Finance FAQ

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Self-Service Banner (SSB) Finance is a web-based information management system that allows users to query budget, actual, and encumbrance activity at both the summary and detail level. It enables transaction detail “drill-down” as well as access to associated individual requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices. It also provides Fund, Organization, Account, Program (FOAP) Codes Lookup and the ability to Save/Delete (query) templates. Additionally, department managers can submit unrestricted, discretionary one-time budget transfers. For training and additional information, contact the Office of Planning and Budget.

FOAPAL is the acronym for Fund-Organization-Account-Program-Activity-Location.  (Activity codes are optional and Location is not in use.) For new Banner FOAP or related questions, please contact Ivy Efendioglu at x2731.

You can “drill down” to individual transactions and their details in 'My Finance Query' in Self-Service Banner for Finance. Click on 'New Query' Select 'Budget Status by Account' and enter search criteria. After submitting the query, you can click on any highlighted colored amount (budget, year-to-date, or commitment) to view its associated transactions and any related system documents. With most queries and drill down results, you can download returned information to Excel (.csv file). For training and additional information, contact the Office of Planning and Budget.

You have the following options:

  • Request a new Org (department) code, or
  • Request an Activity code

Please contact Ivy Efendioglu at x2731 to further discuss your options.

You can send a request along with a description of proposed usage to Ivy Efendioglu. However, new account codes must be global, applicable to multiple departments across campus and not limited to one department. If you need a code that applies to your department only, you should request an Activity code instead.

Activity codes are used to provide departments with a method of tracking specific revenues or expenses that are unique to the department. The code must be created before it can be used and also must be used on all related transactions.

Vendor information is available on SSB Finance if a PO has been issued or payment has been made. Information includes vendor address, PO number, FOAPAL, invoice number, payment date and check number. This information is accessible through query by the user for the FOAPALs that are under his/her responsibility only.