Pre-Award: The Proposal Submission Process

Are you looking to start a submission for a proposal? Let's review the process!

Here are two reminders:

  • Have you Spoken to your Dean prior to submitting? Approval of your Dean is required two times in the fund seeking process. Check in with your Dean.
  • The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) requires that finalized proposals and relevant documents with all USF approvals be submitted no later than twenty (20) business days prior to the sponsor deadline.

These two reminders helps ensure adequate processing and quality assurance. The goal is to get you funding so that you can do your work, and together “we can change the world from here.” Please plan accordingly.

Step 1 - Identify Sponsor and Application Prep

Are Human Subjects being used for grant proposals? Please review the IRB Process at USF.

Are you partnering with another institution or university to prepare and submit a proposal? Please contact OSP at first.

Step 2 - Complete the Intent to Apply (ITA) Form

The Intent to Apply form submission alerts your college/division, ASP, the IRBPHS and the Senior Vice Provost that you are planning to submit a letter of intent or a proposal to an external funding agency.

Step 3 - Discuss Proposal with OSP

Once OSP has received the ITA form, we will contact you to discuss your proposal. We will help you to develop a budget and complete a timeline for preparing the proposal.

Step 4 - Obtain all USF Approvals and need documentation

OSP will prepare a Proposal Approval Form for your signature and obtain needed Dean and Vice Provost approvals, including for any faculty time commitments and cost share.

Final Step - Proposal is Ready!

For NIH and other federal grant applications, OSP staff will upload the final version of the proposal into For paper submissions, ASP staff will duplicate and mail proposals at least 20 business days prior to the agency deadline.

Ready to Submit?

    Submit a Proposal

Download this Pre Award Process infographic to reference these steps in another format.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at