Volunteer Opportunities

gleeson library

In furtherance of USF’s mission, to promote learning in the Jesuit Catholic tradition, USF encourages staff to volunteer and experience mission activities. All full-time (.8 FTE or greater) non-collectively bargained employees, full-time employees in the Public Safety Officers Association (PSOA), and full-time and full-time employees in the United Service Workers West (USWW) are eligible to participate in a USF Day of Mission Integration and Community Engagement.Learn more about the policy.

Community Engagement Opportunities

We invite staff into this work as a way to deepen your understanding of social issues and the university’s commitment to solidarity. There are many programs at USF and in the surrounding Bay Area community that provide opportunities for engagement that strengthen community partnerships and contribute to the common good.

Staff may find opportunities via:

Mission Integration Opportunities

The work of Mission Integration is inclusive of spirituality, community engagement, and the promotion of justice, equity, and inclusion.

  • The Mission Council has a menu of opportunities for faculty and staff.
  • University Ministry offers weekly service activities and events.
  • The Lane Center provides opportunities for staff to deepen their understanding and commitment to the core values of the University in relationship with their colleagues and the larger community.