Federal Updates

The University of San Francisco is tracking executive orders, agency directives, and other proposed policy changes from the federal government. In this evolving landscape, USF is guided by an unwavering commitment to its Jesuit mission and values. This page contains leadership messages and resources for our community and will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Federal Updates Task Force

The task force monitors proposed policy changes that may affect USF, supports USF leadership, and makes recommendations on appropriate responses to federal actions. Additional colleagues across campus may join the task force as needed.

The task force may be reached at federalupdates@usfca.edu.

  • David Philpott
    Associate Vice President for Labor and Employee Relations and Compensation in the Office of General Counsel (Chair)
  • Angie Davis
    Assistant Vice President for Content Strategy in the Office of Marketing Communications
  • Vanessa Gamache
    Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Case Management in the Division of Student Life
  • Martha Peugh-Wade
    Associate Vice President for Compliance in the Office of General Counsel
  • Anastasia Vrachnos
    Vice Provost for Global Education, Immersions, and Strategic Initiatives in the Office of the Provost


Higher Education Associations Updates

Administrative and Congressional Updates