Charges Overview
Below you will find more information regarding typical charges found on your student account. Please Note: This list does not include every single charge - these are they typical charges you will see on your account. Charges are reflected on your account after the damages/loss/etc. has been assessed.
Charge Appeal Information
If you completed the online Room Inventory Form when you moved into your space, you are eligible to appeal fees if you feel you were incorrectly charged and/or meet the criteria stated below to appeal. If you received an email stating that there has been a charge placed on your account then the APPEAL REQUEST MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN the date listed in the email. As a reminder, if you did not complete the online Room Inventory Form when you moved into your space then, you have waived your right to the appeal process.
The appeal may request that the charge be reduced or reversed should one of the two conditions be established:
- Procedural irregularities sufficient to affect the determination of the resolution officer;
- New evidence that was not reasonably available for presentation during the initial fine allocation, which would reasonably be expected to affect the decision of the SHaRE staff issuing the fine.
The appeal must be written in business letter format, information on how to write a business letter is located here.
The appeal letter should state reasons that support one of the two appeals criteria listed above to convince the committee to reconsider your case.
Appeal Letter Writing
The first paragraph should introduce yourself and explain why you are writing the letter. Although it may be difficult, be sure to keep your tone and emotions in check to show that you can present an objective viewpoint. Keep the first paragraph as concise and clear as possible so that the reader can immediately understand its urgency.
The next paragraph(s) should narrate the account of what happened, and why your appeal should be granted. Include all the necessary facts in order to legitimize your case. You can start by referring to how all or one of the aforementioned conditions has/is impacting your case. Also, provide specific times and date when particular events occurred. To make your letter more reader-friendly, use bullet-points every time you need to enumerate. Please be as descriptive as possible.
The last part should summarize everything you have stated above. Repeat the necessary points that need to be considered. Also include the contact details and where you can be reached. Close out the letter by thanking the reader for their time.
The committee will not consider appeals that fail to state one of the aforementioned conditions and the student will be notified that their request for an appeal has been denied.
The committee shall make the final determination as to the outcome of the appeal and shall deliver its decision in writing (via email) to the resident within ten working days after receiving the request. The Fine Review Committee shall decide whether:
- The fine should be upheld;
- The fine should be reversed;
- The fine should be reduced
PLEASE NOTE: There is no higher appeal after the final determination of the Student Housing and Office of Community Living Fine Review Committee.