Building Marshal Program

The Building Marshal program was established to provide local contacts (building or school) for management and coordination of crime prevention and emergency response protocols for evacuations, lockdown, or any other required emergency response.

Building Marshals must be aware of all Emergency Procedures and Protocols for the safety of University personnel and property.

Marshals play an integral role in ensuring the safety of the community, we stress the safety of the Building Marshal at all times. No one will ever be required to perform any duties that expose them to unreasonable risk or danger.

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Lead Building Marshal

  • Create the building marshal teams and identify who will assume specific
    marshal duties.
  • Maintain overall supervision of the building marshal team, provide guidance,
    and coordinate training.
  • Ensure monthly checks on emergency supplies and equipment (AED, First
    Aid Kits, Evacuation Chairs and Stretchers)Meet with Public Safety, Police, and/or Fire Department during an emergency
  • Gather information from the marshals and communicate vital information to
    the Public Safety
  • Report occupants who need evacuation assistance and occupants gathered
    in areas of refuge.
  • Make note of anyone who may be missing.
  • Document and report injuries, missing persons and property damage.
  • For on campus emergencies always ensure Public Safety (415-422-2911) is
    notified even when calling 911 first.

Deputy Building Marshal

  • Assume the duties of the Lead Building Marshal in his/her absence.
  • Perform all tasks as assigned by the Lead Building Marshal.

Floor Marshal

  • Wear the Building Marshal vest and use the wand.
  • Alert occupants to immediately and quickly evacuate their workspace, office, room
    or restroom. Walk - Don’t run
    ○ All marshals are expected to evacuate buildings when an evacuation order is made by
    emergency responders or when a fire alarm is sounding. While evacuating, the marshal
    is expected to instruct others to do the same.
    ○ If it is safe to do so, marshals may choose to check designated areas of their area of
    responsibility that are known to be problematic during evacuations to ensure all persons
    are evacuating.
    ○ Any person who refuses or is unable to evacuate will be left by the marshal and then
    reported to first responders. The marshal must prioritize their safety at all times.
    ○ Advise all persons who attempt to reenter the building that there is an emergency and
    entry is not permitted
  • Assist the injured if possible and make note of individuals who need evacuation
    assistance/in the areas of refuge.
  • Test the door for heat before allowing entry.
  • Direct them to the safest and closest stairways and exits.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Do NOT prop floor doors open. Close doors when area is evacuated.
  • When outside, direct evacuees away from the building to the emergency assembly
  • Do not block fire lanes or the egress for other evacuees.
  • If the primary assembly area is not safe or if directed by emergency personnel, the
    marshal should direct evacuees to the secondary assembly area.
  • Make note and report location of hazardous conditions.
  • Remain calm and keep others calm by your composure.
  • Check in with the Building Marshal Lead for further instructions.
  • The Building Marshal may assist with communicating the “All Clear” conditions in
    the absence of emergency personnel. There could be circumstances where
    emergency personnel are unavailable to reach all assembly areas and they may
    contact the marshal to inform them of the all clear.

It is vital that Building Marshals unite as a team within the building you work. 

  • Know the people who work in your immediate area. Identify occupants who may
    require special assistance in an emergency
  • Maintain an up-to-date list of all occupants who need additional assistance during
    an evacuation.
  • Make a contact list in your phone for each Building Marshal team member on your
    floor/sector as well as other key contacts within your building.
  • Create a Public Safety contact list in your phone – USF DPS Emergency Dispatch
    – 415-422-2911.

Additional Items to Remember for Building Emergency Teams

  • Review the Response Guide
  • Know the location of the fire extinguishers and how to use them
  • Know the location of any first aid cabinets and emergency supplies
  • Know the location of stairwell exits and a direct route to each
  • Know the alternate evacuation routes if you encounter obstacles
  • Know the emergency assembly area site(s) and routes to them
  • Regularly inspect exits, pathways, lighting, etc. and report deficiencies to Facilities
    Management by calling 422-6464 or in the Facilities Service Portal.
  • Keep up-to-date on your first aid and CPR certifications
Evacuation Shelter-in-Place
  • Ensure all occupants have left the floor
  • Test exit door for heat prior to entering
  • Instruct students, faculty, and staff away from elevators
  • Lead students, faculty, and staff to the emergency assembly area
  • Lead / Deputy Building Marshals instruct staff to the safe location on the floor away from windows.  Use stairwells, large conference rooms or internal hallways
  • Floor Marshals check each office and cubicle to ensure that staff has left
  • Floor Marshals lead staff to the safe location on the floor
  • Floor Marshals check stairways/areas of refuge for employees and instruct employees away from elevators