Sanctioned Students

Dear Student:

You have received an email from Student Conduct about your alleged violation of the Student Conduct Code. Here are the steps for completing the Alcohol Education eCHECKUP, and Brief Motivational Interaction (BMI), so that you can resolve the alleged violation.

Alcohol eCHECKUP

You must complete the Online eCHECKUP and email your results to the Peer Educator who will be conducting your Brief Motivational Interaction(BMI) appointment at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Remember to write down the certificate number (12 digits) provided at the beginning of eCHECKUP.

Brief Motivational Interaction (BMI)

As a sanctioned student you are required to complete a Brief Motivational Interaction (BMI). To schedule an appointment for your BMI go to

BMI Feedback Form

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this anonymous survey about your BMI session.

Access the Student Feedback Form Here