California Pregnancy Disability Leave (CPDL)
CPDL provides job-protected leave for eligible employees who are disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. There are no service time requirements to qualify for CPDL. The University follows all mandated state and federal laws for leaves of absence. Other state and federal entitlements may run concurrently with CPDL.
Employees are eligible for CPDL starting on their first day of employment. Under CPDL, a pregnant woman is eligible to up to four (4) months (17 1/3 weeks) of job and benefits protection. CPDL may be taken on an intermittent, reduced hour, or continuous basis as certified by the healthcare provider. CPDL runs concurrently with FMLA, if eligible and applicable. Once the disability portion of the pregnancy leave has concluded, the employee can take up to 12 weeks of CFRA leave for baby bonding purposes. Bonding leave shall be completed within one year of the birth or placement of the child.
Employees should notify their supervisor, and contact Tristar at 1-844-702-2352 or at least 30 days prior to the leave request if feasible.
Use of Accrued Paid Leave
Accrued paid sick leave must be used concurrently with disability benefits. Paid sick leave and disability benefits combined may not exceed 100% of regular pay.
Employees can elect to use accrued vacation or comp or if applicable, comp or in lieu hours, under this policy. To receive paid leave, employees must comply with the University’s normal procedures for the applicable paid-leave policy (e.g., call-in procedures, advance notice).
Maintenance of Health Benefits
Health Insurance benefits continue while on FMLA and/or CFRA leave. During leave, employees are responsible for their portion of health insurance premiums. If the employee exhausts sick/vacation while covered by FMLA/CFRA, health insurance premiums will go into arrears and will be collected once the employee returns from leave. Once sick/vacation has been exhausted and the employee is no longer covered by FMLA/CFRA, employee will be offered COBRA.