior will be monitored and evaluated.  Stickers stating “Driving is being monitored / unsafe driving may result in a loss of privileges” have been/will be placed in every vehicle installed with a GPS unit. All authorized drivers operating a University-owned vehicle and assigned a key fob are required to acknowledge and sign the “Authorized Driver/Key Fob Agreement Form.”  The form outlines policies and regulations to operate a University-owned vehicle, as well as the terms and conditions of the assigned key fob.  Authorized drivers are not to share their individually assigned key fob, which will result in driving privileges being revoked.  Additionally, if a key fob is misplaced, lost, or stolen, there will be a $5 fee paid by authorized driver to have another fob reissued.  Replacement of the key fob must be processed at the Office of Accounting and Business Services in-person.

The University is committed to promoting safe driving.   Speeding driving alerts have been set-up to trigger University Administrators of the program.  Leadership, Supervisors, and/or Business Managers also receive monthly speeding reports.  This allows the University to effectively manage unsafe behavior and unauthorized use or deviations from the standard business utilization.

Speed data is gathered by GPS coordinates combined with the speed limit values of the location.  Speed limits are provided by public and municipal survey information.  Posted speed will be used while assessing driving behavior.

Verizon Connect - Unsafe Driving, Warnings & Revocation

Employees, students, and volunteers who the Verizon Connect software / Risk Management determines to be unsafe drivers may be subject to the following actions, depending on the situation:

  • For speeding events 79 mph and below: Risk Management may contact the driver’s supervisor to discuss the event. Driver’s supervisor may issue a verbal warning. A written warning may be issued by the supervisor’s discretion. The driver’s record may be updated in the Risk Management database.
  • For speeding events 80 mph and above: Risk Management will contact the driver's supervisor to discuss the event. Driver’s supervisor will issue both a written warning and verbal warning. The driver’s record will be updated in the Risk Management database.
  • Any driver operating a vehicle 85 mph and over will have driving privileges automatically revoked: Risk Management will contact the driver’s supervisor to discuss the event. Driver’s supervisor will issue both a written revocation andverbal revocation of driving privileges. The driver’s status will be updated in theRisk Management database.
  • Non-freeway speeding events will lead to similar consequences. In the event that a driver is determined to be operating a vehicle at an unsafe speed, Risk Management will contact the driver’s supervisor to discuss the event. Driver’ssupervisor may issue a verbal warning. A written warning may be issued by the supervisor’s discretion.
  • Other violations might also result in revocation of driving privileges.
  • Multiple warnings may lead to revocation of driving privileges.

In such cases, Risk Management will initially assess if the GPS technology interpreted the driver's longitude and latitude incorrectly, or if there was a system error (posted speed, data outdated, construction zones, etc.) If there are no issues with the GPS technology, Risk Management will contact the authorized driver's supervisor to get more information about the incident in question. The supervisor shall contact the driver and allow for them to provide an explanation as to why the unsafe driving behavior took place. Once determined by the driver's supervisor and Risk Management that a warning will be given or driving privileges will be revoked, written and/or verbal documentation of the incident will be issued and noted in the Risk Management database.

If driving is a condition of employment and privileges are revoked, this will result in reassignment or termination and will be handled by the authorized driver’s direct supervisor.  Director supervisors must review the Workplace Conduct Policy if there are any questions.   

A suspended driver may be reinstated three (3) years from the date of their violating offense.  Before being reinstated, however, the driver must successfully complete the Driver Safety Training program.  If driving privileges are reinstated and the driver is found to be in violation of the policy a second time, driving privileges will be revoked indefinitely.  

Suspended Drivers Due to Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Adverse Changes 

Each authorized driver’s MVR will be reviewed automatically on an annual basis by Risk Management, which maintains a record of the driver's status and safety record.  A driver may not operate a University-owned vehicle, personal vehicle, or rental on University business unless they have an active driver status in the Risk Management driver database.  

