Spanish Writing Center

The Spanish Writing Center is a unique tutorial service that assists students with writing assignments in the Second Year Spanish language classes and beyond. The focus is on elements required to writing an effective essay or research paper: content, organization, language, vocabulary and mechanics. The special one-on-one contact students receive enable them to acquire the necessary writing skills to fulfill assignments and to enhance English writing skills, as well.

The Center is not a correcting or proofreading service. Students are required to actively participate during tutorial sessions with their writing tutors, which involves arriving to each session with specific questions or problem areas they wish to discuss. In addition to answering those questions, tutors will go over a sample paragraphs and give further tips and advice.

Set Up An Appointment

Appointments at the Spanish Writing Center are reserved for students enrolled in Third and Fourth Semester Spanish, as well as Upper Division Spanish courses when tutoring sessions are available. Access to the tutorial schedule and specific writing resources are provided by the Spanish language faculty.

A typical appointment is from thirty minutes to an hour long. Please schedule your appointments in advance before assignments are due. This will allow the tutor to suggest another session before the essay is completed, if necessary.

How To Prepare

Before you visit, please think about what type of help you are looking for. Sessions are most productive when you come with specific questions in mind. Bring a copy of the assignment you are working on. For easier reference to specific grammatical and usage terms, bring the handbook used in your writing course.

Getting Class Credit

Make sure you sign-in when you walk into the Center so that we can give you credit if hours at the Spanish Writing Center are part of your class requirements.