Project Success

My biggest takeaway from Project Success this semester is the ability to reach out to specific resources to meet my needs, whether they are academic or for my mental health. I wasn't aware of how many on-campus resources I could access, and now I feel more equipped to navigate any challenges that may arise. Recently, I experienced a disability-related flare-up, and I felt comfortable being vulnerable and expressing that I was mentally going through difficult times. My coach immediately reached out to the SDS office, and I was able to meet with my SDS coach to discuss temporarily modifying my accommodations, which I never knew was a possibility as a registered student with the SDS office. —Spring 2024 Participant

The Project Success Program matches graduate students with USF students who are in need of additional and continued academic support during the year. Participants are referred to The Learning Center by campus partners, including the Center for Academic & Student Achievement (CASA) and Student Disability Services (SDS).

For more information, please contact PS Program Staff at

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Project Success is a long-standing tradition in The Learning Center. This program pairs graduate students with USF students who are in need of additional and continued academic support during the year. Students who participate commit to making adjustments in their academic routines and approaches. Project Success Coaches work individually with students on a weekly, regularly-scheduled basis. They partner with students to tailor their support and accountability methods, aiming to develop study skills and positive academic behaviors, including (but not limited to) time management, prioritization, note-taking, test-taking, critical reading, college-level writing, and goal-setting. Extensive training and resources are provided to Project Success Coaches.

Students meet with a Project Success Coach on a regular basis to:

  • develop general study skills 
  • learn process-based learning methods for all courses
  • track progress on activities/projects and stay on task
  • connect easily with additional Learning Center, Writing Center, and Speaking Center services, as needed

Participants commit to the following expectations when they are paired with a Project Success (PS) Coach:

  • meeting with the PS Coach at least once every week of the semester for a minimum of 1 hour / maximum of 3 hours
  • canceling appointments/meetings with the PS Coach at least 24 hours in advance
  • arriving on time and for all scheduled appointments/meetings
  • coming to appointments/meetings prepared and ready to work with all necessary materials related to course assignments
  • taking initiative with making appointments/meetings with the PS Coach (not waiting for her/him/them to reach out)
  • keeping the PS Coach aware of changes in schedules, course expectations, and course assignments
  • not expecting work to be done by the PS Coach for the student
  • "I have learned so much from my coach this semester. From being able to better manage my time to understanding and validating my feelings - she has helped me more than I thought was possible both academically and in general. I don't think I would have been able to get through the semester without her help." –Fall 2024 Participant

  • "My biggest takeaway was just the overall idea that there are people and resources at USF that are available for me to go to. I have always been hesitant about asking for help, so knowing that my Project Success coach is always there for me, is very relieving." –Fall 2023 Participant

  • "Having a Project Success coach this semester while on academic probation has helped me greatly. My coach has helped me plan out my days and solve my unorganized daily schedule. Checking in each week also helped keep me up to date with all assignments this semester (turned in all work on time)." –Spring 2023 Participant

  • "My biggest takeaway from Project Success is that my coach has really instilled the confidence in me to become the student I am today. I am so happy to be able to work with the coach as she has helped me develop skills to tackle challenging assignments, have faith in myself to complete them, and work on my anxiety surrounding tests and grades..." –Fall 2022 Participant

  • "My time management, organization, and study habits have improved a lot since working with my [Project Success] coach, and it's nice to have someone to check in with weekly to keep me accountable." –Spring 2022 Participant
  • "[My PS Coach] helped me prioritize tasks and break apart bigger tasks to avoid procrastination!  She helped me develop a daily to-do list that lists all my tasks and orders them by the highest priority.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed, but she helps me break it up into more manageable chunks." –Fall 2021 Participant
  • "Creating a master schedule helped me create an estimate on how much time and effort I need to put into studying, working on projects, and other tasks that I must complete...adapting to the schedule as best I can help me stay on track and limit procrastination and distractions." –Fall 2020 Participant
  • The goals I set for myself are much more realistic now. Before, I was feeling unsatisfied that I could not finish my daily tasks, but I now realize that I was being too ambitious with the amount I had wanted to achieve.” –Spring 2020 Participant
  • “My mindset has seen a major shift. [My coach] has helped me to adjust my own mindset. He allows me to figure out my own path, and he is there to provide support, encouragement, and guidance. I've figured out that the key to organization methods is finding methods that I like best ...rather than things I feel that I should do or see others doing.” –Fall 2019 Participant

