Basic Skills Requirement & Subject Matter Requirement

Please carefully review the following information about the Basic Skills Requirement and Subject Matter Requirement.

The Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) and Subject Matter Requirement (SMR) are not required for admission to USF. The BSR and SMR are requirements defined by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and must be met at specific times during a student's USF program.

Please contact SOE Credential Manager Kate Carlin with any additional questions. 

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How to fulfill: There are nine ways to meet the Basic Skills Requirement(link is external), including having passing CBEST Scores(link is external) or meeting the requirement by coursework.  Students may choose any one of the eight options - there is no preferred option. 


Due date: Students must have either satisfied the BSR requirement or have attempted the CBEST before beginning courses in their credential program. All credential candidates must complete te BSR requirement prior to enrolling in Student Teaching II/III 


Documentation: How is passage documented/uploaded? 

  1. For test score options, as long as students have listed USF as recipient of test passage data, USF will receive notification. However, it is highly recommended that students email credential analyst with notification of passing scores to

  2. For coursework, students transcripts submitted as part of the TED application will be reviewed by Teacher Ed staff shortly after acceptance. A letter documenting BSR status will be provided before classes begin.

CTC Basic Skills Requirement(link is external)

Note: International students who will study on a F-1 student visa must complete the BSR and SMR requirements prior to applying to a USF credential program. Contact if you have questions about these requirements.


How to fulfill: Candidates can satisfy this requirement by passing a test or with previous coursework.


  1. Testing Option: The California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) is a series of tests developed by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to assess the preparedness of aspiring teachers. Passing scores are among the state-mandated requirements for teacher certification in California. CSET requirements vary by credential path:


  1. Coursework Option: Candidates may be able to use college courses/earned degrees to satisfy subject matter competency. The CTC has not yet released information about how to assess the use of course content. The Teacher Education Department will communicate with students when we have more information.


Due Date: Students must have satisfied the SMR before entering Student Teaching II/III.


Documentation: How is passage documented/uploaded? 

  1. For CSET scores: As long as students have listed USF as recipient of test passage data, USF will receive notification. However, it is highly recommended that students email credential analyst with notification of passing scores to
  2. For coursework, students should contact Gabriela Lopez by the middle of their first semester. Gabriela will review transcripts and determine which courses can be applied and whether any domains are outstanding. A letter documenting SMR status will be provided before the end of the first semester.

CTC Subject Matter Requirements(link is external)