At the discretion of Risk Management, a driver may be suspended from driving on University business if they no longer meet the requirements contained in Appendix A.  In such cases, Risk Management will notify the driver and driver’s supervisor that the driver has been suspended from operating a vehicle for business purposes. 

If driving is a condition of employment, this will result in reassignment or termination and will be handled by the authorized driver’s direct supervisor.  Director supervisors should review Workplace Conduct Policy if there are any questions.   

A suspended driver may be reinstated three (3) years from the date of their earliest violating offense or accident.  Before being reinstated, however, the driver must successfully complete the Driver Safety Training program. 

Example - John received a speeding ticket on June 14th, 2017. He subsequently got two more speeding tickets on August 13th, 2017 and October 3rd, 2017.  This was his 3rd ticketed driving offense in 3 years, which results in loss of his driving privileges. He is eligible for reinstatement on June 14th, 2020, at which time he may enroll in the Driver Safety Training program.

Please note that in this example, John still has 2 offenses on his record during the 3-year period, even after being reinstated. If he were to get a subsequent moving violation before August 13th, 2020, he would again lose his University driver privileges. 

Suspended Drivers Due to Multiple Accidents while on University Business (University-owned vehicle or rental vehicle)

  • Maximum of 2 incidents, with one at-fault accident, will result in a warning
  • Maximum of 2 incidents, with two at-fault accidents, will result in driving privileges being revoked indefinitely


    Departments are responsible for ensuring that University-owned vehicles are appropriately registered with the California DMV and for paying all fees and expenses associated with the registration.  Departments must also ensure that vehicles are properly registered and inspected (see Vehicle Maintenance) to ensure that the vehicles are safe for use on public streets or highways. Golf carts, utility vehicles, or other equipment not specifically designed for street use may be driven only on University grounds and sidewalk areas.   

    Each department is responsible for setting up FastTrack accounts for University-owned vehicles.

    The University carries a commercial liability insurance policy on University-owned, leased, or rented vehicles used for University business. Liability coverage provides coverage for bodily injury or damage to property of others. University-owned, leased, or rented vehicles are self-insured for physical damage. The University funds the repair or replacement cost of University-owned, leased vehicles, or rented vehicles less a $1000 deductible, borne by the department responsible for the vehicle damage. If the driver rents a vehicle with a University-issued Purchasing card, a collision damage waiver benefit may apply (this does not include liability coverage).

    Automobile Liability Insurance 

    All University fleet vehicles must carry an automobile liability insurance certificate indicating proof of insurance. Each year in November, updated insurance information is distributed by Risk Management upon renewal of the University’s status as a Qualified Self-Insurer with the State of California.  Drivers are responsible for ensuring that this proof of insurance information is kept in the vehicle's glove box compartment at all times. 

    A PDF Copy of the Updated Insurance Information can be found within the Vehicular Use Policy.  If you need assistance viewing the updated insurance information, please contact Melissa Diaz.

    The University reserves the right to seek reimbursement from the authorized driver if an investigation shows misuse of the vehicle or negligence that results in an accident.

    Personal Vehicles Used for University Business

    Personal vehicles used for University business must be insured as required by California state law and as recommended by this policy.  The driver’s personal insurance policy serves as a “primary” policy for third party liability and collision/comprehensive damages to their vehicle.  The University does not fund the repair or replacement cost or deductible of personal vehicles.  Authorized drivers using personal vehicles in the performance of University related tasks may be covered for their liability “excess” of their own personal insurance.  USF does not provide coverage for physical damage to personal vehicles.  

    The University recommends that the owner carry $100,000 bodily injury liability, subject to $300,000 limit per occurrence, and $100,000 physical damage liability coverage. Physical damage (collision and comprehensive) coverage should be purchased, at the discretion of the owner, since this insurance is not provided by the University.

    In addition to paying the deductible, drivers are responsible for any increased personal automobile insurance premiums resulting from an accident while driving on University business.  Drivers using their personal vehicles for University business are also responsible for having appropriate proof of insurance in their vehicles.