Project Success meetings typically begin during the first week of classes; meetings are scheduled each week of the term, until Finals Week (Fall and Spring terms only). For Spring 2025, meetings can take place virtually via Zoom and/or in person in Gleeson Library (or a hybrid of the two).

Project Success Coaches must be current, full-time USF graduate students with a demonstrated interest in working with students in a mentoring capacity. Candidates are expected to possess a working knowledge of Student Development Theory and Adult Learning Theory, and have at least one year of experience working with students at the college level. Additionally, Project Success Coaches have exhibited strong organizational and communication skills, a strong interest in education, strong computer skills, and the ability to work effectively with others.

The Project Success program is a partnership between The Learning Center and multiple departments on campus. If you are a student who is interested in participating, please contact one of the following staff members so they can submit a nomination to this program on your behalf:

  • your Academic Success Coach from the Center for Academic & Student Achievement (CASA)
  • your Disability Specialist from Student Disability Services (SDS)
  • the Director of Academic Support from University Athletics (student-athletes only)

Nominated students can sign up to participate in Project Success for Spring 2025 here.

The Project Success program is a partnership between The Learning Center and three departments on campus: the Center for Academic & Student Achievement (CASA), Student Disability Services (SDS), and University Athletics. Please see correlating information below.

  • If you are a staff member in SDS, please visit this link to nominate a student for this program.
  • If you are a staff member in CASA, you will refer students utilizing functionalities in the CASA Lightning (Salesforce) platform. Please visit this link for more information (how-to video). Your nominations will now integrate with the Student Hub.
  • If you are a staff member in Athletics, please visit this link to nominate a student for this program.

PLEASE NOTE: The priority referral/nomination deadline for Spring 2025 is March 1, 2025.

If you are not a staff member in CASA, SDS, or Athletics, please contact us at for more information about available Academic Skills Development initiatives in The Learning Center.

You will receive notification of your Project Success coach-student pairing through your Student Hub. More information about the Student Hub can be found here. Based on your notification preferences, you will also receive an email and/or a text message (check your settings). Within your Student Hub look specifically for the task assigned to you to "Schedule your first meeting with your Project Success Coach."

If you are unsure who has been assigned as your Project Success Coach, please email


This should take no more than 5 minutes of your time.

The purpose of this is to reflect on the first half of the semester and to set a plan for the second half. This also helps PS Coaches individualize support provided to participants for the remainder of the term. Should you prefer to complete the plan on paper, a pdf document is available for download below. Simply complete and return to your PS Coach directly, if you choose this option.

Project Success Mid-Semester Plan for Academic Success.pdf

You will receive a notification when it is time to complete your Mid-Semester Plan for Academic Success through your Student Hub. More information about the Student Hub can be found here. Based on your notification preferences, you will also receive an email and/or a text message (check your settings). Within your Student Hub, look specifically for the task assigned to you to "Complete the Project Success Mid-Semester Plan for Academic Success."

Please email at any time with follow-up questions.

Click here for the Fall 2024 End of Semester Evaluation

This evaluation process of your Project Success Coach should take no more than 5 minutes of your time. We encourage you to be honest with your feedback, as your comments will be helpful in improving the Project Success Program and the student experience moving forward.

While we ask for your USF ID number, please note that you have the option within the evaluation to keep your responses anonymous (and just share them with the USF staff member who oversees the program). 

Fall 2024 participants - please submit by Sunday, December 1, 2024