Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education Committee Bylaws

REPS Advisory Bylaws available in pdf format here.
The Title IX office continually strives to maintain and strengthen a climate which fosters mutual
respect and inclusivity for all community members. Its primary concern is the safety and
well-being of USF students, staff, and faculty, and we are tasked with responding to all reports
of sexual misconduct and/or gender discrimination experienced by our community members.
The mission of the USF Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education Committee is to form a
partnership between USF students, staff, and faculty to help create a campus environment that promotes respect, equity, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality. The committee is dedicated to the promotion of the rights of students, staff, and faculty to live, work, and study in a safe and healthy environment, free from sexual discrimination, including sexual and gender-based violence and harassment.
Section 1.
The name of this committee shall be known as the Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education Committee.
Section 1.
The committee will foster communication and collaboration in prevention efforts, engage the campus community, review and suggest areas for improvement, and centralize efforts for sustainable forward momentum. The purpose of this committee is to promote the general welfare of USF students, staff, and faculty, and serve as a resource for sexual violence prevention. The committee will uphold the University’s mission and respect the Jesuit values.
Section 2. Responsibilities:
- Ensure that the work furthers both the institution’s and Title IX’s mission and strategies.
- Ensure that the committee helps foster a campus environment that promotes respect, equity, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality.
- Ensure that the committee assesses the effectiveness of Title IX training modules, workshops, and campaigns.
Section 3. Means to Carrying out Responsibilities:
- Collaborating with the Title IX Office and the Dean of Students through consistent and open communication.
- Reviewing and assessing campaigns surrounding the topic of sexual misconduct, training modules, workshops, and other initiatives.
- Promoting policy and procedures its content through marketing strategies to assist with accessibility to all campus constituencies.
Section 4. Guiding Principles:
- Collaboration
- Respectful and Fair Interaction
- Value all contributions
- Ask “what is possible?” instead of “what is wrong?”
Section 1. Eligibility Requirements :
Any student who meets the qualifications for membership in the University’s Eligibility Policy for Participation in Student Activities will be eligible for membership in the Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education Committee. The most recent version of the Eligibility Policy for Participation in Student Activities will supersede this statement if there are discrepancies. In accordance with the Eligibility Policy for Participation in Student Activities, all members of the Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education Committee shall be:
- a. Enrolled in at least 12 credits at USF at the time or appointment and maintain this unit requirement throughout one’s term.
- b. In good academic standing with the University (e.g., not be on academic probation as defined by the most recent version of the General Catalog) at the time or appointment and maintain this standing throughout one’s term.
- c. In good behavioral standing with the University (e.g., not have received a sanction under the Nonacademic Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure that limits, restricts, or excludes participants in designated privileges or co-curricular activities) at the time of appointment and maintain this standard throughout one’s term.
Section 2.
Membership in the committee will not be denied to anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, or disability.
Section 3.
No member of this committee shall engage in hazing including but not limited to physical abuse, causing excessive mental stress, verbal abuse, or subservience (see Fogcutter Student Handbook for descriptions). Furthermore, students may not commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending this institution.
Section 4. Attendance :
Each committee member will be allotted up to 1 unexcused absence each semester. Any committee member who exceeds 1 unexcused absence shall be considered to have resigned from their position. Excused absences are up to the discretion of the Chair.
Section 5. Positions:
- The Deputy Coordinator will serve as the Chair and will chair all general committee meetings and serve as the main contact for all Committee related affairs.
- A designated student Co-Chair will be responsible for taking meeting minutes and sending them out promptly to all committee members.
- A Marketing & Communications Chair will be responsible to collaborate with the Title IX Office and promote the Title IX Office’s social media presence.
- ASUSF Senate will appoint the Gender & Sexual Diversity Representative on a Committee who will act as a liaison with the student body.
- Graduate Student Senate will appoint a representative.
- All other members will be known as Committee Members and will express interest with the Title IX Office.
Section 6 .
Membership shall remain under 20 committee members, 10 spots will always be reserved for student representation.
Section 1.
Any committee member may resign by emailing the Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Office. The resignation will become effective immediately, or on the date stipulated by the committee member.
Section 1 .
All committee members shall prepare transition materials. A collective document shall be submitted with the actions and initiatives taken by the committee to pass onto the next academic year’s committee. This document shall include recommendations, past initiatives, and marketing materials to help welcome the new members. This document shall also be uploaded to the Title IX Website and sent out to the Dean of Students at the end of each academic year.
Section 1 .
There shall be two committees: the Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education Committee and the Subcommittee.
Section 2.
The Committee will assist in matters of student orientation, sexual awareness month, consent campaigns, and other event/marketing strategies. It would additionally work on ways to communicate Title IX procedures, terms of sexual misconduct, etc. in a more digestible and accessible manner for students with the assistance of the Marketing & Communications Chair.
Section 3 .
The Title IX Subcommittee shall review and make recommendations to the Title IX Office in something, including but not limited to reviewing current workshops, orientation, and collaborating with ASUSF Senate, the Athletics Department, the ASUSF Greek Council, and other organizations.
Section 4.
The Subcommittee may meet at any additional time at the discretion of the Deputy Coordinator and Co-Chair.
Section 1.
Timeframe : Meetings of the Committee and Subcommittee shall be 1 hour long and take place at a consistent monthly scheduled time, excluding University holidays. Emergency meetings may be held at the discretion of the Chair(s).
Section 2.
Agendas : The agenda for each meeting shall be sent out to all members and the Title IX Office a week before the meeting to accommodate for any changes during the week. All members should receive the updated agenda the day before the meeting.
Section 1.
The Committee can collaborate with the Title IX Office and any other departments, organizations, or clubs in accordance with its mission and purpose to foster a more campus environment that promotes respect, equity, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality.
Section 2.
Sponsored or co-sponsored activities are not inconsistent with the acceptable conduct at an American university, and activities do not foster hatred or intolerance of others because of their race, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, or disability.
Section 1.
The Committee may originate amendments to the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Education Bylaws.
Section 2.
Non-substantive amendments to the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Education Bylaws must be approved by majority vote of the Committee. The Committee may amend the Bylaws for non-substantive purposes to remove inconsistencies and ambiguity, achieve consistency with applicable law or policy, and correct obsolete terms, names, or titles.
Section 3 .
Substantive amendments must be approved by the Title IX Office and a majority vote of the Committee. The Committee may amend the Bylaws for substantive purposes to modify the committees’ tasks, membership, add or remove a subcommittee, and any other substantive changes.
Adopted by the Title IX Office in October 2020