HPS Body Positive Pledge
Take the pledge to promote positive body image in yourself and others to counteract media’s potential influence on normalizing unrealistic body standards. Check off one or more pledges that apply to you.
(Source: Get REAL! about Media and Body Image | NEDA and CSUN)
My pledge(s) are: I pledge to move beyond society’s ideal body standards and embrace my own body. I pledge to tell myself one positive thing about my body every time I look in the mirror and appreciate that I am original and there’s only one me. I pledge to respect my body and not try to fit media’s image of attractiveness. I pledge to keep a healthy and active lifestyle for myself and no one else. I pledge to not judge people based on their body shape and size. I pledge to be proactive about negative body images and challenge unrealistic and demeaning body talk. I pledge to become more media literate and think critically about what I see, hear and read, especially on social media. I pledge to love my body unconditionally. Enter first name only: Email To get a copy of the pledge(s) you made
Did you know you can schedule a Nutrition Education appointment with our Dietetic Technician, Registered at hps.checkappointments.com.