Samantha Giron Medina

female student

Work smarter not harder.


Peer Health Educator Bio

Samantha Giron Medina joined the HPS team in the summer of 2023. Samantha is born and raised in the North Bay. From her experiences in the bay, Samantha has become passionate about mental health and takes a holistic approach when it comes to health and wellbeing. Her background in Psychology and Sociology has laid the foundation for both individual care and public health on a population level. She looks forward to supporting students on their health journey and answering any questions they may have. In her free time, Samantha loves exploring in the outdoors, dancing, painting, and crocheting. 


M.P.H. Candidate, Behavioral Health Concentration, University of San Francisco
B.A. Psycology, B.A. Sociology, with a minor in Spanish, Oregon State University 

Schedule 1:1 Appointment with Samantha

Meet with me for an Alcohol Education BMI appointment.

Schedule at 10to8