Campus Policies and Guidelines

Dear Members of the USF Community,

As we approach the start of the fall semester, I write to underscore my commitment — and, indeed, our collective responsibility — to uphold the principles of academic freedom, mutual respect, and social responsibility within the USF community.

These ideals are central to USF's Jesuit mission and identity. Our university is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and conducive environment for learning, collaboration, and holistic growth for all members of our diverse community. I recognize and respect the right of individuals and groups to express opinions, advocate for causes, and engage in peaceful protest. 

As we navigate these challenging times and engage in dialogue on important social and political issues, I remind all members of our university community that students have promised to uphold the honor code and abide by the code of student conduct. Similarly, employees have entered into contractual agreements to respect our campus policies and guidelines and to express their views in ways that advance mutual respect, civility, and inclusivity. Expressions of dissent, disagreement, or advocacy, no matter how passionate or controversial, must be conducted in a manner that respects the dignity and rights of others and adheres to our community standards. Harassment, intimidation, discrimination, or any form of behavior that threatens the well-being or safety of individuals or groups will not be tolerated and are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with our policies.

Campus Demonstrations

All demonstrations must comply with USF campus policies and guidelines. We cannot permit encampments or similar structures on campus grounds, regardless of the cause they are intended to support. Encampments pose significant safety, health, and logistical concerns, and their presence can — and has — disrupted campus operations and activities. These guidelines are designed to ensure that the campus remains a safe, inclusive, and conducive environment for learning, collaboration, and personal growth.

Campus demonstrations and/or protests must be sponsored by a recognized USF community member or group. The sponsoring party is required to notify the assistant vice president of student engagement of plans to demonstrate on campus. This notification is not an attempt to censor or otherwise limit content, but rather to advise organizers on standards for time, place, and manner for gatherings. It is also an opportunity for members of the larger university community to provide support and assistance. 

For the purpose of these guidelines, "demonstration" or "protest" means an event requiring the presence of one or more persons in a university location with the intent to express a particular point of view in a manner that attracts attention, such as rallies, sit-ins, or similar forms of expression. These policies were developed in collaboration with students.

I urge you to review the demonstration policy for details on planning events, including reserving space and posting promotional materials, and how to conduct an event, such as remaining outside of buildings. However, we understand events can be time-sensitive so university staff, including Student Engagement and Events Management, are committed to providing support and flexibility wherever possible to ensure successful events.

Printed Materials and Posting Policies

Printed materials are also covered in the guidelines. These items cannot be forced upon others or distributed in a manner that will obstruct the free flow of traffic. Literature or other printed materials may not be scattered on the ground or left unattended on university property.

The Student Organization Handbook includes additional guidelines related to flyers and posters.

Student Leadership and Engagement (SLE) approves, stamps, and posts. Only SLE staff may post flyers on University Center bulletin boards, unless express permission is given by SLE. Posters are removed after the date of the event as specified on flyers. Any flyer that is expired or posted without a stamp of approval from SLE will be removed.

Doxxing and Unauthorized Recording

As part of our comprehensive efforts to foster a safe environment for all members of our community, we emphasize that doxxing — publishing an individual's personal information or likeness without consent — is a form of intimidation and harassment and is not tolerated. Such online harassment campaigns are counter to our values and threaten the safety of our community members. Disciplinary action will be taken if any member of our community engages in these activities, which are prohibited by our student and employee guidelines and conduct codes.

Moving Forward

As we move forward from the events of spring semester, university leadership is working to strengthen the curriculum related to Israel, Israelis, Palestine, and Palestinians, and to establish an ad hoc task force of students, faculty, and staff to review our socially responsible, ethical investment policies and practices. As we informed the student leaders of last semester's demonstrations, we are committed to fostering a respectful dialogue, including holding educational sessions on the university's investment policies, and working through what was outlined in ASUSF's resolution by fall of this year.

The way we treat one another, especially in times of crisis, is the foundation of our campus culture. Our diverse community and how we accompany each other is our greatest gift. Our diversity is realized in our equitable and inclusive treatment of each and every member of our community. Our campus policies and guidelines for students and for employees ensure that teaching, learning, and university activities can take place as planned. In keeping with our Jesuit mission and values, we are committed to ensuring that all members of our beloved community thrive in mind, body, and spirit. Thank you for being part of this collective work. 

I hope you found time this summer for restful and meaningful time with friends, family, and loved ones. I know you join me in looking forward to welcoming our new and returning students to campus, and to a joyful start to a new academic year.

Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J.