Childcare Subsidy FAQ
Please see the Eligibility section on the Childcare Subsidy page.
New employees are eligible to apply for the subsidy within 30 calendar days from their date of hire.
Current employees are eligible to apply for the subsidy within the first 30 calendar days of returning to work after experiencing a Qualifying Event or after your child begins receiving care services (i.e. childcare, daycare, nanny care, etc.), whichever date comes later (i.e. return-to-work date or childcare start date).
- Example 1: If you return to work on April 5 but your child does not start daycare until May 10, then you are eligible to receive the subsidy on June 1, the first of the month following the start of the care services, which is the later date.
- Example 2: If your child started daycare on March 20 but you did not return to work until April 5, then you are eligible to receive the subsidy on May 1, the first of the month following your return-to-work date, which is the later date.
Visit the Childcare Subsidy web page to access the online application form, which you may submit when you are eligible.
A Childcare Provider can be a childcare center or an individual. An individual cannot be a parent of the child. If it is an individual, please contact BRI to inquire about required documentation.
If you do not meet the stipulated deadline, Open Enrollment is your next opportunity to apply for the subsidy. Open Enrollment occurs each fall and allows you to make changes to your benefit elections effective January 1st the following year. During Open Enrollment, you will need to submit a new Childcare Subsidy application form, available on the Childcare Subsidy web page.
Pending approval, new employees are eligible to receive the subsidy the first of the month following their date of hire.
Pending approval, current employees are eligible to receive the subsidy on the first of the month following their return-to-work date and/or after their child begins receiving care services (i.e. childcare, daycare, nanny care, etc.) - whichever date is later.
- Example 1: if you return to work on April 5 but your child does not start daycare until May 10, then you are eligible to receive the subsidy starting June 1. This is the first of the month following the start of the care services, which is the later date.
- Example 2: if your child started daycare on March 20 but you did not return to work until April 5, then you are eligible to receive the subsidy starting May 1. This is the first of the month following your return-to-work date, which is the later date.
If you are currently receiving the Childcare Subsidy for one child and you give birth to or adopt a second child during the year, you must re-apply for the Childcare Subsidy within the stipulated timeframe in order to receive the subsidy for your second child by submitting a new application form. Please remember to include your first child again on the form.
Yes, Childcare Subsidy awards do not automatically continue from year to year; you must actively re-apply each year during Open Enrollment or when returning to work after experiencing a Qualifying Event (i.e. birth or adoption of a new child) by submitting a new application form.
Please refer to the Childcare Subsidy page for the subsidy amounts.
If you or your spouse is also contributing / has already contributed to a Dependent Care FSA through another employer, please advise the Benefits Team at after submitting your Childcare Subsidy application form so that your Childcare Subsidy amount can be adjusted accordingly.
Unfortunately, no changes can be made once your Childcare Subsidy application has been processed.
For each pay period, a portion of the subsidy amount will appear under “Employer Paid Benefits” on your electronic paycheck. It is not a deduction, it is a subsidy provided by the University.
To view your Year-To-Date subsidy amount, log in to your Benefit Resources (BRI) account or view your latest paycheck in USFWorks.
Your account will be funded 5-7 business days after your pay date. You can check your funds by logging in to your BRI account.
You will need to pay for eligible childcare expenses upfront and then file a claim for reimbursement from your Dependent Care FSA to Benefit Resource (BRI). BRI is USF's FSA vendor.
Childcare Subsidy funds and your own pre-tax contribution, if applicable, are deposited into the same Dependent Care FSA.
You can find a step-by-step guide on how to submit a claim through your BRI online account here on BRI’s website. You will need to provide receipts for the expenses.