
The Cultural Centers offers trainings and workshops throughout the year upon request. We have trained student leaders, staff, and faculty across campus in various capacities. Student groups we often facilitate for include GO Team, Resident Advisors and Community Assistants, ASUSF Senate, athletic teams, and the Muscat Scholars. Our workshops are crafted to be intentional and engaging to the audience at hand.  Topics, concepts, and tools we've covered include:

  • Brave & Safe Spaces
  • Social Justice
  • Big 9 Social Identities 
  • Inclusion and Inclusive Language
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Community Cultural Wealth
  • Cycle of Socialization

We also host the Cultural Diversity Immersion Series (CDI), which is a program you can sign up in the fall typically. Check out the site linked for detailed information on how to get involved with CDI.


How Do I Request A Workshop?

To request a workshop, please contact the Cultural Centers at Helpful information to include in your request can include:

  • Context and reasoning behind your request
  • The intended audience of the workshop
  • Desired learning outcomes
  • Specific dates and times, or a date range if you're flexible.