    For additional information on the use of a personal vehicle while traveling on University business, see the Travel and Entertainment Policy and Authorized Drivers (Personal Vehicles) section above.

    Rental Vehicles 

    Faculty, staff, students, and volunteers must become an authorized driver before renting a vehicle on behalf of the University.  Students may rent a vehicle on University business with prior approval from the office of Risk Management and must also be authorized to drive. 

    Rental vehicles shall be arranged pursuant to the Travel & Entertainment Policy and Authorized Drivers (Rental Vehicles) section above.

    At the time of the rental, the option of purchasing a collision policy through the rental agency is offered.  The University has a non-owned auto policy that covers this type of exposure.  Therefore, authorized drivers of commercially rented cars shall not purchase a collision damage waiver from the agency, when renting in the United States.  If the driver desires coverage for personal belongings, the driver may purchase this insurance through the rental agency at the driver’s expense. Bring proof of USF auto insurance prior to leaving for your trip for the rental company.

    It is important to inspect any rented vehicle before driving it.  Make sure any dents, scratches or other damage to the vehicle is noted on the rental form.  The same procedure should be followed when returning a rented vehicle.  Otherwise, the driver’s department or the University may have to pay for damages the driver did not cause.  

    Any personal use of a rental vehicle is not covered by the University’s non-owned auto policy.  An example would be renting a vehicle for University business and then extending a trip to visit family or take vacation on personal time.  Drivers must determine if they wish to purchase the optional collision coverage for their personal use of the vehicle, and keep all charges separate.

    Rentals in foreign countries are discouraged; however, if it is necessary to rent an auto in a foreign country, and prior approval has been obtained from the employee’s supervisor or department Business Manager, insurance coverage must be purchased.

    Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver Benefit for Rental Vehicles - (University Purchasing Card Users only) Collision insurance is provided to travelers who use the University Purchasing Card to rent an automobile. The program does not provide coverage for liability, injury to anyone, medical expenses, or loss of personal belongings. Per the Travel and Entertainment Policy, the preferred method of payment for travel is the University Purchasing Card. The Purchasing Card is issued to an employee who travels regularly on University business; issuance of the card must be approved by the employee’s Business Manager.

    The Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver is a card benefit made available to the purchasing cardholder at no additional cost which applies when the cardholder uses their covered card to initiate and complete a rental car transaction. The benefit provides reimbursement for:

    • Physical damage and theft of the covered rental vehicle. Valid loss-of-use charges imposed and substantiated by the rental agency. (This is a fee that the rental agency charges while the vehicle is out of service due to damage).
    • Reasonable and customary towing charges, due to to a covered loss, to the nearest qualified repair facility.
    • Reasonable administrative fees are charged by the rental agency.

    This benefit is primary and provides reimbursement to the actual cash value of the vehicle as it was originally manufactured.

    In the event of an accident/claim while driving a rental vehicle on University business, the cardholder is responsible for reporting the claim to the Benefit Administrator within 45 days from the date of theft or damage. The Department of Risk Management must be informed of the accident within 24 hours. The driver must also notify their supervisor and Risk Management immediately in any case involving bodily injury, regardless of how minor.

    File a claim online on eClaim's website or call Card Benefits Services at 1-800-822-8057

    Submit the following documentation to the Benefit Administrator:

    • A copy of the cardholder’s monthly billing statement, showing the last 4 digits of the Account number, demonstrating that the entire rental transaction was made on an eligible Account.
    • A statement from your insurance carrier (and/or the cardholder's employer or employer’s insurance carriers if applicable), or other reimbursement showing the costs for which the cardholder is responsible, and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim. Or, if the cardholder has no applicable insurance or reimbursement, a statement of no insurance or reimbursement is required.
    • A copy of the cardholder’s primary insurance policy's Declarations Page (if applicable) to confirm their deductible. (The declarations page is the section(s) of the cardholder’s insurance policy that lists names, coverages, limits, effective dates, and deductibles).
    • Obtain from the rental company:
      • A copy of the Accident Report or police report (if applicable), and
      • The rental agency's statement of claim document, which should indicate the costs the cardholder is responsible for and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim.
      • A copy of the initial and final car rental agreement(s).
      • A copy of there pair estimate or itemized repair bill
      • Two photographs of the damaged vehicle, if available
        • Make sure photographs clearly show damaged section/s of the vehicle

    For further information regarding Card Service Benefits, you may call 1-800-882-8057, call the number on the back of the card, or visit their website.

    Charter Transportation

    Like many other institutions, USF charters vehicles for student trips and other types of university business. Vehicles chartered by colleges have been involved in high profile accidents resulting in deaths and serious injuries. In some cases, the charter company’s lax business practices contributed directly to the accident. It is a requirement to thoroughly vet the companies from which the University charters or rents vehicles to ensure their quality. Any department, school or college interested in renting a charter transportation provider must fill out the Charter Transportation Form and send it to Risk Management before utilizing their services. The form includes information on the charter company’s processes/procedures for driver screening, driver training, vehicle maintenance, safety rating, licensing, guidelines on contracts and insurance requirements. 


    Despite carpooling being seen as an effective method of group transportation, it enables many risks. Faculty/Staff should not organize carpools for students. This is done to protect the safety and integrity of faculty, staff, students, and anybody else affiliated with the University. The University insurance does not extend to personal use vehicles nor does it certify individual driving records/conditions of personal vehicles.

    It is advised that faculty, staff, and students drive themselves, making arrangements outside of class. Faculty/Staff may advise students in regards to meeting times and places, however, they must not organize carpool arrangements. It is advised that faculty/staff and students find safer ways of arriving at specified locations (such as through the use of a fleet van or public transportation). Safety should be the number one priority when it comes to organizing group transportation.

    Uber & Lyft

    The University of San Francisco neither encourages or discourages the use of “Collaborative Consumption Services” (CCS) - the technical term used to describe products and services offered to consumers by other consumers.  Companies like Lyft and Uber provide the intermediary service to connect the service provider with the service user (traveler).

    All travelers should use their best efforts to choose the most economical means of travel that meet the approved goals of the trip within the parameters of the Travel & Entertainment Policy.

    Travelers can choose to utilize these types of services or products, but there are risks associated with the work related to their use.  The traveler has less knowledge or control over the quality of the services being offered by the individual service provider than does a conventional provider, such as a taxi service.  Please see CCS Travel Guidelines below: 

    CCS Travel Guidelines

    Travelers may use services such as Uber and Lyft but be aware that there is no guarantee of safety when using such services.  The University emphasizes safety over price or convenience.  

    • If the situation doesn’t look right, walk away and make other arrangements
    • USF supports the traveler to make a decision in favor of personal safety
    • Do not ride in a vehicle that picks up other passengers   
    • Make sure to confirm the license plate, car make and model, and driver’s photograph before taking the ride

    • For additional safety, the traveler should ask the driver “What is my name?” before getting in the vehicle.

    Parents and guardians should be informed in advance if their child will be transported in an automobile, van, or bus or by public transportation in connection with a University-sponsored activity.  Parents and guardians should provide prior written permission for all such transportation. For more information relating to minors, please see the Protection of Minors Policy and the Guidelines for Supervising Minors.

    The adult driving the minor must be an authorized driver for the University.

    Whenever possible, a University automobile or van should be used for transporting minors rather than a privately-owned vehicle.  The following guidelines should be followed in connection with any transportation involving minors:

    • Automobiles – No adult should drive one minor except in an emergency.  If a minor will be transported alone in a vehicle with the driver, the driver must inform their supervisor and the minor’s parent or guardian in advance of driving the minor.
    • Buses and Similar Transportation - For minors who are age 12 or under, adults should be seated throughout the bus, van, or similar transportation for easier supervision, with at least one adult in the middle of the bus and one in the far rear. Adults should sit in an aisle seat so they can get up to supervise minors, as necessary. Minors should be seated by grade or age group. Disruptive minors should be seated next to an adult.  Adults should take a head count or roll call before loading and after unloading a vehicle, and unless safety considerations dictate otherwise, should not proceed until all minors are accounted for. 
    • Public Transportation - Minors under age 12 should be restricted to one area of the bus or train for easier supervision.  Adults should stand or sit on the periphery of the area to which minors on public transportation are restricted. They should take a head count or call roll before boarding public transportation and upon leaving public transportation, and unless safety considerations dictate otherwise, should not proceed until all minors are accounted for.

    They should take a head count or call roll before boarding public transportationand upon leaving public transportation, and unless safety considerations dictate otherwise, should not proceed until all minors are accounted for.

    Any accident or property damage involving a University-owned vehicle, personally-owned vehicle, or rental vehicle used for University business must be reported by the driver to their supervisor and Risk Management within 24 hours. The driver must also notify their supervisor and Risk Management immediately in any case involving bodily injury, regardless of how minor.

    In the event of an accident involving an authorized driver, the driver should take the following actions:

    • Stop at once in a safe place.  The driver should check for personal injuries and send for an ambulance, if needed. Drivers should not leave the accident scene, but ask for the assistance of a bystander, if needed to summon police or medical assistance or if conditions at the scene are unsafe.
    • Do not admit liability.  The driver should not make any statement regarding fault, liability, or payment of bills.
    • Do not argue or discuss the incident.  The driver should speak only with University officials, police, or their insurance representative.
    • Secure the assistance of police.  The assistance of a police officer should be sought whenever possible, except in the case of a minor accident that does not involve personal injury.  If a police officer does arrive at the accident scene, the driver should record the officer’s name and badge number.
    • Take pictures.  If the driver has a camera or smartphone, they should take pictures of all involved vehicles and related damage to property at the accident scene.
    • Record names and addresses.  The driver should record the names and addresses of all witnesses and occupants of the involved vehicles.
    • Exchange insurance information.  The driver should exchange their insurance information with the driver of each involved vehicle.
    • Complete the Accident Claim Report.  The driver should complete this form while at the accident scene.  Supervisors and/or Business Managers are responsible for ensuring that copies of the form are stored in the glove box of their fleet vehicles.  A copy of the completed form should be sent by email immediately to Risk Management.  See Additional Contacts.

    Drivers involved in an accident must immediately notify their supervisor and Risk Management if they are contacted by the University’s insurance company, by any attorney, or by any other individual investigating the accident.

    On-Campus Accidents

    In the event of an on-campus accident involving a University-owned vehicle, the driver should call the Department of Public Safety immediately to report the accident.  See Additional Contacts.

    Drivers must provide their name, location of the accident and a brief description of the accident and any injuries.  If safe, the driver should remain at the scene of the accident to await the responding officers. The driver should provide as much information as possible to the investigating officer and complete the Accident Claim Report for submission to Risk Management. 

    The University does not reimburse traffic and parking citations.  Drivers are personally responsible for the payment of such citations incurred while operating a University-owned vehicle, rental vehicle or personally-owned vehicle, including any on-campus citations issued by Public Safety. The receipt of multiple traffic and parking citations may adversely affect an individual’s assignment as an authorized driver.

    The University has contracted with Zipcar and offers a number of cars on campus in addition to membership incentives for faculty, staff, and students who enroll in the program. Additional information about the program may be found on the University of San Francisco's Zipcar Page.

    University individuals who become Zipcar members are subject to the rules and regulations published by Zipcar. Annual membership fees incurred under the program are not reimbursable by the University; however, necessary travel expenses (e.g., fuel, parking, etc.) incurred while using a Zipcar for business are reimbursable in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Travel and Entertainment Policy.    

    All University-owned vehicles installed with the Verizon Connect GPS Fleet Tracking Software allow for the University to track vehicle maintenance easily by generating alerts. This helps improve the accuracy of the University’s preventative maintenance program and reduce costs.  Reminders can be set for preventative maintenance by vehicle and this will help reduce vehicle downtime, improve emissions, and track odometer readings or hours of use.

    Centralized Vehicle Maintenance - MobileAuto Concepts (MAC)

    The University maintains a centralized fleet maintenance program to make certain vehicles are regularly serviced by contracting with a 3rd party mobile maintenance company - Yoshi Mobility.  Yoshi Mobility provides ongoing mobile fleet maintenance to all University-owned vehicles.  

    The sole focus is to ensure the University maintenance program is running its best and vehicles are properly cared for.  This will keep vehicles compliant, on the road, extend the life of the vehicle, and most importantly, keep students, faculty, staff, and guests safe while in a University-owned vehicle.     

    When a warranty is in place for a vehicle, please utilize the warranty before calling Yoshi Mobility.

    When a department purchases or disposes of a fleet vehicle, it must provide the following information to Risk Management within ten (10) business days:

    • Year, make, model of vehicle, 
    • Vehicle identification number, 
    • License plate number,
    • Color, seating capacity, and
    • Original Pink Slip (newly acquired vehicles only & must be sent to Accounting and Business Services for storage purposes).

    Vehicle Registration and associated fees are the responsibility of each department.

    A violation of any portion of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including the loss of driving assignment, termination of employment (for drivers who are employees), and/or legal action.  In addition, an authorized driver may be held personally liable for any financial loss incurred by the University as a result of the driver’s failure to comply with the local, state, or federal laws or the requirements set forth in the Policy.

    Definitions of the terms used in this Policy
    Term Definition
    Authorized Driver A University employee, student, contracted employee or volunteer approved by Risk Management to operate a University-owned vehicle, personally-owned vehicle, or rental vehicle for business purposes.
    Business Manager A University employee, designated by the President, Vice President, Vice Provost, or Dean who is the financial manager for the University account(s) being used for the expense.  This may include the President, Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, or the Deans.
    Fleet Consists of all University-owned motor vehicles, including automobiles, station wagons, pick-up trucks, vans, trucks, and all other classes of vehicles that are operated routinely on public roads.
    Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) A certified copy of an individual's driving record for at least the past three years of operation, obtained from the California DMV or other state that issued the driver's license.
    University Business Travel that is conducted with the knowledge and approval of the University for the benefit of the University. Commuting to work is not considered University Business. 


    Contact information for this Policy.
    Subject contact phone number e-mail or url
    Risk Management Melissa Diaz 415-422-5899
    Risk Management Assistant Risk Assistant 415-422-2705
    Background Check Maggie Karaman 415-422-2177
    Driver Authorization Request University Travel Representative 415-422-6521
    Public Safety Dispatch Dispatch




    Verizon Connect & MobileAuto Concepts Risk Management Student Assistant 415-422-6521
    Wally Ghnaim MobileAuto Concepts - Fleet Managment Specialist 415-265-3262


    Form Use
    Accident Claim Report Used to report accident details.
    Driver Information Form Used by applicants seeking assignment as an authorized driver.
    Key Fob Form (University -owned vehicles only) Authorized driver signs to acknowledge safe driving policies and terms and conditions of using key fob.
    Charter Transportation Form Used by applicants to determine whether or not the University should use the applicant’s charter company
    Auto Insurance Checklist A checklist used to ensure vehicles have the necessary information needed to operate as part of the University's fleet.
    Pre-Trip Inspections Checklist A checklist used before long trips to determine that a vehicle is in safe and operable condition.


    Authorized Drivers 

    • Completes Driver Safety Training program and corrective driving program(s), if required.
    • Operates vehicle in compliance with University, local, and state regulations governing motor vehicles.
    • Reports all unsafe vehicle conditions immediately to their supervisor.
    • Promptly notifies their supervisor of all accidents and traffic violations involving a  University-owned vehicle, personally-owned vehicle, or a rental vehicle used for University business.

    Department/Business Manager

    • Ensures that department fleet vehicles are properly licensed, inspected, and maintained.
    • Ensures that only properly licensed and qualified drivers are selected and approved to operate vehicles on University business.
    • Identifies program violators and/or poor drivers and takes corrective action in consultation with Risk Management, including disciplinary action, if necessary.
    • Promptly report accidents, safety concerns, and other incidents to Risk Management.
    • Responsible for maintaining Proof of Insurance and Accident Claim Report forms in glove box of University-owned vehicles. If you need assistance viewing the Proof of Insurance, please contact Melissa Diaz.
    • Responsible for keeping the department's authorized drivers and prospective drivers aware of the Vehicular Use Policy.

    Risk Management 

    • Coordinates delivery of the Driver Safety Training program to drivers.
    • Coordinates reporting, investigation, and claims management of all accidents involving a University-owned vehicle, personally-owned vehicle, or rental vehicle used for University business, including vehicle-related damage and property loss incidents.
    • Recommends corrective action to enhance driver safety and prevent future accidents.  
    • Obtains MVR for each prospective driver and annually thereafter for drivers authorized to operate vehicles on behalf of the University.
    • Identifies program violators and poor drivers; removes such drivers from fleet program, as necessary.  

    Vice President, Business & Finance

    • In consultation with the Risk Management, reviews and approves, if appropriate, requests for an exception to this Policy and violations of the Policy.

    President, Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, and Deans

    • Ensures that employees in their division are in compliance with this Policy.

    A prospective driver's Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) must show that the individual is in compliance with the requirements set forth in this Appendix. If the driver needs to be cleared prior to the required DMV processing time (2 to 4 business days for processing MVR requests. Requests for an out-of-state MVR require approximately 5 business days for processing). The individual may obtain a copy of their MVR by visiting a local office of the Department of Motor Vehicles or the DMV website online through Driver Record Request CA. For some states such as Hawaii, the DMV only allows for notarized mail requests or in person requests for the MVR which would prevent an expedited “out of state” approval. For driver record requests outside of California, visit the local state DMV website. In the event that a prospective driver needs to obtain a copy of their MVR in-person or online, Risk Management will not be responsible for the reimbursement of the fee paid to obtain the MVR.

    The University reserves the right to decline or revoke the authorization of any driver based on the individual’s history of traffic violations or accidents. A driver’s MVR will be reviewed annually by Risk Management; however, if a driver receives a major violation while driving on University business, the driver must inform their supervisor immediately as the violation may impact the individual’s status as an authorized driver.  

    All applicants requesting approval to become an authorized driver must meet the requirements listed below:

    • Driver License - The applicant must possess a valid driver's license issued by California or another state or US territory.
    • Age - The applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
    • Experience - The applicant must have at least one (1) year of driving experience, either in the US or internationally.
    • University Relationship - The applicant must be a University employee, student, contracted employee, or authorized volunteer.
    • Training - The applicant must complete the online Driver Safety Training and submit a certificate of completion to Risk Management.
    • Violations and Accidents - The applicant’s traffic violations and accidents may not exceed the following:
      • No major violations in the last 3 years (major violations include, but are not limited to DUI, vehicular homicide, reckless driving, drugs, leaving the scene).
      • Maximum of 2 moving violations in the last 3 years with one at-fault accident
      • Maximum of 3 moving violations in the last 3 years with no at-fault accidents
      • Maximum of 2 at-fault accidents in the last 3 years with no moving violations
      • Drivers must complete online driver safety training and submit a certificate of completion

    For the PDF version of this policy: USF Vehicular Use Policy

    Risk Management Student Assistants

    Ryan Lopez and Kanika Chouhan

    In-Person Hours

    Tuesdays-11:30AM-12:45PM/ 4:30PM-5:00PM

    Wednesdays-10AM-2PM/ 4:30PM-5:30PM

