The Office of Diversity Engagement & Community Outreach offers a range of programs aimed at promoting a campus climate and culture that values diversity in all its forms through inclusive dialogues, interpersonal experiences, and Intercultural appreciation; in support of a thriving campus climate and inclusive excellence.
Allies in the Academy
Campus Climate
Campus climate is defined as the behaviors within a workplace or learning environment, ranging from subtle to cumulative to dramatic, that can influence whether an individual feels personally safe, listened to, valued, and treated fairly and with respect. Learn about Campus Climate Survey results
The Call & Response Series
“The Call and Response” is a new audio series highlighting the rich stories, narratives, and testimonies of our community. The result of a two-year partnership with StoryCorps, these recorded dialogues between USF faculty, staff, students, and community members create a storytelling archive edited with the help of Beth Hoffman, Media Studies Professor, and her students.
Community Workforce Day
This initiative to helps identify and potentially prepare diverse applicants from San Francisco-based community organizations with workforce development training programs, for employment opportunities with the University of San Francisco or a USF contractor. The Diverse Workforce Initiative is a campus-wide collaborative effort led by the Office of Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach and the Office of the General Counsel.
Each semester the Office of Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach partners with different schools at USF and community-based partner organizations to bring panel discussions and forums to campus. These discussions spotlight USF faculty who specialize in critical diversity issues and local leaders working on these issues daily.
Gerardo Marín Diversity Fellowships
In these annual fellowships, scholars from underrepresented ethnic minorities are expected to develop as researchers and teachers, while teaching one course per semester in the school where they are placed. Through this program, promising scholars from diverse backgrounds become familiar with the responsibilities of a USF faculty member. Learn about Gerardo Marin Diversity Fellowship
Reflecting on Whiteness
The University Council on Diversity & Inclusion brings together representatives from faculty, staff, students, and alumni across campus departments, schools, and colleges. By having all these areas of campus working together we strive to create an inclusive campus community and culture. The council members review campus initiatives and communicate campus diversity efforts with their offices and campus constituencies. Learn about Universal Council on Diversity and Inclusion
Stakeholder Community Forums
This initiative focuses on enhancing and building key relationships with diverse community leaders throughout the city of San Francisco, building organizational capacity through intercultural engagement, inclusive dialogues and learning experiences. Conferences include Latinas in Leadership
Task Force to Support Undocumented Students
Undocumented students face a host of unique barriers to enrolling and graduating from college, including financial, academic, legal, social, emotional, and spiritual challenges. The Task Force seeks to truly assess the needs of this population and how best we faculty, staff, and administration can support these students not only in meeting the requirements for graduation but also in their developing their whole selves. Learn about the Task Force for Undocumented Students
Visions of Success
Every year the Office of Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach partners with Epsilon Beta Boule and C.A.R.E.S. (Collaborative for Academics, Recreation and Enrichment for Students) to host a daylong program titled “Visions of Success” at USF. Through strengthening community relationships, our students learn from and engage with groups that have traditionally been marginalized.
Working Group on Universal Access
Comprised of faculty, staff, and students, this group aims to create a culture of universal access by sharing best practices, educating the campus community, and connecting ongoing community efforts towards universal access through a central hub. We see access as a shared responsibility, beyond just compliance, that is intersectional in nature, connected to broader forms of diversity, and an essential part of the Jesuit commitment to care for the whole person.