Certificate of Insurance


Please log into the USF Vendor Portal and upload the Certificate of Insurance.  All USF Vendors are required to update and maintain their company profiles. 

For your security, USF does not have access to or manage the vendor portal usernames or passwords.  If you do not remember your login and/or password, please contact Jaggaer Support, USF’s Procurement-to-Pay (P2P) Service Provider.  

Please visit the USF Vendor Portal Reference Tools website if additional guidance is needed. 

If you have any questions,  please email purchasing@usfca.edu.  Your email will generate a ServiceNow ticket to ensure you will receive a response.  Due to high volume, emails sent to individual Purchasing & Ancillary Services or Risk Management team members will not be answered.    


Why require insurance from an outside party, such as a contractor, vendor, or other party?

Insurance is a mechanism to protect the interests of the University of San Francisco. Specifically, insurance provides a mechanism for USF to recover for injury or damage that an outside party is legally obligated to pay. Such obligations could occur if an outside party injures an employee or student, damages USF property, or damages personal property of an employee or student.

When does an outside party need insurance?

When the outside party:

  • Provides a service for USF
  • Performs work on USF property
  • Performs work on behalf of the University
  • Uses USF property

How does an outside party provide evidence of insurance?

Evidence of insurance is obtained through a Certificate of Insurance.

What is a Certificate of Insurance?

It is a document provided by an insurance agent or broker that outlines the types of and limits of insurance carried by the contractor, vendor, or other party. In addition to the types and limits of insurance, the Certificate lists the name of the agent or broker, the insurer and the effective dates of the policy.

What does "Additional Insured" mean?

When the University of San Francisco is listed as an additional insured, it means that our interests are protected under the insurance policies purchased by the outside party in regard to the work performed, service provided, product provided, etc. by the outside party.  Essentially, it allows us to use the insurance provided by the outside party. The University of San Francisco should always be listed as an additional insured on all general, umbrella, or excess liability policies.

What types/limits of insurance should be requested?

Please see the Insurance Requirements from a 3rd Party to determine what insurance is required from your vendor, then send the requirements to your vendor so they can issue the certificate according to the University’s guidelines.  If you have questions contact Melissa Diaz at 415-422-5899 or mddiaz2@usfca.edu.

An example of a Certificate of Insurance can be found: Sample Certificate of Insurance

Requesting the University's Certificates of Insurance for Third Parties/Vendors

What is a Certificate of Insurance?

A Certificate of Insurance is a document used to verify an entity is insured. Outside parties often request USF to confirm various types and levels of insurance in connection with business agreements. Arthur J Gallagher & Co. (AJG) issues USF’s certificates, and Risk Management provides outside parties with the certificate as proof of insurance. Generally, certificates are produced within 10 business days, after Risk Management and General Counsel review the accompanying contract.

Who is the Certificate Holder?

The Certificate Holder is the individual or organization requesting proof of a certain type of insurance. The name of the individual or organization, and their address, will be listed on the certificate. The certificates will be sent directly to the requestor, unless alternative instructions are provided.

Important Information on Certificates

A certificate is only good for the insurance policy inception and expiration dates shown on the certificate.

If it is requested by the Certificate Holder that participant names, or a certain activity or event need to be included on the certificate, this is possible. Please provide this information with your request.

Requesting a Certificate of Insurance

All requests for Certificates of Insurance must flow through Risk Management. The certificate request form should be completed for all insurance requests and sent to Melissa Diaz at mddiaz2@usfca.edu. Certificates will only be issued if all required information is provided which includes:

  • Name of Certificate Holder
  • Contact Person
  • Address of Certificate Holder
  • Project description, start date, end date
  • Insurance Requirements
    • Workers compensation
    • General Liability
    • Auto
    •  Property
    • Professional Liability
    • Liquor Liability
    • Sexual Molestation
    • Should they be named as additional insured?
    • Notice of Cancellation

If a renewal certificate is required by a Certificate Holder, then Risk Management will need to request a new certificate as a renewal may not automatically be sent.