2025 Go Move Challenge: Week Four Recap
A trio of Fairfield employees play pickleball at lunch to earn their minutes
Published Friday, February 28, 2025
Today marks the last day of the 13th annual Go Move Challenge! The challenge officially closes tonight at 11:59 p.m. (PST). However, to ensure that participants have an opportunity to track all of their minutes, the challenge portal will stay open until tomorrow, March, 1 11:59 p.m. (PST). Final numbers will be posted in next week's AJCU newsletter! Here are the latest numbers on what we have collectively accomplished:
- 22 Jesuit Institutions registered
- 2831employees participated
- Over 2.5 million minutes of activity accumulated!
- Average of 33 minutes a day per participant which is above the AHA physical activity guideline!!
Dancing the month away
Carol Cook, USF, shares how dancing has kept her active this month while having a blast:
"I have been diligently increasing my dance minutes every week in Feb for the Go Move Challenge. I have been going freestyle and line dancing every Friday and Saturday night since last April to stay fit. This photo is of me before line dancing from this past Valentine’s night. A group of us enjoy the live music in Pacifica by California Cowboys band and danced for 4 hours and 3 more hours on the Saturday night after. Those minutes are every bit full of sweat and hard work for fitness." Way to earn those minutes, Carol!
Fordham: Cruising Through Central Park
Jemima Attanasio shares how her crew has been moving this month.
"At Fordham University, our DAUR (Development and University Relations) team have greatly enjoyed using Go Move as an opportunity to take some lunchtime walks together locally. Last year (2024), we took several walks at our Rose Hill campus in the Bronx, and in Central Park, next to our Lincoln Center campus in Manhatten. On Monday this week (2/24), my colleague, Julie Fissinger, and I led a stroll through Central Park again. We were fortunate to have some warmer weather (over 50F!) after a very cold winter so far, so we were doubly blessed! And, we all enjoyed the company of new and long-tenured co-workers joining the walk."
Fairfield: Trekking through the Chill
Bundled up Danielle Anderson braves the cold to walk with her fur baby to earn minutes. What dedication!
USF: Hikes with a View
Photos from top to bottom:
- Janice Chuakay hiking in the beautiful hills of Marin with daughter and pooches
- Katherine Green hiking the Hazelnut Trail in San Pedro Park. She notes that she didn't see one hazelnut, but alot of manzanita, eucalyptus, and a giant live oak
- Joanne Babin hiking the Inspiration Trail at Tilden Park
Saint Louis University: Mascot motivates
Woody the Duo Dog helps kick off the challenge to get participants moving. Who wouldn't be motivated by this cute pooch?
Get Social
A picture is worth 1000 words. Encourage, engage and get motivated by seeing how our fellow Jesuit colleagues are moving this month, connect with us on Instagram and Facebook or use our tag #GoMoveChallenge.
Do you have a story or photos to share for our last recap in next week's AJCU newsletter? We would love to hear from participants from all of our universities. Send them to skisylia@usfca.edu to include.
The University with the most minutes on 2/28 11:59pm pst wins bragging rights and this prestigious plaque!
Weekly Recaps
As we have been reporting each week, participants have been as excited as ever to share their feedback on how the Go Move Challenge has positively influenced their month of February and beyond. If you missed any stories from previous weeks, you can access them, along with pictures, at any time: