Register for Summer Classes

Summer courses are offered to students who meet the following requirements:

  • Students who have successfully completed their first year of study at the University of San Francisco School of Law,
  • Students who are currently enrolled in good standing and have completed their first year of study at a law school accredited by the American Bar Association, or
  • Individuals who have graduated from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association and members of the bar.

Summer 2025 Academic Calendar

Summer 2025 Course Schedule

The Summer 2025 course schedule is now available.

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by course title.

USF’s International Summer Externship programs will help you develop an understanding of how to do business and pursue justice in today’s global society.

Instructions for Currently Enrolled USF Students

Registration will begin on March 24, 2025 at 9:00am and is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis, on myUSF. (Registration priorities do not apply to summer session courses.)  Step-by-step instructions on how to register for courses on myUSF, including adding oneself to a closed courses' wait list. 

Students interested in receiving financial assistance during summer session should begin the process described in the Financial Aid section of this website as soon as possible to meet the registration and payment deadlines.

Registration may be completed in the following ways:


Tuition and Fees: Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,950 per unit for JD students, $2,155 per unit for LLM (IPTL and ITCL) students, $2255 per unit for Tax LLM students and $1815 for MLST students. Tuition for summer classes is due by May 1, 2025.  Law Fees are available on the Tuition & Fees page.

Tuition Refund: Students are eligible to receive a full refund of tuition for USF summer courses taken on campus or online (excluding IAP) if courses are dropped by the deadline of June 1, 2025.  Partial refunds are available June 2-12.  No refunds will be granted after June 12, 2025.

Tuition Payment Procedures: Students must pay all outstanding charges (past and current) by May 1, 2025, except financial aid recipients who have met the conditions stated in the Financial Aid instructions. Tuition bill notifications will be e-mailed to you from the USF Student Enrollment Services Accounts Office to your USF email in mid-April AFTER you have registered for summer classes. The payment options available refer to the balance that you are required to pay the University after all eligible financial aid has been deducted from your semester charges (tuition, housing charges and fees). Payment in full is due on May 1, 2025. The payment options include:

  • Payment in full, using either an electronic check or personal check
  • 3-month payment plan
  • Third party billing

If payment is not received by May 1, 2025, students with unpaid balances may have their registration cancelled.

More information on the payment plan

Financial Aid

NOTE: Law students must be enrolled in a minimum of three (3) units for their summer program in order to receive federal financial aid.  Review the Summer Financial Aid Information online, noting that the application for summer financial aid known as the Summer Intent to Enroll Form (ITE online Form) is due on April 1. Online forms can still be submitted after April 1 but we cannot guarantee approved financial aid by the Summer Tuition payment of May 1 if forms are submitted late.

Please note the following:

By registering for courses, the student agrees to:

  • Assume financial responsibility for any charges and/or fees posted to their account.
  • Assume the responsibility for understanding USF’s official policies concerning schedule changes and satisfactory academic progress, and to understand how these changes can affect the student’s financial situation with regard to financial aid eligibility.
  • USF may impose late fees and/or deferment fees on outstanding balances.
  • USF reserves the right to recover all costs involved with collection and/or litigation of delinquent accounts. If the student’s account must be sent to collection or litigation due to nonpayment of the outstanding balance, USF reserves the right to demand payment in full for subsequent semesters of enrollment prior to the beginning of each semester.

General Information

First Class Assignments: Professors will begin publishing their Canvas courses the week of May 19th.  Please check the Canvas course once it is available for your first assignment.

Grading Option: Available only to USF students enrolled in courses which are offered with the credit/no credit option (designated as "Opt" in the grading column of the Course Schedule). A student may elect to receive a credit/no credit designation in lieu of a letter grade: C+ or higher is Credit; C or below is No Credit. To elect CR/NC, a Change of Schedule form must be submitted no later than June 20, 2025.

Summer Externships: Available only to USF students. The application deadline is May 1, 2025.

A. Civil/Criminal Law Externships during the Summer

Students may apply to receive 2 (summer session only) through 5 units of credit for work performed at an established law firm or corporate legal department, a public interest or legal services office, or the legal department of a government or other appropriate agency, including Administrative Law Judges. Please note - students are only eligible for financial aid during the summer if externing for 3 or more units). Students enrolled in these externships must complete all assignments as directed and attend the mandatory orientation session on one of the following dates: April 11 or May 14, 2025.

Please see below to determine when you are eligible to apply to receive credit for an externship:

  • Full-time students may participate during their second and third years of law school (i.e., starting the summer following the first year of courses)
  • Part-time students, as well as part-time students who convert to full-time status after their first year, may participate starting in the spring semester of their second year

Good academic standing is required at the time students apply for and at the time they start the externship. Minimum GPA requirements are as follows:

  • Good academic standing means students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.30 and not be on academic probation. Please note that second year students with a cumulative grade point average at the end of their first year of 2.50 or below are subject to restrictions. In the fall of their second year, these students are prohibited from enrolling in the Civil and Criminal Law Externship Programs. In the spring of their second year, these students may be eligible to participate and should consult with the Law Registrar for clarification.

B. Judicial Externships During the Summer

Students may apply to receive 2 (summer session only) through 5 units for work performed at a court. 

Please see below to determine when you are eligible to apply to receive credit for an externship:

  • Full-time students are eligible to participate in the Judicial Externship Program in their last three semesters of law school or during the summer following the first year of courses. 
  • Part-time students who maintain part-time status are eligible during their third and fourth years (starting the summer following the spring semester of their second year).

All students must attend an Orientation designed to prepare the student for the externship ahead. The Judicial externship orientation session will be held on April 11 or May 14, 2025. 

Externs must be in good academic standing when they apply for and start the externship, and must meet certain minimum GPA requirements as set forth below:

No student may enroll for academic credit in a part-time (2-5 units) judicial externship unless they have a cumulative grade point average of greater than 2.50 at the time the externship begins.

For more information on externships, please review the Externship Programs page.

Parking Privileges: Parking on USF property without an appropriate permit will result in a citation and/or towing. Unpaid citations will result in a "records hold" rendering a student ineligible to register, drop/add, obtain transcripts, or negotiate financial aid checks. To apply for parking privileges contact the USF Office of Public Safety at 415- 422-4222.

Unit Limitation: USF students may enroll in no more than 7 units for the summer. Please note: Full-time students may not accelerate their graduation by taking summer units. 

Instructions for Students From ABA Accredited Law Schools


Students from ABA accredited law schools are required to have their home schools provide a letter of good standing before registration will be permitted. Members of the bar are required to present their bar card.

Registration for visitors will be available April 15th through June 5th and will be conducted on first-come, first-served basis. 

Students interested in receiving financial assistance during summer session should begin the process described in the Financial Aid, Visiting Students section of this website as soon as possible to meet the registration and payment deadlines.

By mail: print out the Registration Form for Non-JD Students and the Non-Degree Student Personal Data Form. Once completed mail to:

  • University of San Francisco, School of Law
  • Office of the Registrar, KN 220
  • 2130 Fulton Street,
  • San Francisco, CA 94117

By fax: You may submit the registration and personal data forms by fax to 415-422-4199.

Registration for non-USF students begins April 15, 2025.

Once these forms have been received and processed you will receive a myUSF e-mail account and login code which will permit you to complete payment on-line, add or drop courses, and access registration and account information, and grades.

Special Examination Accommodations: Any student who has a disability that requires an examination accommodation must register with the Office of Student Disability Services


Tuition and Fees: Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $1,950 per unit for JD students, $2,155 per unit for LLM (IPTL and ITCL) students, $2255 per unit for Tax LLM students and $1815 for MLST students. Tuition for summer classes is due by May 1, 2025.  Law Fees are available on the Tuition & Fees page.

Tuition Refund: Students are eligible to receive a full refund of tuition for USF summer courses taken on campus or online (excluding IAP) if courses are dropped by the deadline of June 1, 2025.  Partial refunds are available June 2-12.  No refunds will be granted after June 12, 2025.

Tuition Payment Procedures: Students must pay all outstanding charges (past and current) by May 1, 2025, including visiting students on a Consortium Agreement with USF School of Law. Tuition bill notifications will be e-mailed to you from the USF Student Enrollment Services Accounts Office to your USF email account in mid-April AFTER you have registered for summer classes. The payment options available refer to the balance that you are required to pay the University. Payment in full is due on May 1, 2025. The payment options include:

  • Payment in full, using either an electronic check or personal check
  • 3-month payment plan
  • Third party billing

If payment is not received by May 1, 2025, students with unpaid balances may have their registration cancelled.

More information on the payment plan

Financial Aid

Please note the following:

By registering for courses, the student agrees to:

  • Assume financial responsibility for any charges and/or fees posted to their account.
  • Assume the responsibility for understanding USF’s official policies concerning schedule changes and satisfactory academic progress, and to understand how these changes can affect the student’s financial situation with regard to financial aid eligibility.
  • USF may impose late fees and/or deferment fees on outstanding balances.
  • USF reserves the right to recover all costs involved with collection and/or litigation of delinquent accounts. If the student’s account must be sent to collection or litigation due to nonpayment of the outstanding balance, USF reserves the right to demand payment in full for subsequent semesters of enrollment prior to the beginning of each semester.

Visiting Student summer financial Aid

Transcript Request

Upon a student’s written request, a transcript of summer grades will be mailed. The charge is $5.00 per copy (standard processing). Rushed processing costs $20.00 per copy and must be received before 2pm. Download the Transcript Request Form